Reania (5e Campaign Setting)

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The massive world of Reania was once far more united, however approximately 3,000 years ago strange portals opened and brought forth a race never before seen, Humans. Humans who lived short lives and could populate far faster than nearly every other race quickly began to take more and more, the species held no natural affinity for Magic which only fueled their fire. Constantly seeking power, humans made deals with Ancient Entities which has existed since the dawn of sentient life but had largely gone unworhsipped, these entities did battle with the Gods themselves thanks to the increase in power they received. This Divine War resulted in nearly all written history before 5,000 years ago being destroyed, one of the twin moons being cracked, and most importantly of all the Planet itself being divided in two by The Everstorm, a massive storm that stretches far into the atmosphere and is a hundred miles dense. It is impossible to pass through the Everstorm meaning there are only tens of creatures alive today that remember the hidden world on the other side.

Campaign Setting Information[edit]

Players Guide

A quick look at how classes fit into the world and what roles they commonly find themselves in, intended as a supplement for existing player's handbook information.
Descriptions of how the various races figure into the world of Reania and what place they have assumed in the geography and society.
Various gear, goods, equipment and magical items available to characters.
Homebrew feats possibly available to characters.
Supplemental information on spells and enchantments, as well as the nature, uses, and practices of magic.
An examination of the Reanian pantheon of gods, their common appearances, their attributions, their practices of worship, and how they commonly interact with the world.
Factions and Organizations
Information of the different groups of the world and how they all interact with each other and the rest of the world.

World of Reania

The World & Locales
The world of Reania and the nations, cultures, and peoples within it.
Time and History
The broad history of Reania, divided into general eras.
A quick look at common societal trends and laws found in the world of Reania.
Reania's interactions and connections with the broader multiverse and planes.
An examination of monsters and beasts in the world of Reania and how they've adapted to the world.
Various peoples and individuals that populate the world.

Dungeon Master's Guide

A general explanation of Reania and the general world building mindset, along with various outside resources and examples to use as references in developing a campaign or understanding the world. As well as a to-do list.
Artifacts of great power and importance.
Variant Rules
Optional rules for DMs to implement while playing a campaign in Reania.
Adventures & Tables
Ideas for quests, dungeons, campaigns, and conflicts. Also tables for random encounters and other things.
  • Will be added to as random ideas occur to me.

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