Plague of Undeath (5e Feat)

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Plague of Undeath

Prerequisites: Intelligence 13 or higher; being sick with something serious
With the help of the power of the plague, you can revive the creatures you killed, simultaneously infecting them with this disease. The resurrected will obey your orders. These creatures are made of plague and cause life-threatening damage.

  • When you kill an enemy, you can try to take control of his spirit by turning him into a hideous version of his former self. You can try this 2 times for each creature at any time. Roll 3d4. If you roll an odd number all 3 times, you will absorb their essence, which you can summon within the reach of your dark vision. The number of plague spawn you can get is equal to your modifier Intelligence. If the resurrected one is destroyed, you will lose him forever. At the same time, you can only summon one such creature. The plague spawn always follows you, and no action is required to give it an order.
The spawn of the plague
Stats The spawn of the plague's stats, actions(ignoring legendary actions) and Armor Class will be identical to the creature's previous stats
HP HP will be equal to their HP during life + dice hits of the summoner
Actions The plague spawn repeats any object that it used to carry out its attacks, including consumables (arrows, etc.).
Resistances Порождение чумы не сохраняет ни одного из своих прежних сопротивлений, иммунитетов или уязвимостей, вместо этого оно невосприимчиво к некротическим повреждениям и уязвимо к излучению
Especial All damage it does counts as necrotic damage
(2 votes)

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