Reinhart High-Kingdom (4e Environment)

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Dwarven Kingdom of Reinhart High-kingdom

(Silver banner with two golden stars with the double-sided pyramid)

Population: 15,000+

Geographic Area[edit]

Reinhart High-kingdom is the mountains.

Imports, Exports, and Resources[edit]

Reinhart High-kingdom has abundant freshwater, stone, and wealth. Reinhart is elaborate silver and gem mine.

The economy is in ruins with the long war. Before the war, the average monthly wage was 5 gold pieces (the basic pay of the army). Now, the average monthly wage is 3 gold pieces (the basic pay of the army). Before the war, magic items were more available as a market item in the major cities (most items of level 1 through 5). Now, the availability of magic items is rare. There are no magic item stores or merchants (only 1st level items are available, when a magic item can be found to buy).


While the government began as a female monarchy (the only known government with such a claim), now it is a hereditary monarchy. The Dwarven sisters, Goldsmile and Goldhair, discover silver and establish Reinhart High-kingdom; Dual Queens reign in Reinhart. Queen Goldhair kills Queen Goldsmile. Queen Goldhair dies and her daughter Goldhammer becomes Queen. Queen Goldhammer dies and her daughter Goldfist becomes Queen. Queen Goldfist dies and her daughter Goldkingdom becomes Queen. Queen Goldkingdom marries 2nd Prince Bouldermace of Guldemunde Citadel. Queen Goldkingdom dies and King Bouldermace reigns and the female monarchy ends.


The government of Reinhart High-kingdom is a monarchy of the Bouldermace family. Rockmace Bouldermace is the present King. The Gold Throne Hall is the keep, throne room, residence, and seat of government.

There is a 2 gold pieces tax on all merchandise bought or sold, also there is a 5 gold pieces gateway tax on all travel into the city. No mounts of any kind are permitted within the city.

The law of the mine is the Six Stone Laws. In 958 DY, the Dwarven platinum smith and judge Bold Tightfist codified six laws into a civilized system. The six laws are the foundation of all Dwarven legal systems. The Six Stone Laws are against stealing, murder, cheating, false scales, interfering, and affecting property. The Six Stone Laws are often displayed: No stealing or death. No murdering or death. No cheating in business or slavery. No false scales of slavery. No interfering with authorities or imprisonment. No affecting property by diminishing its availability and value or imprisonment.


Clan, family, and ancestry are very important to Dwarves. The history of their culture is important and seen in the many murals, monuments, and statues throughout the kingdom.

Reinhart is elaborate silver and gem mine. The fashion of the complex focuses on wearing the silver color and gemmed jewelry, especially jewelry that shows their clan, family, and ancestry.

Key Locations & People[edit]

Important Places

  1. Dark Stone Keep is a massive underground fortress.
  2. The Divine Miner is the temple of Mord-slam in Reinhart. Mord-slam Dwarf is worshipped only by Dwarves.
  3. The Gold Throne Hall is the keep, throne room, residence, and seat of government.
  4. The Stone Altar is the church dedicated to Thechard the Stone God. It is a cathedral, library, and university with 20+ clerics.
  5. The Winter Hall is the church dedicated to Cheimon the Winter Goddess. It is a cathedral, library, and university with 20+ clerics.

Important People

Chandor Power is the High Priest of the Divine Miner, temple of Mord-slam.

Fargrim Stonewall is the leade of the Silver Army is an army of well trained Dwarves (mostly heavy infantry).

Karrad Armstrong is the Dwarven High Priest of the Winter Hall.

Orsik Finestroke is the leader of the Silver Dungeoneers (elite-dwarf-special-forces who wear silver armor).

Rockmace Bouldermace is the present King. The government of Reinhart High-kingdom is a monarchy of the Bouldermace family.

Thoradin Silverhammer is the Dwarven High Priest of the Stone Altar.

Institutions & Organizations[edit]

Guilds and Brotherhoods: There are several international organizations that transcend culture and race. Almost none of the international organizations are present in Reinhart.

Warrior Circle: Reinhart is massively defended by an underground fortress known as the Dark Stone Keep and an army of well trained Dwarves (mostly heavy infantry) and The Silver Dungeoneers (elite-dwarf-special-forces who wear silver armor).

The Silver Army is an army of well trained Dwarves (mostly heavy infantry). Fargrim Stonewall is the leader.

The Silver Dungeoneers (elite-dwarf-special-forces who wear silver armor). The leader of the Dungeoneers is Orsik Finestroke.

Temple/Worship: The Stone Altar is the church dedicated to Thechard the Stone God. It is a cathedral, library, and university with 20+ clerics. Thoradin Silverhammer is the Dwarven High Priest of the Stone Altar. The Winter Hall is the church dedicated to Cheimon the Winter Goddess. It is a cathedral, library, and university with 20+ clerics. Karrad Armstrong is the Dwarven High Priest of the Winter Hall. Mord-slam Dwarf is worshipped only by Dwarves. The Divine Miner is the temple of Mord-slam in Reinhart. The high priest is Chandor Power.

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