Portable Portal (3.5e Equipment)

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Portable Portal: Portable Portals always come in sets of two, no more, no less. The basic function of the portable portals is instant transportation across a small space. A portable portal can be as small as 6 inches and as large as 8 feet, requiring a quick thought from the possessor and a flick of the wrist. A portable portal set has a maximum safe range of 50 feet, whereas anything further than the “Safe Spot” has a chance of only HALF of you going through, as shown on the graph below. Any further than 90 feet and only 25% of you will successfully go through the portal. The portable portal is a favorite of Wealthy Rogues and Wizards alike.

Distance	chance
51-60 ft.	25%
61-70 ft.	50%
71-80 ft.	75%
81-90 ft.	100%

Moderate ConjurationCL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item; Market Price: 200,000gp

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