Rubber Warrior (5e Class)
Rubber Warrior[edit]
After finding a strange fruit with its purple color and some swirls in it, by eating this fruit you end up turning into a Rubber Man, being able to stretch your whole body... But maybe there is something more in these new skills found, unfortunately now you were cursed by the Water Gods Silvanus, Auril, Umberlee, Deep Sashelas, Blibdoolpoolp and Seber to no longer be able to swim, whenever you are submerged in water you will become seasick and start to sink.
Creating a Rubber Warrior[edit]
- Quick Build
You can make a Rubber Pirate quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution or Dexterity, third Wisdom. {{5e Class Features |name= Rubber Pirates |hd=10 |spellcasting= |armor= None |weapons= Simple weapons |tools= None |saves= Strength, Dexterity |skills=Choose three from Athletics, Acrobatics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Nature, and Survival |item1a= Explorer's Cloth |item1b= Explorer Outfit and Straw Hat |item2a= any two simple weapons |itemwb= any marcial weapon |item3a=A dungeoneer's pack |item3b=An explorer's pack |wealth=2d4 x 10 gp |classfeatures1= Rubber Man, Unarmored Defense |classfeatures2= Rubber Techniques |classfeatures3= Bounce |classfeatures4= |classfeatures5= Extra Attack |classfeatures6= Second Gear |classfeatures7= Third Gear, Elastic Evasion |classfeatures8= |classfeatures9= Armament Haki, Observation Haki |classfeatures10= #Conqueror's Haki |Conqueror's Haki]] ]]
Rubber Man[edit]
Starting at 1st level, you gain a rubbery body through a variety of different means (usually by eating a devil fruit). You gain the following benefits:
- Your melee range is extended to 15 feet.
- You can roll a d6 in place of your normal unarmed strike damage. This die changes as you gain levels of rubber pirate, as shown in the Unarmed Strikes column of the Rubber Warrior table.
- When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike, you can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action, assuming you haven't already taken a bonus action this turn.
- Because of your rubber body, you are immune to lightning damage and have resistance to Bludgeoning damage.
- Your speed in water equals 0, if you have swimming speed it will be halved, you become seasick (This condition cannot be countered by magic, ability or resistance and immunity). You can remain in the water drowning a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier, which after you reach the number you will be reduced to 0 hit points. When drowning, you take 1d10 damage per turn.
Unarmored Defense[edit]
Just as you can stretch and bend in absurd ways - you can get back into shape after impacts! At 1st level, when you are not wearing armor, your AC equals 10 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier.
Rubber Techniques[edit]
Starting at 2nd level, your journey as a rubber pirate has been quite bizarre, but you have used that creativity to it's fullest. You are able to use a myriad of techniques that connect to your body's power. These are listed at the bottom of the page and you are able to learn however many it says on the Rubber Technique column on the Rubber Pirate table above.
Rubber Abilities Strength is your main stat for your techniques (shown below), as you'll likely be using these moves through sheer luck and dogged will. You always use your Constitution to define your energy. In addition, you use your Strength modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an Eraser Technique you use and when making an attack roll with one.
When you spend an Stamina point, it becomes unavailable until you finish a short or long rest, at the end of which, all energy points expended return to you. You must spend the 30 minutes of the rest eating meat or sleeping to regain your energy points.
Rubber save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier
Rubber attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier
The following rules apply to all Techniques unless otherwise noted:
- To use Rubber Techniques, you must be able to move at least one of your arms.
- All rubber techniques require stamina.
- Anything that prevents him from moving, such as the condition of being knocked down, also prevents him from using Rubber Techniques.
- Stamina and ki do not stack and cannot be used to cover each other's cost.
Starting at 3rd level, as a rubberman you aways bounces back. You can use your reaction when you fall to reduce the falling damage taken by an amount equal to five times your Rubberman level, as an action on your turn the stress of the fall puts strain on your legs, allowing you to jump like a spring twice as many meters as you fell, if you want to hit a creature in the air with the jump, you perform a ranged attack with your body and when you hit a creature it suffers fall damage equal to the number of meters jumped + con.
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by by 1. By default, you cannot raise an ability score above 20 with this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. This increases to three attacks when you reach 15th level.
