SRD Talk:Bag of Tricks

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Action type[edit]

What type of action does it take to use a Bag of Tricks? MorkaisChosen 15:17, 18 February 2008 (MST)

I think it takes the casting time of the spell it is emulating (Summon Nature's Ally), so 1 round. Tough it seems lame to wait until your next round to be able to throw out one of the fuzzy wolverines at your opponent's face. --Aarnott 15:22, 18 February 2008 (MST)
If it isn't noted, it's a standard action. YMMV. --Dmilewski 18:44, 18 February 2008 (MST)
Makes more sense. Though that sorta makes it "better" than Summon Nature's Ally (in some cases). Honestly this item owns in general for so many uses. Of course, the group I play with biased my opinion of it with some very creative uses. I never had to worry about action type because they only used it in combat once. --Aarnott 19:01, 18 February 2008 (MST)