Professional Wrestler (5e Feat)

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Professional Wrestler

Prerequisites: Strength 15 or higher and proficiency in athletics.

You know how to use your muscle!

  • You have advantage on contests of strength ability checks to grapple or shove opponents. You also have advantage when defending against being grappled/restrained.

You can take on a bigger foe!

  • You count as one size larger for the purposes of grappling or shoving. If an opponent is outside your size range without this feat you do not have advantage on contest of strength ability checks from this feat AGAINST them.
  • If a grappled opponent is outside your size range without this feat you do not reduce their movement to 0 and you may move with them instead. Moving with an enemy's movement does not trigger opportunity of attacks against you.

You've got them right where you want them!

  • You gain advantage on attack rolls against a creature you are currently grappling when attacking with an unarmed strike or an improvised weapon.

(2 votes)

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