Second Gear[edit] 13.gif |
Monkey D. Luffy transforming into Gear Second for the first time, Toei Animation |
Starting at 6th level, you've learned through your battles a reason to become stronger and faster than you currently are for a short time, activating a power you call "Gear Second". This is a transformation technique that increases the user's strength, speed, and mobility, usually used as a transformation for a rubber pirate. This technique involves speeding up blood flow to all or selected parts of the body in order to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to make them more powerful than ever. While quite strong, the technique uses even more oxygen and energy than normal, consuming more food and causing the user to pant heavily and lose energy at an increased rate.
When using Gear Second, you lose 3 Stamina at the end of your turns, and you must make a Constitution save (DC 15) to untransform on a whim to protect your body. On a failure, you are knocked prone and gain 1 level of exhaustion, and on a success, you are able to regain 1d4 + Con Mod energy. If you lose all your energy while in Gear Second, you must make the same check, but at a DC of 20 and on a success, you regain no energy.
You can only use Gear Second once per long rest until you reach 9th level, where it only takes 2 Stamina per round and you no longer need to make the save when you untransform on a whim. At 11th level, you can use Gear Second moves for split seconds and use them outside of the transformation itself.
By unlocking Gear Second, you are able to add these new Rubber Techniques to your known techniques, learning them for free if you have the Gearless variant (e.g. Gomu-Gomu no Pistol -> Gomu-Gomu no Jet Pistol).
While on Second Gear, you will gain the following benefits:
- Your walking speed doubles.
- You will gain a +1 to your Dexterity and Strength score, which can go above 20.
- Due to your speed, you are able to overcome immunities to Non-Magical bludgeoning damage (including magic if Armament Haki is used in conjunction).
- You will add your proficiency bonus to your AC.
The Gear second techniques are listed at the bottom of the page along with Rubber Techniques.
Transformation benefits do not stack with other gears.
Third gear[edit]
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Monkey D. Luffy transforming into Gear Third in Paramount War, Toei Animation |
Starting at 7th level, piggybacking on learning Gear Second, you quickly work towards unlocking another powerful technique called "Gear Third". This is activated by covering the mouth with the thumb, biting the thumb joint (making a small opening) and blowing hard on the bones which then inflates the arm. You also learned that it's possible to transfer air throughout your entire body, requiring your torso to act as an interface for your various limbs, unlocking a whole new set of moves and things you can get creative with. When activating this new "Gear", you spend 4 energy, the transformation lasts 1 minute and you gain:
-Any Technique gains 2d12 extra bludgeoning damage, level 9th increases to 3d12 extra bludgeoning damage and level 13th to 4d12 extra bludgeoning damage.
-Any technique that inflicts damage through a "line" of range becomes a "cone" with twice the area of effect (Gomu-Gomu no Pistol 30ft Line -> Gomu-Gomu no Gigant Pistol 60ft Cone)
-Any technique that inflicts damage through a "Cone" increases its range by 20 feet.
-Giant techniques have +2 to hit, because of the increased size
- Transformation benefits do not stack with other gears.
At the end of Gear Third's duration, the user shrinks to a small-sized creature and is unable to take actions and reactions until the end of the next turn, where it returns to normal size. Gear Third can also only be used once per long rest, which increases to twice and lasts 2 minutes at level 8 and finally becomes usable three times and lasts 1 hour at level 13.
Upon unlocking Gear Third, you can choose from a host of new abilities, replacing the base abilities.
Elastic Evasion[edit]
Starting at 7th level, you can nimbly dodge certain area effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are targeted by an effect that requires a Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, you take no damage on a successful save, and only half damage on a failed one.
Armament Haki[edit]
Starting at 9th level, as a free action you can imbue your hands with your spirit to create essentially invisible armor around you, causing your unarmed strikes to deal an additional 2d8 bludgeoning damage. This increases to 2d10 when you reach 10th level, and to 3d8 at 13th level.
When you activate this feature, your unarmed strikes counts as magical. When a creature attacks you, you can use a reaction to block the attack with Armament Haki, halving damage and gaining a +2 bonus to your AC, Haki lasts until the end of your next turn.
You can use Haki a number of times equal to your proficiency+con, regaining all uses after finishing a long rest, if you use them before then, you gain 1 level of exhaustion.
Observation Haki[edit]
Starting at 9th level you can use this Haki The most common use of this Haki allows the user to sense the presence of others. This type of Haki allows the user to see another person through the aura, whether behind buildings, strategically hidden or camouflaged. When using this ability as an action, you gain the benefits of true sight out to a range of 60 feet, as well as gaining proficiency in the perception skill. If it's already a proficiency, you double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
You add your Wisdom modifier to your initiative rolls, haki lasts until the end of your next turn, and you can use the haki a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining uses after completing a long rest.
