Restoration (The Elder Scrolls Supplement)
Restoration is the ability to manipulate and control life energy allowing for one to heal or protect themselves or allies or to hinder or destroy the undead. It is a combat skill.
Central Branch[edit]
Novice Restoration[edit]
Prerequisites None: Novice-level Restoration spells cost half as much Magicka to cast.
Restoration Dual Casting[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 20, Novice Restoration: Dual casting a non-Aoe restoration spell (Spending 2x the Magicka) gives a bonus to the spell making it affect targets 1 CR higher or allow it to heal/deal 1 more die's worth of damage
Apprentice Restoration[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 25, Novice Restoration: Apprentice-level Restoration spells cost half as much Magicka to cast.
Rank 1) Prerequisites Restoration lv 30, Novice Restoration: Magicka regenerates 25% faster
Rank 2) Prerequisites Restoration lv 60, Recovery Rank 1: Magicka regenerates 50% faster
Prerequisites Restoration lv 40, Recovery Rank 1:
Adept Restoration[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 50, Apprentice Restoration: Adept-level Restoration spells cost half as much Magicka to cast.
Expert Restoration[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 75, Adept Restoration: Expert-level Restoration spells cost half as much Magicka to cast.
Restorationist's Vow[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 85, Expert Restoration: Restoration spells heal 2 more dice of health if you have not killed anything in at least a day
Breaking of Vows[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 90, Restorationist's Vow: If you kill a creature after having not killed anything in over a week you can instantly restore a target within line of sight to full health so long as they are not dead
Master Restoration[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 100, Expert Restoration: Master-level Restoration spells cost half as much Magicka to cast
Healing Branch[edit]
Rank 1) Prerequisites Restoration lv 20, Novice Restoration: Healing spells heal 1 more die worth of health
Rank 2) Prerequisites Restoration lv 60, Regeneration Rank 1: Healing spells heal 2 more die worth of health
Prerequisites Restoration lv 40, Regeneration Rank 1: Healing spells also restore stamina at a rate of 1/2 the healing effect
Prerequisites Restoration lv 70, Respite: Once per long rest double the healing power of a spell targeting a living creature
Curative Properties[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 80, Lifeflow: Healing spells of adept rank and above remove non-magical diseases
Avoid Death[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 90, Curative Properties: When you reach 10% health instantly heal 4d6 (+ additional healing from other perks and mods)
Ward Branch[edit]
Rank 1) Prerequisites Restoration lv 30, Novice Restoration: Wards give 2 more magic damage reduction
Rank 2) Prerequisites Restoration lv 70, Wardmaker Rank 1: Wards give 1 more AC and 3 more magic damage reduction
Arcane Protector[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 45, Wardmaker Rank 1: You can choose cast a ward on a target adjacent to you, the ward fictions as normal however it affects the target rather than the caster
Absorbing Ward[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 60, Arcane Protector: Wards absorb 1/4 of the Magicka from spells that hit them
Prerequisites Restoration lv 70, Ward Absorb: While you have an active ward you get advantage on saving throws vs magic
Arrow Ward[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 80, Spellshell: Wards give 2 more AC against physical projectiles
Undead Branch[edit]
Unlife Scholar[edit]
Rank 1) Prerequisites Restoration lv 30, Novice Restoration: Restoration spells are able to affect undead 1 CR higher
Rank 2) Prerequisites Restoration lv 50, Unlife Scholar Rank 2: Restoration spells are able to affect undead 2 CR higher and heal/deal 1 die more health/damage
Prerequisites Restoration lv 60, Unlife Scholar Rank 1: Healing spells other than necromantic healing now function on undead at 1/2 efficiency
Purge the Unliving[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 60, Unlife Scholar Rank 1: All spells deal 1 die more damage to undead
Prerequisites Restoration lv 70, Corpsemender: Animated undead last 1 more round per 2 points of health healed using restoration spells [Conflicts with Radiant Knight]
Radiant Knight[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 70, Purge the Unliving: Undead take 1d6 radiant damage (+ additional damage from other perks and mods) when within 5ft of you [Conflicts with Necromage]
Pestilance & Poison Branch[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 30, Novice Restoration: +2 to the DC for resisting diseases and poisons created by your restoration spells
Toxic Brew[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 40, Virulence: Poison spells deal 1 die more poison damage
Prerequisites Restoration lv 50, Toxic Brew: Those struck by or those who strike with an unarmed attack from/on a creature who has a disease or poison inflicted on them by you must make a con save or become afflicted as well, you can choose to suppress this ability as a bonus action.
Prerequisites Restoration lv 70, Plaguecaller: Your poison & disease spells deal 1d6 poison damage for 2 rounds after the primary effect wears off
Rotting Master[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 80, Witherking: Creatures killed by poison damage or by disease have their corpses begin to decay and rot immediately becoming a foul slurry of Goo that inflicts anything within 5ft of it other than the caster make a con saving throw or take 1d6(Perks & other Modifiers apply) poison damage and be rendered blind & poisoned for 2 rounds
Once you have reached 100 Restoration you may choose to legendary the skill reducing it back to 20 and refunding all spent perk points (You cannot get new perk points for leveling up this tree again) doing this also unlocks one legendary perk [You can do this process more than once each time unlocking a new Legendary perk, however. Also, you must still meet all prerequisites for the legendary perk and spend a perk point to unlock it]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 100, Avoid Death, Legendary perk: Once per month you can sacrifice all your Magicka for 2d4 days (You cannot regenerate Magicka until the duration is over) in order to restore a dead creature to life at 1 hp, the target creature must not have been dead for more than 2 weeks and must still have both their head and heart intact, this spell cannot restore those who died of old age nor those had their soul trapped, to life.
Lord of Wards[edit]
Prerequisites Restoration lv 100, Arrow Ward, Legendary perk: While you have a Ward spell active you have non-magical damage resistance
Prerequisites Restoration lv 100, Rotting Master, Legendary perk: You gain disease resistance (Advantage on saves vs disease) and poison resistance (Take half damage from poison). Your poison spells deal 1 die extra damage and your disease spells are 2 DC harder to resist. Those corpses affected by Rotting Master can now be consumed on touch to restore 5 Magicka per CR of creature
Prerequisites Restoration lv 100, Radiant Knight, Legendary perk: The effect of Radiant Knight also forces undead of CR 4(+ CR modifiers) to make a wis save or flee and forces undead of CR 1(+CR modifiers) to make a con save or be destroyed. You have Advantage on saving throws against effects coming from undead, and undead have Disadvantage to hit you.
- "Restoration". Elder Scrolls Fandom.
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