Geography (Reania Supplement)

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Reania has a long and terrible history ranging from wars against Giants to massive hunts against Dragons. Throughout the millennia nations have risen and fallen, there are few nations that have not fallen and remained in power throughout their history. The different continents all have their own seasons, some are similar in a few ways but each one has at least one unique weather system to it. All of them are unique in how they are run and what sort of people live there.



Okenshire is a massive island nation that is home to a few landmarks including the Spine of the World, a massive mountain range, The Drakonspire, the home of all Dragons, and finally the city Okenshire itself which is the largest city in the world. Okenshire is a Democracy led by the elected Archon.


Valeforte is the largest and most wealthy primarily Human nation. Anything that is not Human in Valeforte are second citizen. It possesses a wide variety of wide forests, rolling hills, and a few mountains. Valeforte is a Monarchy led by the royal family that has been in power since its founding 370 years ago.

Creator's note: this country began with its basis as "France"


The neighbor and the polar opposite of Valeforte, Khanen is almost entirely hills and plains with some small and spread out trees. The natives are mostly a nomadic people that learn to fight and ride on horseback from an early age. There is no official leader of the nation as there is a prophecy that has yet to pass that says a leader will come when they are needed most.

Creator's note: this country began with its basis as "the Mongol Empire"


Jareath is similar to Valeforte in not just the environment but also in rule. Jareath is not its own nation and is a puppet state of Valeforte, its "Prime Minister" is even the King of Valeforte's nephew.


Gailen is a wide forested nation that borders part of the Spine of the World and the Northern region known as the Kaiden Wilds. Gailen is a Constitutional Monarchy with its King technically not holding very much power.

Kaiden Wilds[edit]

The Kaiden Wilds are a largely unexplored region of the world due to the deadly cold that is present all year round and the many dangerous people and monsters that live here. There are even legends of Snow Elves in this region.


Aetrias was once the seat of an ancient empire long since forgotten by mere mortals, this empire had perfected the fusion of magic and science called Magitech. It was this perfect fusion and their weapons advancements that became its downfall. Following the country's destruction mages raised massive islands into the skies to protect people, and these floating islands have remained in the sky ever since. Aetrius is a democracy that is led by a council of 13 elected members.


This cold country has a habit of producing very tough people in its forests and mountains. Rakovia is a very magic phobic country that up until very recently actively hunted magic users. However, following a war magic users gained more rights and even an army was established made entirely of spell casters granting Rakovia one of the strongest militaries in the world. Rakovia is a Monarchy led by the royal family.


The nation is Kimeta is entirely made up of a massive desert. These hot sands have given rise to numerous people who are often very resistant to such temperatures. Many nomadic tribes journey through this desert but more people live in the capital of Ugen the 4th largest city in the known world. Kimeta is ruled by the Pharoah, this title is passed on from father to son and has been for 1,000 years.


Thule is a strange country to many due to its absolute faith in magic. Technology is very limited due to the belief that it could never do what magic is capable of. Those who cannot use magic are seen as a second class of citizens and treated less than others, meanwhile, those who find magic easily coming to them are quickly taken in by the government to train their skills. Thule is a Magocracy run by a council of 9 mages each representing one of the schools of magic and one who represents Wild Magic.


Anzhong is the country most, unlike all the others. For 3,000 years the nation had cut themselves off from the rest of the world causing massive differences in their cultures. Anzhong also is rather unique in the mana it gives off gifting special properties to their magic and items. Anzhong is protected by and worships Dragons who have been changed by the mana of the country.

Aurelian Archipelago[edit]

The Aurelian Archipelago is not an official nation but it is an extremely powerful region. The Archipelago is known as the seat of the Pirate King, most pirates in the world come here for respite and refuge. Once it was a dangerous place to live in due to it being the chosen stomping grounds of Titans, but that changed when the first Pirate King came and made it safe for his people.


Leanor is a medium sized country that is home to many mountains and massive forests, it is known as the nation of wine because of the fine grapes that are grown and turned into wine. It also possesses a great boon of many natural resources that have allowed technology to progress slightly ahead of the rest of the world. The mysterious leaders of this country are unwilling to share too many of their secrets with others however and while not officially at war Leanor has a complicated relationship with all other countries.


Zahara is a very small country hidden in the Spine of the World, North of Okenshire. Zahara often does not do any trade with anyone and is considered an enemy by most, the reason for this is because Zahara does not exile or execute people for performing necromancy and actually encourages its use for good. However, a group of Necromancers from Zahara has stained their normally peaceful reputation causing many to fear them.