Safe Ball (3.5e Equipment)

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Safe Ball: When inactive, the Safe Ball appears as a black ball, about half a foot across. When examining the sphere, the holder can see a dark yellow button on top. When the button is pressed, it creates a large, colourful sphere around the wielder. The sphere can not be destroyed except by means of a disentegration spell. The caster can expand the sphere to hold allies, vehicles, or even small buildings by making a concentration check. (DC 19) Any check, successful or not, deals 1d6 subdual damage to the wielder. The wielder can move the sphere and change the colour as she cares. The sphere can be active for an hour a day.

Moderate (DC 19) EvocationCL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Resilient Sphere; Cost 2,800 gp, 112 XP, 3 Days.; Activation: Standard (Command); Weight: 1/2 lb.; Market Price: 3,000 gp

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