Polymorph Gas (5e Trap)

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Polymorph Gas[edit]

Simple trap (level 5–7, moderate threat)

A long dark hallway with a hard to see tripwire in the middle, there are also large vents in the ceiling.

Trigger. Any small or larger creature that steps over the trap must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the trap activates. The trap can be seen with a DC 20 Perception check. It can not be disabled.

Effect. If someone fails the save, the large vents open, and let thick, green gas flow into the room. Every creature inside the room must make a DC 15 + the amount failed by the triggering saving throw. If you fail, you will be under the effects of the polymorph spell, turning into a random animal of the DM's choosing for (1d12 - your Constitution modifier) hours. can't be cured by anything less than the wish spell.

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