Reducing Absolutes (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Fewer Absolute Effects[edit]

This variant rule is based heavily on recommendations found on Sean K Reynold's website (here) and Upper Krust's website (here)

I prefer to avoid absolutes if possible. Consider the following: A fire giant, a creature of flesh, is immune to fire. That means that even if Kossuth dipped a fire giant into the sun, the fire giant would take no damage. This variant will attempt to address this issue. Instead of absolute immunities, this variant will substitute bonuses to saves and resistances against effects.

Immunity substitutes usually come in three steps: One, no inherant reason for the immunity; two, a subtype and/or relation to the immunity; three, composed of the essence of what the immunity represents. In the case of fire immunity, a solid example for each of the previous three cases would be a bearded devil (baatezu), a fire giant (fire subtype), and a fire elemental (composed of fire). Steps are usually 50/100/150 (in the case of resistances) or +5/+10/+15 (in the case of saves). Flesh-and-blood creatures should not be given immunities of the third step.

The following tables illustrate substitutes for common immunities. Entries in the "Comparison" column in the following tables that do not have racial immunities to the listed immunity are assumed to have immunity granted via a feat or a class feature. Deities and unique beings should consider higher values for save and resistance bonuses.

Fire Immunity[edit]

Fire Immunity
Step Comparison Result
No reason to be immune to fire bearded devil, human fire resistance 50, +5 to saves vs fire and fire effects
(Fire) subtype fire giant, gold dragon, efreet fire resistance 100, +10 to saves vs fire and fire effects
Composed of fire fire elemental, azer fire resistance 150, +15 to saves vs fire and fire effects

Cold Immunity[edit]

Cold Immunity
Step Comparison Result
No reason to be immune to cold formian, lantern archon, human cold resistance 50, +5 to saves vs cold
(Cold) subtype frost worm, frost giant, gelugon (baatezu) cold resistance 100, +10 to saves vs cold
Composed of the essence of cold/ice shadow of the void cold resistance 150, +15 to saves vs cold

Paralysis/Petrification Immunity[edit]

Paralysis Immunity
Step Comparison Result
No reason to be immune to paralysis/petrification constructs, undead +10 to saves vs paralysis and petrification
Shapechanger/Creature with alternate or multiple forms mimic, doppelganger, chaos beast +15 to saves vs paralysis and petrification
Insubstantial/Amorphous creature allip, lantern archon, ooze +20 to saves vs paralysis and petrification

Sleep Effects Immunity[edit]

Sleep Effects Immunity
Step Comparison Result
No reason to be immune to sleep effects human, elf, night hag +5 to saves vs sleep/magical sleep
Does not need to sleep angels, archons, characters undergone elemental/undead transformation, sentient undead +10 to saves vs sleep/magical sleep
Mindless/cannot sleep mindless undead, constructs, elementals, oozes, animated objects, plants +15 to saves vs sleep/magical sleep

Poison/Disease Immunity[edit]

Poison/Disease Immunity
Step Comparison Result
No reason to be immune to poison or disease humans, plants, kuo-toa +5 to saves vs disease or poison
Contains natural poisons/diseases, flesh exists but is not used otyugh, characters undergone transformative classes, undead, homunculi +10 to saves vs disease or poison
Not composed of flesh and blood constructs, elementals, oozes, animated objects +15 to saves vs disease or poison

Electricity Immunity[edit]

Electricity Immunity
Step Comparison Result
No reason to be immune to electricity human, shambling mound, angels, constructs, oozes, plants electricity resistance 50, +5 to saves vs electricity
Localized heat/electricty damage has no effect, electricity naturally created characters undergone undead/elemental transformative classes, undead, elementals, shocker lizard electricity resistance 100, +10 to saves vs electricity
Insubstantial/incorporeal incorporeal subtype, lantern archon electricity resistance 150, +15 to saves vs electricity

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