Conqueror's Haki[edit]
At 10th level, you awaken your inner desires to be a king. Conqueror's Haki is a rare form of Haki that allows the user to exert their own willpower on others. This type of Haki cannot be achieved through training and only one in several million people is born with this skill and you and any of them say that whoever has this type of haki has the qualities of a king. Exert your willpower on others. You gain the following benefits:
-As an action, you can attempt to exert your will on humanoids or beasts that you can see in a 15-foot cone that can see you. The creature is forced to make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. On a failed save, the target is stunned until the end of your next turn. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw against this feature is immune to it for the next 24 hours. -You can cast captivate and command once, without expending spell slots. You regain the ability to do so after completing a long rest. You can cast it more often if you have spell slots available for it.
Fourth Gear[edit]
Upon reaching 11th level, you are able to use your Armament Haki and cover much of your body with it, growing a larger size in terms of what you can lift/move. You then activate Gear Fourth, in two different forms as a bonus action for one minute/
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Monkey D. Luffy's first transformation into 'Gear Fourth: Boundman ' against Doflamingo, Toei Animation |
When blowing on your arm, your body deforms and suddenly grows greatly in size, with (usually) your arms, torso and legs coated in Busoshoku Haki, the transformation lasts 10 minutes and you spend 5 energy points. From this transformation, you:
-Increase a size category and add +3 to your AC;
-Every melee attack roll made by the user deals 2d10 extra damage;
-The user gains advantage on all attack rolls with the Gomu-Gomu no Mi techniques and the technique's damage increases by an extra 1d12;
-Creatures have disadvantage on strength saving throws against Gomu-Gomu no Mi techniques;
-Increases the user's normal speed by two times;
-At the end of this technique, the user gains or increases 2 Levels of Exhaustion and will not be able to use any type of Haki for 10 minutes.
- Transformation benefits do not stack with other gears.
Along with your new transformation, you can choose from new techniques that require you to be in Gear Fourth to use, which are listed at the bottom of the page under rubber techniques, you can transform once, recovering after a long rest.
Tankman =[edit]
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Monkey D. Luffy's first transformation in Gear Fourth: Snakeman against Charlotte Katakuri, Toei Animation |
At 15th level, as a bonus action you activate Snakeman and spend 6 energy points, greatly increasing your height but making your Haki range a little more limited, covering only your arms and legs, gaining the following benefits:
-This technique lasts up to 5 minutes;
-You cannot be surprised and +3 to hit;
-Adds half the Dexterity modifier rounded down to your attacks;
-User increases one size category and adds +3 to their AC;
-Each melee attack roll made by the user takes 4d10 extra damage;
-The user gains advantage on all attack rolls with the Gomu-Gomu no Mi techniques and the technique's damage increases by an extra 2d12;
-Creatures have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws against Gomu-Gomu no Mi techniques;
-Increases the user's normal speed by two times in addition to gaining 2 reactions per turn, totaling a maximum of 3;
-At the end of this technique, the user gains or increases 2 Levels of Exhaustion and will not be able to use any type of Haki for 10 minutes.
- Transformation benefits do not stack with other gears.
Along with your new transformation, you can choose from new techniques that require you to be in Gear Fourth to use, although upon reaching level 18 you are able to transform into Gear Fourth quickly and use them without the transformation being necessary. you can transform once, recovering after a long rest, the abilities are listed under the rubber techniques.
Advanced Armament Haki[edit]
Starting at 14th level, you've trained your Busoshoku Haki to the fullest by being as effective as possible.
- Explosion of Haki. You've been trained in your Busoshoku Hak long enough to gain the ability to fire a blast of your haki at someone. This haki flurry has a range of 30 feet and its damage is the amount the blows deal.
-Internal Destruction. You can use your Haki blast to internally attack someone when you do this, you can automatically gain a crit on your target as long as they are within 30 feet of you. You can only use this ability 1 time before taking a short or long rest.
Advanced Observation Haki[edit]
At 14th level, having an extraordinary mastery of Kenbunshoku Haki, you have trained in such a way that you can see a little ahead into the future.
