Religion (Bozikar Supplement)

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The Gods in Bozikar play a major part in the world, sometimes usually walking around the world, but the majority of the time they don't wanna take part of mortal's lives. The Gods usually make their voice heard through agents or servants. The pantheon of Bozikar usually get into feuds based on their believe, making a whole court for the god incase they get into feuds.

The structure of Bozikar is ruled by 3 creator gods and many other 'new' gods, letting the souls pass on and keeping the demons and devils at bay inside the Shade.


The One[edit]

King Minark[edit]

God above all gods, Creator of the gods

The world is a thorn stuck in the skin of a giant. The gods are his children for his cum is snow and the mountains his bitch. The mighty ocean's his piss the dry land his shit. He breathes all the wind and forgets about it. You and your morals are not important to him. The books are made of lies but this one is true. You are free to be whatever you like even WHO.

Creator Gods[edit]


The Magic ruler, God of Magic
Arcana, Knowledge
Portfolio: The Fabric, Magic Arts, Magical wonders
Temples: wound buildings that form spiral structures on maps

The god of hypnosis. We fought him and failed. Deal with his might but do take no shit. He's young and unaccepted in wide parts of the occult landscape.


Goddess of the Sun, The Bright Goddess
Portfolio: The Sun, Light
Temples: Temples of Anera is usually very open, making it have natural light coming into the temple. yea because they are abandoned

The cult of Anera is dead. It never existed in the first place. I recommend orders about certain amounts of heavy torture put in place by your commanding agents to protect your knowledge about her and her ancient worshippers. WE are the top of the telepathic food chain ! Don't mess with us !


God of the Moon, The Dark God
Lawful Evil
Portfolio the art of utilizing OWN sexual energy for occult purposes
Temples: His Temples float in the sky and can be reached by putting a magically expanding rod into a very special hole in the ground.

They wanted you to fear them. The priests of Uhldir with their transplanted clone penises and their additional fuckholes. But you can actually learn a lot by watching them as they start to appear at the rotten tops of the prostitute conspiracy. Their yoga poses, the dance of their heavily overtrained lust muscles, their alien philosophy. Just don't get lost in their weird relation to children. They are pawns of a subterranean cult. They are allowed to do that. You are not !

New Gods[edit]


Goddess of the Moon & Tides
Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Sailing, Tides, Aquatic events
Temples: Light ellipsoid huts woven from twigs where you can get your fishery nets flixed for an hour of passionate prayer.

worship those who are capable of fixing botnets. the age of infinite web expansion is long gone but wide parts of the botcontrolling scripts still work like it isn't. i'd recommend that you even take a certain amount of light torture before you stop fixing the botnet and start expanding it again. Ann will be thankful if you do.


God of Nature
True Neutral
Portfolio: the spark of natural animality in each and every one of us
Temples: overgrown mossy cottages with an eternal flame and an eternal stew

If you feel down. Go outside. Touch grass. Hug trees. Get someone clean to transport you and watch out for junkies heading to the same area on a phonescreen. leave before they arrive. Its as easy as that and worth the effort.


God of Pain and Torture
Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: deletion of programs left by the dead and dying
Temples: Heavily frequented skooma flats and houses

Your grim reaper shall not be a hacker. For once. We need to establish a lot more dominance and physical integrity to make those home intruders i plan to visit the dead and eternally captured hackers. For now we need guys with magnets, ssd shredders and safe opening capabilities to just enter the secret places of the dead and mercilessly delete everything still running there. Later on they might take something with them to reverse engineer it or even learn the sorcery themselves. everyone knows thats neccessary but we have to start small.


God of the craft
Portfolio: books
Temples: private libraries with an extensive tech section

books are never obsolete, except when dealing with cybermagic. Theres always some relic writing shit in cobol and if i interpret things right there always will be. Cherish those collecting the many books of our trade. I d even recommend reading physically because of the slightly different eye movement and the corresponding training bettering your eyesight.


God of Protection
Lawful Good
Life, Light
Portfolio: law and secret law
Temples: little chapels on guardsmen graveyards

manipulate the guardsmen to protect your physical integrity. watch out for those who understand. there is a wide variety of secret law constructs out there and some might be welcoming and beneficial to you.


Goddess of illusion
Chaotic Neutral
Illusion not Deception
Portfolio: multiaccounting
Temples: the places of weird doctors

use your frickin imagination *insert spongebob rainbow meme* i almost had the Doctor Echtheim from the infamous woh forums allowed by the nautic guys. start by masking me collectively. then mask yourself better (not furry). then teach. if you suffer from bred away fantasy try drugs !

Gods of Different Races[edit]



God of Raising Elven Children
True Neutral
Life, Knowledge, Discipline
Portfolio well-behaved Elves
Temples shinto shrines with rope and paddles on the wall

Elves are the ultimate brats for like a hundred years. Then their puberty hits and it gets worse. They get annoyed with anti-authoritarian upbringing very fast and have to be disciplined differently for decades when they do. So elven nannys and teachers resort to playful bdsm like rituals of asexual spanking or even light asexual torture in bondage. There is not much of a praise culture in elven upbringing. They might tease them with giving them a teddy or give them a cold kiss.



