Ring of Endless Daggers (3.5e Equipment)

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Ring of Endless Daggers: The Ring of Endless Daggers is a rare and powerful item indeed. At first glance it is a finely crafted ring whose design resembles a braid, however close inspection reveals that the braid is actually a collection of tiny daggers. This Ring can be made of any metal, crystal, or even wood. There are even Rings which use multiple materials in their composition which grants access to a wider variety of daggers.

The Ring of Endless Daggers has 10 charges for each variety of material used in its composition. Upon command a dagger appears in the hand of the wearer. Depending on the variety of the ring, the dagger is considered at least masterwork quality and made of the same materials as the ring itself. A wooden dagger deals bludgeoning damage. So long as the dagger remains in contact with the ring it functions normally, however, if dropped or thrown, it will vanish after 2 rounds, consuming a charge. If the wielder speaks the return command while the dagger is in contact with the ring however, the dagger returns to the ring and does not consume a charge. The charges replenish at dusk each day.

If appropriate measures are taken at creation, the Ring of Endless Daggers will produce enchanted daggers for a cost of 10x the standard weapon bonus price and the appropriate amount of time, XP, and gold costs will be added at the time of creation. If this step is taken, all daggers produced by this ring will carry the enchantment imbued at creation. Further enchantments may not be added at any time after initial creation.

Market: 56,000 gp (Single Material, Basic Ring, add 42,000 gp for each additional material type) 76,000 gp (+1 Single Material, add 62,000 gp for each additional material type), 136,000 gp (+2 Single Material, add 122,000 gp for each additional material type) 236,000 gp (+3 Single Material, add 222,000 gp for each additional material type), 376,000 gp (+4 Single Material, add 362,000 gp for each additional material type), 556,000 gp (+5 Single Material, add 542,000 gp for each additional material type)

Cost: 22,255 gp and 4000xp per material(Base) 32,255 gp(+1 Single Material, add 52,000 gp for each additional material type), 62,255 gp (+2 Single Material, add 52,000 gp for each additional material type), 112,255 (+3 Single Material, add 132,000 gp for each additional material type) 182,255 (+4 Single Material, add 202,000 gp for each additional material type) 272,255 (+5 Single Material, add 292,000 gp for each additional material type)

Strong transmutation; CL 12; Craft_Magic_Arms_and_Armor, Forge Ring, Fabricate Creator must have 8 or more levels of Dagger Mage, 1 pound of each material used in construction; Cost Varies; Weight: 0.25 lb.; Market Price: Varies

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