You've practiced with your Haki Sense enough to see a little bit into the future, as an action you can activate this skill once per short rest, when activating this skill you can't be hit by any attacks, but while this skill is active you can't can attack, so when you stop using your ability as a bonus action or after 2 rounds you gain advantage on your first attack, but you've depleted your sense by being slowed causing you to have disadvantage on hitting for 2 of your turns after the 2 turns you have no disadvantage on your attack, you also cannot use futuresight while debuffed for this effect.
Advenced Haoshoku Haki[edit]
At 18th level, a very small number of particularly powerful Haoshoku Haki users are able to refine their Haki, infusing their entire bodies with it and you have achieved this feat, a final step towards becoming a King/Queen.
When you make an attack roll with a melee weapon or an unarmed strike, you can imbue it with your bonus action, dealing an additional amount of damage equal to your proficiency bonus + twice your Wisdom modifier on hit. .
-You can use this feature 3 times, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.
-If your imbued attack roll misses, roll the damage anyway. The target of your attack roll takes half the damage roll, rounded down, this fails if the target is using the dodge action, evasion ability, or teleportation spell as a reaction.
-Imbued attacks gain +1d4 on their attack rolls.
Gear 5[edit]
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Luffy transforming into Gear Fifth for the first time fighting Kaido, the King of Beasts! Eiichiro Oda / Shonen Jump.' |
Gear Fifth is a transformation like no other, resulting from the awakening of the fruit you as a rubber pirate ate so long ago. This is your final step, and at 20th level you unlock the following 'fruits' of your transformation. Becoming the Pirate King is in your reach!
- This technique lasts 15 minutes if you force it beyond 15 minutes the advantage is nullified and you gain 2 exhaustion points every extra 5 minutes Each point of exhaustion lasts 10 minutes
- In this form the user gains +45 feet range to attack
- User speed increases by 60 feet
- All Gear 5 attacks gain an extra 6d12 damage +3 in CA
- All your Gear 5 moves have advantage as long as you are not wielding weapons and gain +6 on attack rolls
- Your hits ignore resistances, immunities and armor
- Everything that is in contact with the user becomes rubber and the user can also cross people or objects that he is touching
- Reduction for all damages= Hit Dice times Proficiency
- The user can shape their size and physical shape at will and everyone they touch also turns to rubber while in contact.
- In this form the Gomu Gomu no Gatling only needs one hit
- When you are using Gear 5 you can use these skills a number of times equal to your proficiency + strength modifier
Gomu-Gomu no Kaminari
15 Stamina
While the user is in Gear 5 form they can use a reaction to grab lightning around them from an attack or storm and launching them back at / towards a target. In the case of a reaction the hit against you cannot be greater than your AC
Gomu-Gomu no Bajrang Gun
50 Stamina
The ultimate ability user rolls 8+ Strength modifier + proficiency against a target's Dexterity score in total to hold the target on hit the target takes full damage and on miss it takes half damage. then inflating your hand making it huge covering an area of 3000ft your hand is covered in Haoshoku Haki (if you are in the middle of a storm you can grab a number of lightning bolts equal to your proficiency times 2. Upon dropping your hand from the sky you induce a strength and constitution save (DC18 Strength, DC 20 Constitution). Upon failing both the target is thrown into the ground with full damage and leaves them destroyed beyond all belief, failing one does half damage and passing both holds the fist back and begins a clash. (Damage: 20d4+20d4*3)
Rubber Techniques[edit]
All Rubber techniques may be used in place of an unarmed strike attack, unless stated otherwise. You cannot use the same technique twice on the same turn. Travel Techniques don't use stamina at all.
Gomu-Gomu no Pistol
1 Stamina
The user stretches his arm back then throws a devastating punch forwards. This attack can be used from short to long range. Range 30/60ft, on a hit the target takes 1d6+FOR bludgeoning damage.
Gomu-Gomu no Bullet
1 Stamina
Prerequisite: Gomu-Gomu no Pistol
The user stretches one arm, far behind him while running, then snaps it back to deliver a short-distance, one-fisted powerful blow to an opponent. Range 45/90ft, on a hit the target takes 2d6+4 bludgeoning damage.
Gomu-Gomu no Bazooka
2 stamina, plus 1 for every round held
As an attack, you stretch both arms far back starting at 15ft and then hurl them forward in melee range to hit one creature instantaneously with a double open palm strike with both hands for Unarmed Strike x 2 + Strength Modifier + 1d10), knocking back the opponent the amount of feet in the opposite direction the attack came from. You can hold this action for up to 5 turns, increasing the arms stretch length by 15ft per round held increasing the damage by your unarmed strike die for every round.
