Psychic (5e Feat)

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You have learn to tap into the mystic powers inside you, gaining the following benefits

  • You learn two psionic discipline and one psionic talent of your choice from among those available to the Mystic class. If any feature of a discipline or talent you use requires a creature to make a saving throw, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. If they require you to make an attack roll, the attack modifier equals your proficiency bonus plus your Intelligence modifier.
  • You have 2 psi points which are used to fuel some features of your disciplines. If you already have psi points, you gain 2 more. If you ever gain psi points, these are added to them. Your psi limit, the maximum number of psi points you can spend at a time, is 2, unless you already have psi limit. You regain all expended psi points after completing a long rest.

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