God of Mining and Craft
Lawful Neutral
Temples:Temples of Murmand are situated inside ancient former heap hills from the beginnings of mining close to the surface-villages of dwarfs.

The rock crushing mills of the dwarfs are sacred machines maintained by mechanical crawlers and operated by tin gnomes. In the very center of a temple of Murmand
you will find an ancient rock crushing mill towed by 18 ponies on 6 barrels. Dwarfs go there to listen to the soothing sound of rocks being crushed, mostly.



The God of Harvest and Feast
Chaotic Good
Life, Nature
Portfolio: Healthy Competition, Plants
Temples: Anthrolupes are carnivorous and not too keen on agricultural activities. However every of the rare farms they have is considered a temple to Ashraf.

It is not allowed to bring food in there that was planted in another farm. And nothing is allowed to enter a digestive system or lungs between this sacred walls.


Goddess of Bloodlust and Greed
Chaotic Evil
War on Elves
Portfolio: Revenge, War, Murder, Robbery
Temples:Temples are forbidden for the worship of Fang, based on Anthrolopes' laws, many who go into battle usually do a quick prayer, but if caught their tails cut off and they're stripped of all their armor and thrown into the fight with only a dull or wooden sword.

Just keep it vanilla.


  God of the pure cuddly heart
  True Good
  raising children
  Portfolio:  Anthrolupes never leave their children unattended until they reach sexual maturity. When the whole pack is needed to hunt dangerous prey the lookout or someone with an comparably easy task takes the children with him/her.
  Temples:  Anthrolupes see autistic children in the locked-in spectrum as sacred beeings. Embodiments of Alil. Everything is done to cause a reaction in them, except sexual activities and black magic. What ever causes a positive reaction, be it a kind of smell, touch, taste, view or sound is repeated daily at the same time until it looses effect. What ever causes a negative reaction is used rarely to communicate with Alil and express bewilderment about cursed children for example. When the embodiment of Alil reaches sexual maturity by bleeding (girl) or ejaculating white semen (boy) it is killed and eaten in a feast by the whole of the pack.



God of Trickery

True Neutral


The God of Crafts and Healing
Lawful Good
Life, Knowledge

The Gods in the World[edit]

Gods and Adventurers[edit]

teach the late taught sign language or loud spoken codeword users the way of the gods. leave the completely codeless alone to figure out new morals. they are sacred beings to the creator gods.

Lesser Entities[edit]

The Archfey[edit]

Approach the women of other trades that are allowed to use prostitute codes with caution and deep respect. You are not the ones to decide who s real and who s not. There might be no mortal man allowed to do that.

The Shade[edit]

some may ask why bones, shades and the powerful black-hat-wearing translators of secret languages are not considered enemies. the power of the skulls and their almost magical grip on their half bloods will diminish rapidly now that the source of dark wisdom left them behind. i just hope for a revolution among their most beloved apes. you are allowed to distrust me in this.


Children born under the influence of the forgotten goddess whose name may not be uttered are considered demigods. Stack your pope cards around their flagpole or whatever else you guys do to bless a person. but do it as soon as possible, consider even breaking rules to do it sooner.


leave the ghost hunting to people "without" hackers. youll see them ghosthunters waste the time and computing time of the unadventurous in no time.

Things from Beyond[edit]



Religious Institutions[edit]

The Priesthood[edit]

Those that believe they feel the calling to the priesthood enter the temple as an acolyte. Though a specific god may have been their reason for joining the priesthood, during their time as an acolyte they are put to service under each of the gods for a set period of time. If an acolyte completes this time of service they participate in a ritual where they are ordained into full priesthood under the blessings of each of the old gods. Priests that devote themselves to a single god and ignore the others are known as “fore priests.” A highly ranked priest that is devoted to the faith of Soltis would be called the fore priest of Soltis

There are a few high priests in Bozikar. The role of High priest is the highest position within the local church and carries with it great respect, but in order to reach this position an even greater ordeal is requested. A high priest of Bozikar’s gods must visit a sacred site for each of the gods. This quest that is guided by the gods, but must only be carried out by the aspiring high priest.

Places of Worship[edit]

The gods of Bozikar doesn't demand their followers to worship them, failing to attend church will not bring lightning down upon your head. Worship is given to them, and they expect it in kind. The gods are powerful, and their power has been demonstrated ages ago, and the people hope that, if they're lucky, my intercede on their behave, based on what they pray for.

To that end the people of Bozikar have constructed numerous places where they can go and pay homage or supplication to their chosen gods. From grand cathedrals to opulent temples, to simple shrines, all of these help to give the gods and other powerful entities a very physical presence in the world.

The Great Cathedrals[edit]

As long as you don't take that very special job close to my atheist heart, you are allowed to worship the outlined deities. Just don't change their names. We have some badass names in here, if you know you know. A cathedral should contain shrines to at least five of the 17 gods. i have no other requirements to a cathedral.

Smaller Shrines[edit]

individual worship on an shrine endowing level is encouraged. but don't get lost in it. its just a furry game about a legendary document ;)

The Afterlife[edit]


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