Gomu Gomu Gomu Gomu no Bazooka
3 stamina, plus 1 for every round held
Prerequisite: Gomu-Gomu no Bazooka
A stronger version of Gomu Gomu no Bazooka, used to send flying heavy opponents. The attack is the same as Bazooka but with the difference that when the user stretches his arms back, he stretches them an extremely long distance. Instead of up to 75ft back, you can stretch farther and farther back for up to 150ft that increases from 20ft up to 6 rounds. Upon hitting with this ability you do Unarmed Strike x 3 + Strength Modifier + 1d10 damage, knocking the opponent the amount of feet in the opposite direct the attack came from times 2.
Gomu Gomu no Gatling
4 stamina
As a full turn action, you can use your stretching ability to bring your fists forward repeatedly in a blurry, rapid barrage of strong punches that creates the illusion having multiple arms to attack an enemy at range. The creature is hit for each successful attack roll, up to 5 times, for a damage of (Punch damage + Strength Modifier). When you do so, you cannot use a bonus action until the start of your next turn.
Gomu-Gomu no Bowgun
3 stamina
Taking hold of his opponent from behind, the user repeatedly twists his torso vertically around his hips before grasping them with his feet and then rapidly untwisting, creating a snapback that sends his opponent flying upwards. When grabbed the target must make a strength save against the Rubber Technique DC or be thrown into the air 30ft, taking one attack of opportunity from the user along with anyone within 5ft.
Gomu Gomu no Rifle
1 stamina
The user twists his arm around as he stretches it behind him for 50ft. and hits the opponent at 5ft for(Unarmed Strike damage x 2 +Strength Modifer + 3d10)
Gomu-Gomu no Cannon
5 Stamina
The user builds up speed and momentum with a long series of quick punches similar to Gomu Gomu no Gatling, stopping just short of the target(s) at first, and finishes with a single double-palm blow similar to Bazooka to thrust-forward the gathered force all at once. Upon attacking with this move the user must make 3 unarmed strikes where at least one has to connect, adding up damage through hits until they blow forward, doing Unarmed Strike damage x 2.
Gomu Gomu no Fusen
1 Stamina
Technique where you inflate yourself rapidly through your mouth, further increasing your resistance to damage. As a reaction, you can increase your AC by 5, being able to deflect slashing and bashing projectile attacks, as long as it is not piercing or magical.
Gomu-Gomu no Muchi
2 Stamina
The user stretches their leg and launches a kick to knock their enemies down in an large cone/radius. Every creature within the technique's area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against the Rubber Technique DC taking full damage on a failure and being knocked prone or half as much damage upon succeeding and not being knocked prone. Damage: (Unarmed Strike damage + Strength Modifier)
Gomu-Gomu no Tsuchi
2 Stamina
The user stretches out his arms while twisting them, and then takes hold of his opponent. He then untwists them, rapidly spinning his opponent, while bringing him crashing to the floor. The target must avoid this using a dexterity save against the Rubber Technique DC or be thrown into the ground taking Unarmed Strike damage x 2 + Strength modifier + 1d8
Gomu-Gomu no Ozuchi
4 Stamina
Pre-Requisite: Gomu-Gomu no Tsuchi
Similar to Gomu Gomu no Tsuchi, but the user performs it using the feet and legs instead of hands and arms while in mid-air. The target must make a strength save against the Rubber Technique DC or be restrained and thrown into the ground at an even higher elevation, dealing Unarmed Strike Damage x 3 + Strength Modifier + 2d8
Gomu-Gomu no Hanabi
2 Stamina
The user fires countless punches in all directions with impressive speed over a much larger area of 350ft. Every creature within the technique's area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. Taking full damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. (Unarmed Strike x2 + Strength Modifer + 1d10)
Gomu-Gomu no Kama
1 Stamina
The user grabs an object behind his opponent within 100ft and pulls himself towards them. He then stretches out his other arm and clotheslines his opponent dealing Unarmed Damage + Strength modifier.
