Rubber-Rubber Fruit (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, Very rare (major tier) (requires attunement)

After eating this fruit, your body takes on a highly elastic, and rubbery consistency, allowing you to perform a cartoonishly improbable body. When you eat this fruit, you instantly attune to it, if there's attunement slots available.

If you are at your maximum of your attunement slots, the space occupied by the item of highest rarity is vacated and replaced by this fruit.

Extended Limbs. The reach of your unarmed strikes increases to 15 feet, thanks to your rubber arms and legs.

Rubber Resilience. You have resistance to bludgeoning and lightning damage. You also treat a fall as 20 feet shorter than it really is for the purposes of determining falling damage.

Hard to Grab. You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to escape from a grapple.

Physical Malleability. You can use your bonus action to inflate yourself temporarily increasing your size, putting yourself under the enlarge effect of the enlarge/reduce spell. At the start of your next turn you are subjected to the reduce effects of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1 minute. You have 1d4 charges of this ability, regaining the charges at the next dawn.

Inflate. You may inflate yourself to repel attacks. You can use your reaction to balloon your body, reducing the damage of a melee or ranged weapon attack by 2d10. If this reduces the damage of a ranged weapon attack to 0, it launches the attack back. Make a ranged weapon attack against the attacker at disadvantage. You have 1d4 charges of this ability, regaining the charges at the next dawn.

Curse This fruit is cursed. Attuning to it curses you until you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic. Breaking the curse destroys the item.

(one vote)

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