Potions and Poisons (The Elder Scrolls Supplement)

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Potions are consumable items found throughout Tamriel. There are two different subdivisions of potions. Potions help by restoring Health/Magicka/Stamina, fortifying an ability, or otherwise benefiting the character. Poisons, on the other hand, are applied to weapons or food and detrimentally affect the target. Potions (and poisons) can be purchased, found, or even created. The potions provided on this page deal strictly with potions and poisons found in the environment and the inventories of characters, such as vendors.



Health Potions
Name Effect Cost Rarity
Potion of Minor Healing Restores 1d12 hit points 17 Common
Potion of Healing Restores 2d12 hit points 36 Common
Potion of Plentiful Healing Restores 3d12 hit points 57 Common
Potion of Vigorous Healing Restores 4d12 hit points 79 Common
Potion of Extreme Healing Restores 5d12 hit points 123 Uncommon
Potion of Ultimate Healing Restores 6d12 hit points 251 Uncommon
Potion of Regeneration Gains 1d10 temporary hit points for 5 minutes 311 Uncommon
Draught of Regeneration Gains 2d10 temporary hit points 380 Uncommon
Solution of Regeneration Gains 3d10 temporary hit points 451 Uncommon
Philter of Regeneration Gains 4d10 temporary hit points 522 Rare
Elixir of Regeneration Gains 5d10 temporary hit points 668 Rare
Potion of Health Hit point maximum is increased by 1d10 for 1 minute 67 Common
Draught of Health Hit point maximum is increased by 2d10 for 1 minute 145 Uncommon
Solution of Health Hit point maximum is increased by 3d10 for 1 minute 226 Uncommon
Philter of Health Hit point maximum is increased by 4d10 for 1 minute 311 Uncommon
Elixir of Health Hit point maximum is increased by 5d10 for 1 minute 398 Uncommon



Name Effect
Potion of Minor Stamina One extra bonus action for 1d4 turns
Potion of Stamina One extra bonus action for 1d6 turns
Potion of Plentiful Stamina One extra bonus action for 1d6 turns and One extra action for 1d4 turns
Potion of Vigorous Stamina One extra bonus action for 1d6 turns and One extra action for 1d6 turns
Potion of Extreme Stamina Two extra bonus actions for 2d6 turns and one extra action for 2d6 turns and +10 movement speed for 1d6 turns
Potion of Ultimate Stamina Two extra bonus actions for 2d6 turns and two extra actions for 2d6 turns and double movement speed for 2d6 turns


Magicka Potions
Name Effect Cost Rarity
Potion of Minor Magicka Restores 2 Magicka 20 gp Common
Potion of Magicka Restores 5 Magicka 44 gp Common
Potion of Plentiful Magicka Restores 10 Magicka 69 gp Common
Potion of Vigorous Magicka Restores 15 Magicka 95 gp Common
Potion of Extreme Magicka Restores 25 Magicka 148 gp Uncommon
Potion of Ultimate Magicka Restores 50 Magicka 150 gp Uncommon
Potion of Extra Magicka Gain 20 extra Magicka for 1 minute (10 rounds) 67 gp Common
Draught of Extra Magicka Gain 40 extra Magicka for 1 minute (10 rounds) 145 gp Uncommon
Solution of Extra Magicka Gain 60 extra Magicka for 1 minute (10 rounds) 226 gp Uncommon
Philter of Extra Magicka Gain 80 extra Magicka for 1 minute (10 rounds) 311 gp Uncommon
Elixir of Extra Magicka Gain 100 extra Magicka for 1 minute (10 rounds) 398 gp Uncommon
Potion of Lasting Potency Magicka regenerates an extra 1 point per round for 1 minute (10 rounds) 311 gp Uncommon
Draught of Lasting Potency Magicka regenerates an extra 3 points per round for 1 minute (10 rounds) 380 gp Uncommon
Solution of Lasting Potency Magicka regenerates an extra 5 points per round for 1 minute (10 rounds) 451 gp Uncommon
Philter of Lasting Potency Magicka regenerates an extra 8 points per round for 1 minute (10 rounds) 522 gp Rare
Elixir of Lasting Potency Magicka regenerates an extra 10 points per round for 1 minute (10 rounds) 668 gp Rare