Gomu-Gomu no Yari
1 Stamina
The user holds his feet together (with the bottoms of each touching each other) and kicks with both simultaneously via his toes for a 20ft line (giving off the image of an actual spearhead) dealing Unarmed Strike damage + Strength Modifier + 1d10
Gomu-Gomu no Ono (Axe)
3 Stamina
The user stretches one leg high into the air, then brings it crashing down via a high-gravity stomp on an opponent or structure, for massive damage, strong enough to destroy large buildings and ships in a single hit. On a hit this deals Unarmed Strike damage x 3 + Strength Modifier + 1d10 and the target (if applicable) must make a Constitution save against the Rubber Technique DC or be knocked prone and restrained under the foot of the user.
Gomu-Gomu no Kane
1 Stamina
While latched onto an enemy, the user stretches his neck backwards, before snapping it back for a devastating head butt to the opponent's face (though there exist times where the user does not need to latch onto an enemy and only does the headbutt portion). Range 30/60ft and dealing Unarmed Strike + Strength Modifier x 2.
Gomu Gomu no Pinwheel
3 Stamina
The user plants his feet into the ground to steady himself, then twisting his body around tightly to a point of being unable to do it anymore. The user then grabs ahold of a large object and flings it around at an amazingly fast in a 30ft radius for 3 rounds, each round inducing a dexterity save against the rubber technique DC or taking your Strength Modifier in damage and being knocked prone. When it ends the user is stuck in the ground and will need to be pulled out unless they can roll a strength check to get out themselves.
Gomu-Gomu no Stamp
1 Stamina
Using their body's elasticity, the user harnesses their strength and kicks a creature with a melee attack roll for unarmed strike damage. If, while pushing back, the creature hits an object or structure more than 5 feet in radius, it takes an extra 2d8 damage.
Gomu Gomu no Stamp Gatling
3 Stamina
Similar to Gomu Gomu no Stamp, except the user makes multiple strikes with his feet. Roll the attack 3 times.
Gomu-Gomu no Tate
1 Stamina
The user grabs the fingers of one hand with the other, and stretches them before his face to block blades that pass between the fingers, raising his AC by 2 against slashing damage.
Gomu-Gomu no Ami
1 Stamina
The user entwines his fingers making a net like shape and then stretches out his fingers making a larger net in an attempt to trap his opponents, the opponent must make a force save against the Rubber Technique's DC or be restrained by the rubber net, rerolling the roll on their turn to end the condition.
Gomu-Gomu no Baku
1 Stamina
The user stretches his mouth wide open, and attempts to bite or swallow his opponent. This is used primarily as a joke though can do real damage. Unarmed Strike Damage + Strength Modifier
Gomu-Gomu no Marunoko
3 Stamina
The user grabs his opponent from afar with both arms and winds himself up like with a bow gun. The target must make a strength save against the Rubber Technique DC or be restrained against this attack, which instantly hits on a failure. He then kicks off from the ground and spins towards his opponent to deliver a powerful head butt that deals Unarmed Strike x 3 + Strength Modifier.
Gomu-Gomu no Storm
5 Stamina
Prerequisite: Gomu-Gomu no Balloon
The user first uses Gomu-Gomu no Balloon and twists his body around tightly, then blows the air out behind him while untwisting to fly in forward while spinning towards an opponent, where he delivers a constant barrage of powerful punches similar to Gomu Gomu no Gatling, with power greatly enhanced by the momentum of his spinning launch. On a hit this deals Unarmed Strike x 4 + Strength Modifier + 2d10
Gomu-Gomu no Rocket
1 Stamina'
As a bonus action, using the ground or some object as support, the user can stretch their arms and launch themselves for up to 60ft in any direction.
Gomu-Gomu no Boh...
5 Stamina
As a full turn action the user activates their ultimate ability, the ability to lose all consciousness in their mind and purely rely on instinct. You gain +10 to your AC and have the ability to dodge at supernatural speeds, but you are unable to do any action or anything else until you stop the attack.
Gomu-Gomu no Tako
1 Stamina
A technique in which the user causes their appendages to go limp so that they resemble the tentacles of an octopus along with their head inflating to an incredibly large size, you are under the effect of the soft fall spell.
