Power of the Forest (5e Spell)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: Region is not a good range, it lacks clarity. Also, this spell is... whacky. Complete control over a creature, any and all creature of your choice without any kind of save is ridicolous, and the downsides... are. Like, they exist, but they are weird and lacking clarity. What even is the goal of this spell?

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Power Of The Forest
5th-level Enchantment
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Region wide
Components: M (The fur of a predator of the creature you chose and some fur/A leaf clipping from your creatures prey
Duration: 1 day

"You're a druid Larry"

Using this spell gives you a power similar to that of a druid, DMs should read the description carefully before adding this homebrew to the campaign To cast this spell you will need (either two fur clippings or one fur clipping and one leaf.) Matching a predator and a prey creature to whatever it is that you want to control (if it has no predators skip this step.) Once you have the components you may cast the spell and for the rest of the day the creature you chose will obey you provided they live in the area you cast the spell in. Unfortunately this spell is imperfect so for the rest of the day you will have to roll a DC 10 Wisdom check every time you see this creatures prey on a fail you will chase the prey until you kill it or lose track of it. Additionally if you see a predator to the creature you chose you must make a DC 15 Wisdom check or be frightened for 1 minute (once you pass this save you will not need to remake it for a hour.)

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