Potara Earrings (3.5e Equipment)

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Potara Earrings: The Potara Earrings are a pair of magical earrings imbued with potent fusion magic. When worn by two individuals simultaneously, they enable the wearers to perform a fusion, combining their powers, abilities, and physical forms into a single being.

The fusion granted by the Potara Earrings lasts for a duration of 2 hours for non-mortal beings. However, for immortal beings, the fusion becomes permanent until willingly undone or forcibly separated. During the fusion, the temporary hit points of both individuals are combined, granting the fused being additional resilience.

Furthermore, the ability scores, feats, abilities, equipment, armor, appearance, and racial traits of both individuals are merged into the fused form. This includes the accumulated knowledge, skills, and experiences of both individuals, enhancing the capabilities of the fused being.

Control over the fused form can be determined by either wearer, who can willingly switch control or attempt to gain control by rolling a Will saving throw against the other wearer's Will saving throw. This enables flexibility in decision-making and strategic advantage during combat or other situations.

The origin of the Potara Earrings is shrouded in mystery, and their creation is attributed to ancient beings of immense power. They are highly sought after by individuals seeking to gain a significant advantage in battle or to achieve unparalleled fusion abilities.
Strong Transmutation; CL 20; Weight: Negligible

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