Gomu-Gomu no Tako Hanabi
4 Stamina
Prerequisite: Gomu-Gomu no Tako
The user fires a very Gomu Gomu no Hanabi attack except, due to the previous move, Gomu Gomu no Tako, their limbs bounce off walls without losing speed. As their limbs are limp, the user cannot predict or control where they will bounce off an object, let alone the unlucky opponent(s). This is completely advantageous against a user of Kenbunshoku Haki and the sixth sense spell which do not affect him, as they also cannot predict where the user's punches and kicks would come from, giving them +1 to attack, except go after everyone in a 30-foot radius (Unarmed Strike x2 + Strength Modifier + 1d10 )
Gomu-Gomu no Ame
4 Stamina
The user jumps into the air and performs a strong, rapid-fire punching attack while spinning. Similar to Gomu Gomu no Storm, except without inflating himself beforehand, and he punches while descending like rain dealing Unarmed Strike x 2 + Strength Modifier
Gear Second Techniques[edit]
1 Stamina
Prerequisite: Gear Second's
By using Gear Second's immense increase in speed, a rubber pirate is able to emulate the spell "Misty Step" by moving so fast between places that they seem to teleport! This is as large of a radius as your movement speed during the dash action.
Gomu-Gomu no Jet Pistol
1 Stamina
Prerequisite: Gear Second's
The user performs a far faster and stronger Gomu Gomu no Pistol in Gear Second, extending their range by 30ft and being able to attack with more force. They are also able to perform this move twice in one turn because of the aforementioned speed while using more stamina.
Damage: (Unarmed Strike damage + Strength Modifier + 2d6 Force Damage)
Gomu-Gomu no Jet Stamp
3 Stamina
Prerequisite: Gear Second's
The user begins to pull off the same effect they do with Jet Pistol to upgrade the already powerful Gomu-Gomu no Stamp, creating Gomu-Gomu no Jet Stamp, which shows them kicking from the air in a large cone of 30ft in any downward motion. This does an effect that is a mixture of both Gomu-Gomu no Gatling (kicking over and over with successful attacks up to 5 times) and Jet Pistol (Large Range) together. As an after-effect, the ground below the user is completely destroyed creating difficult terrain where the cone was as long as three of their attacks hit.
Damage: (Unarmed Strike Damage + Strength Modifier + 2d6 Force)
Gomu-Gomu no Jet Bazooka
3 Stamina
Prerequisite: Gear Second's
The user stretches both of their arms backwards and seemingly teleports infront of a target within 30ft of them, bashing them in the stomach 20ft away, afterwards the user is then unable to use their extra attack or bonus action attack for the turn. If they fly into a structure (i.e a wall of some sort) they take an extra 2d6 force damage.
Damage: (Double your Unarmed Strike die + Strength Modifer + 1d6 + 1d8)
Gomu-Gomu no Jet Gatling
5 Resistance
Prerequisite: Gear Second's
As a full-round action, Nikko plants her feet on the ground and unleashes an insanely fast flurry of punches that are nearly impossible to dodge and do all the damage a normal Gomu-Gomu no Gatling would do because of it.
Damage: (The amount of ten more dice from unarmed strikes + Strength modifier + 2d6)
Gomu-Gomu no Red Hawk
1 Stamina
Prerequisite: Gear Second's
When leaning back, its arm ignites, releasing a stream of fire. When the attack hits, it creates a blast of fire even underwater and deals massive damage.
Damage: (Unarmed Strike damage + Strength Modifer + 1d8 + 2d6 + 1d8 [Fire Damage])
Gear Third Techniques[edit]
Gomu-Gomu no Gigant Pistol
4 Resistance
Prerequisite: Gear Third
The user unleashes a Gomu Gomu no Pistol with extreme force due to their larger fist size, covering a 60-foot Cone. If successfully hit by this technique, the target must make a Strength check against your Rubber Techniques DC or be knocked back for half the damage it took in feet, which on a success is sent for half.
Damage: (quintuple your unarmed strike die (1d8->5d8) + Strength modifier + 2d12) Bludgeoning + 3d12 Strength
Gomu-Gomu no Gigant Bazooka
5 Stamina
Prerequisite: Gear Third
To create this attack, the user inflates both of their arms by biting both of the thumbs and blowing into them. With both of their arms inflated to large proportions, the user then delivers the attack onto an opponent the same way they regularly do with a normal Gomu Gomu no Bazooka attack, except stretching backwards with half of the time needed and with much greater power.
Damage: (Quintupled Unarmed Strike Die (1d8->5d8) + Strength Modifier + 2d12) Bludgeoning + 5d10 Force
Gomu-Gomu no Elephant Gun
3 Stamina
(Prerequisite: Gomu-Gomu no Gigant Pistol, Armament Haki, Gear Third)
The enhanced version of the Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol. After activating Gear Third it will implement Busoshoku: Koka into its attack by rotating its black arm, flinging the opponent 5 feet, if it hits any structure, it takes an extra 1d6 damage.
