Pipe weapons (5e Equipment)

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Fallout (5e Campaign Setting)
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Pipe weapons are guns put together from scraps, usually from trash just lying about. The common format of these weapons usually involves the firing mechanisms being part wood, barrels made from copper or steel pipes, and stocks/handles being any form of repurposed trash. Despite the obviously ramshackle nature of these weapons, they are incredibly versatile. They are extremely common, can be easily converted from pistols to rifles and vice versa, and have clipped, revolver, and bolt-action variants. Pipe weapons are a common sight among raiders and settlers alike, often crafted by the hands of the very person who owns them.

Pipe pistol
damage 2d4 Magazine 6 mag
damage type ballistic price 30
Rate of fire 1 weight 2 lb
Ammo type .38 large mag +12
Range 30-50ft drum mag +36
Pipe bolt action pistol
damage 3d4+3 Magazine 6 mag
damage type ballistic price 40
Rate of fire 1 weight 3 lb
Ammo type .38 large mag +12
Range 30-50ft drum mag +36
Pipe revolver
damage 1d8 Magazine 6 cylinder
damage type ballistic price 23
Rate of fire 1 weight 5 lb
Ammo type .38 large mag +12
Range 30-100ft drum mag +36
damage 2d6+3 Magazine 15 mag
damage type ballistic price 30
Rate of fire 1 weight 2 lb
Ammo type .45 large mag +15
Range 30-50ft drum mag +35

Pipe rifle

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