Power Behind the Throne (5e Variant Rule)

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The Power Behind the Throne[edit]

In any town, city or village there will be a person or persons who the citizens consider to be in charge, but often other individuals or groups are actually in charge or are strongly influencing policy. The following is a system for working this out…

  1. If you haven’t already picked a Public Leader for your town roll on Table 2 below. (The Public Leader is person who is officially in charge of the town).
  2. The Public Leader may actually have firm control or will otherwise be near the top of the towns Power Structure, for a ‘normal size’ town Roll d6 to determine the Public Leaders position in the Power Structure. (1 = Top). Use a smaller or larger dice for smaller or larger towns (or more complexity).
  3. Roll on Table 1 to fill each of the other positions in the Power Structure.
  4. Feel free to re roll any result which doesn’t make sense for your setting (i.e. Pirates in an inland town).
  5. Towns will have more factions jostling for power, we are just picking out the top few.
  6. Then it’s time to get creative with the results of your rolls, below are some examples.
Example 1
Position Who Notes
1 Miners Over the centuries the supply of 'the right' stone for the Pharaohs lavish tombs has been dwindling and the miners demands and power has now grown to an all time high
2 A War Hero In a recent war with a neighboring country the Pharaohs brother in law very publicly saved the Pharaoh from certain death, this is the subject of many popular tales and songs throughout the land, many of which imply, correctly, that the Pharaoh isn't a very good fighter. The brother in law has always been very outspoken on matters of state.
3 Illusionists The town is the home of the countries main Illusionist Guild. The Guild grounds and its members are self governing and policed. Many of the towns citizens consider the Illusionist Guild to be better managed and policed then the rest of the town.
4 Farmers There is always friction between the towns people and those who provide them with food, sudden shortages and price fluctuations are a common problem.
5 The Pharaoh The Public Leader. Khofffiu V.
6 The King of the North This town is in a sub arctic desert, most of the border skirmishes / wars in recent years have been on the northern border in the depth of winter when the Northern Hordes try to migrate south. Many say that this migration used to be peaceful and should still be allowed.
Example 2
Position Who Notes
1 Symbiant/Mind Control The Emperor is being mind controlled by a group of Mind Flayers who have infiltrated the basements and sub basements under his palace.
2 A Family A Noble Family are responcible for running the town "for the Empire", their interpretation of the Empires laws is sometimes a little grey.
3 The Empire The Public Leader, The Emperor who has his Palace in the capitol city.
4 Gladiators The Gladiators in the towns arena are very popular with the towns people with some being elevated to positions far above their station and respected for their opinions on a wide range of popular topics in the town.
5 Slavers The town is reliant on slaves and has a health respect for those who service this need.
6 A Guild Master The Guild Master of the Fishermen's Guild is a well respected elder statesman in the town
Example 3
Position Who Notes
1 Elected Mayor The Public Leader. Baron Gillebertus or other members of his family have held this post for many decades, some might dare to say that the elections are fixed but the prospect of learning to swim in the river wearing concrete boots tends to put them off.
2 The Mafia The Baron is the head of the towns Mafia which has a strong control of the towns less legal activities.
3 Elves The town has a large elven quarter, which is one of the towns safer areas.
4 A Healer The high priestess of the Moon God runs her church as a hospital for the town , having a no questions asked policy and a pay it forward attitude.
5 The Ladies of the Night "Granny" has a network of courtesans, prostitutes and escorts of both sexes and many races, giving her access to the beds of many of the towns influential individuals.
6 Sages The town has a well respected Sages Guild which draws visitors to the town from all over the world.
Table 1 Public or Behind
d% Which Table
01-10 Roll Once on Table 2 Public Leader
11-00 Roll Once on Table 3 Behind the Throne
Table 2 Public Leader
No’ Who Notes
1 The Sultan
2 A Random Lottery Winner
3 A Church
4 Royal Family
5 Pharaoh
6 The King
7 The Virgin Offering
8 The Empire
9 Elected Council
10 The Emperor
11 Elected Mayor
12 The Queen
13 A Dictator
14 The High Sheriff
Table 3 Behind the Throne
No’ Who Notes
1 Vampire
2 Lawyers
3 The Collective
4 A sibling or parent
5 The King of the North
6 Illusionist(s)
7 A Ghost
8 A Cult
9 Cthulhu
10 Slavers
11 The Masons
12 The Illuminati
13 Males
14 Monks
15 The Military
16 Athletes
17 The Dark One
18 Mind Flayers
19 Bureaucrats
20 Thieves Guild
21 Beholders
22 The Mafia
23 Rangers
24 Assassins Guild
25 Necromancers
26 Another Town/City
27 A War Hero
28 A Hive Mind
29 Judges/magistrates
30 The Listeners See below
31 A Demon
32 Miners
33 Wizards
34 The Unions
35 The Navy
36 A God/Gods
37 Advisory Council
38 A Devil
39 Farmers
40 The Slavers
41 Elders
42 Sailors
43 A Secret Society
44 University
45 A Prisoner
46 Mummy
47 The Dwarves
48 The Media
49 The Old Ones
50 Gladiators
51 A Peoples Hero
52 The Halfling Mafia
53 Guild Council
54 Occupying Army
55 The Wealthy
56 Artificers
57 Gnomes
58 Ladies of the night
59 The BBEG
60 Halflings
61 Sages
62 Tinkers
63 A Family
64 An Advisor
65 A Healer
66 Paladins
67 A Dragon
68 A Lich
69 The Bankers
70 Women
71 A Barbarian Horde
72 The Sleepers See below
73 The Harpers
74 The Elves
75 The Druids
76 Giants
77 Ninjas
78 Pirates
79 The Nightwatch
80 A Guild Master
81 The Watch
82 Elemental(s)
83 Merchants Guild
84 Lycanthropes
85 The Fey
86 Symbiant/Mind Control
87 The Beggar king
88 A prophet
89 Philosophers
90 The Knights of the round table
91 The Templers

'The Listeners - These keen minded individuals are available to document verbal contracts in the town which they then transcribe in their library into “The Agreement” which forms the towns laws.

The Sleepers - These comatose oracles guide the town via their loyal minders who are trained to communicate with them by entering a controlled semi comatose state themselves which grants them access to a shared mindscape.

(one vote)

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