Ratfolk Voodoo (5e Feat)

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Ratfolk Voodoo

Prerequisites: Ratfolk
Word travels fast in the ratfolk circle, too fast. There must be something to it, a spell, a technique.... or perhaps.. voodoo. Hand in hand with mojo, the ratfolk practice some sort of a rudimentary magic, arcane arts bent to the sick will of the rats, despicible.

Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

You learn the message cantrip. You additionally gain the uncanny ability to convince intelligent creatures that they, infact, did not hear what they heard, and did not see what they saw. When caught in an act you wish to cover up, make either a deception or intimidation roll against a witness, on a success they forget any incriminating evidence towards you.

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