Rapid Fire (5e)

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Under those rules, Short Burst is replaced with Rapid Fire of equal number value. It is done to more realistically portray full-auto firearms.

Rapid Fire: You can make multiple shots per attack - with maximum number equal to Rapid Fire rating. For every shot that lands (successful roll), you successfully hit the target - that is, for the purposes of hurting the target, counts as 1 successful attack. For example, if you successfully roll 100 times, you hit target 100 times. Damage of those strikes is treated separately. You continue rolling shots, until either you choose to stop firing, you run out of ammo, or you run out of remaining shots in burst (do amount of shots equal to Rapid Fire rating). When in the middle of burst, you can distribute burst shots between multiple targets - however, if other targets are further than 5 ft from main target and you don't have special quality what negates this, you get -2 penalty to accuracy.

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