Races (Pandlechron Supplement)

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Each race has its own place in the Pandlechron setting, but usually has its own homelands. You should link your character's history to those homelands. There are, however, groups of people that come from areas not normal to their race. Feel free to add information about these groups to the campaign setting. For example, a group of Drow that lives on land and travels by night is a distinct possibility.

The following user created races are allowed in the campaign setting, though this list is not restrictive and is only a recommendation:

LA 0[edit]

LA 1[edit]

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Immortality is more than a gift; it is a responsibility. To serve Tiamat is the most divine providence any immortal being can wish for. I regard my responsibilities with great respect and vow to take my Queen's gift of servitude as the greatest responsibility my immortal life owes.
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Pandlechron Campaign Setting