Damage: (1d10 + 1d4 + Strength Modifer + 2d6 + 2d12)
Gomu-Gomu no Elephant Gatling
6 Stamina
(Prerequisite: Gomu-Gomu no Gatling, Armament Haki, Gear Third)
After enlarging and impregnating both arms with Busoshoku Haki similarly to the Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun, Luffy ends up making a sequence of attacks against the opponent flinging the opponent 15 feet, if it hits any structure, it takes an extra 1d6 damage.
Damage: (4d8 + 1d4 + Strength Modifer + 2d6 + 2d12)
Gomu-Gomu no Red Roc
5 Stamina
(Prerequisite: Gomu-Gomu no Elephant Gun, Gomu-Gomu no Red Hawk, Gear Third)
It's a combination between Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun and Gomu Gomu no Red Hawk, when doing this your arm starts to catch fire causing fire damage and in addition to throwing the opponent back 3 feet.
Damage: (3d10 + 1d4 + Strength Modifer + 2d8 + 2d6 + 2d12) At the start of the next turn, the opponent hit by this technique takes 1d8 fire damage.
Gear Fourth Techniques[edit]
Boundman Techniques[edit]
Gomu-Gomu no Kong Gun
4 Stamina
Prerequisite: Gear Fourth
After compressing the fist of his forearm (and making it look like a real cannon), he unleashes a devastating short-range punch with enormous power. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your Rubber Technique DC or be thrown 20 feet and knocked prone.
Damage: (1d10+1d4 + Strength Modifer + 2d6 + 2d10 + 1d12)
Gomu-Gomu no Rhino Schneider
4 Stamina
Prerequisite: Gear Fourth
After compressing both legs into his body, he delivers two flying kicks, the creature has to make a Strength saving throw to not be thrown 15 feet
Damage: (4d8 + Strength Modifer + 2d6 + 2d10 + 1d12)
Gomu-Gomu no Culverin
6 Stamina
Prerequisite: Gear Fourth
The user throws a punch like a Gomu Gomu no Pistol, but he can redirect his punch an indeterminate number of times without losing momentum attacks that are launched gain advantage on hit, maintaining his tremendous strength.
Damage: (2d8 + Strength Modifer x2 + 2d6 + 2d10 + 1d12)
Gomu-Gomu no Leo Bazooka
6 Stamina
Prerequisite: Gear Fourth
The user contracts the arms and then striking the opponent, pushes back 25 feet, the opponent has to make a strength test with disadvantage, in a successful test he is pushed 15 feet.
Damage: ( 3d6 + Strength Modifer + 2d6 + 2d10 + 1d12 )
Gomu-Gomu no King Kong Gun
5 Stamina
Prerequisite: Gear Fourth
Blowing a large amount of air into its arm, drastically increasing its size, the attack gains advantage and everyone within 5 feet of the attack must make a Strength saving throw if it is not thrown 30 feet away, in a success is thrown only 20 feet.
Damage: (2d10 + Strength Modifer + 2d6 + 2d10 + 1d12 )
Tankman Techniques[edit]
Snakeman Techniques[edit]
Gomu-Gomu no Jet Culverin
5 Resistance
Prerequisite: Snakeman
The user makes a fist and releases it, using Python to change the direction of their punch according to the opponent's actions, being able to change direction with a reaction to deal 10 bludgeoning damage to their 3 meter surroundings to an enemy.
Damage: (Unarmed Strike + 3d6 + Dexterity modifier + Strength modifier + 4d10 + 2d12)
Gomu-Gomu no Black Mamba
6 Resistance
Prerequisite: Snakeman
The user thrusts their arms back and fires what appears to be multiple Jet Culverins so fast that their arms appear to triple.
Damage: (Unarmed Strike + 6d6 + Dexterity modifier + Strength modifier + 4d10 + 2d12)
Gomu-Gomu no King Cobra
7 of resistance
Prerequisite: Snakeman
The user compresses their arm, and when they release it, instead of directly attacking the opponent, it first wraps around the arm once before sending the enlarged fist towards the opponent. The wide loop gives your attack additional acceleration, thus increasing your momentum, while the open fist adds more mass. After using this technique, you are out of shape until you reach level 20.
Damage: (Unarmed Strike + 4d6 + Dexterity modifier x2 + Strength modifier x2 + 4d10 + 2d12)
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