Ranger's Double Scimitar (4e Equipment)

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Ranger's Double Bowitar Level 3+ Uncommon
An ornate double scimitar and longbow combined, this weapon is perfectly designed for rangers out hunting unnatural prey.
Level 3 +1 680 gp Level 18 +4 85,000 gp
Level 8 +2 3,400 gp Level 23 +5 425,000 gp
Level 13 +3 17,000 gp Level 28 +6 2,125,000 gp

Weapon: Double Scimitar, Longbow
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +1d6 damage per plus
♦ When you use your second wind, you can make a saving throw against one effect that a save can end.
Power (Healing) ♦ Daily (Free Action)
Trigger: You drop an enemy to 0 hit points.

Effect: You can spend a healing surge or regain the use of an expended encounter attack power. If the enemy was aberrant or undead, you can do both.

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