Path of the Shikigami (Shinobi World Supplement)

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Path of the Shikigami[edit]

Shikigami, or Formula Paper, is a term used to describe techniques in which the user creates and manipulates paper using their chakra. While often overlooked due to its weakness, even paper can become a deadly weapon when fully mastered.

Dance of the Shikigami[edit]

At 3rd level, you can use your chakra to turn you and every item you are wearing or holding into paper. As an action for 5 chakra, you gain the following for 1 minutes or until you dismiss this feature as a bonus action:

  • You may use Shuriken Shadow Clone jutsu once per thrown weapon on each of your turns without spending chakra. If you do not have said jutsu, you gain it while this feature is active.
  • As a bonus action, you may disperse yourself. While dispersed, you can not take actions, you occupy a 15 foot cube area, you may squeeze through gaps of any size, creatures may occupy your space without any penalties, and any attacks made against you have disadvantage. You may reform yourself in a unoccupied space as a bonus action.
  • You gain vulnerability to fire damage and resistance to cold damage.

Suffocating Containment[edit]

At 7th level, when you reform, as described in Dance of the Shikigami, you may do so in another creature's space. You may choose to initiate a grappling check with advantage. On a success, they must make a Dexterity saving throw or begin suffocating, having to hold their breath on a success. If they successfully leave this grapple, they are no longer suffocating or need to hold their breath.

If you do not attempt to grapple the creature, you are harmlessly pushed to the nearest unoccupied space unless you have another way to stay in the creature's space.

Paper Wings[edit]

At 10th level, you may create Shadow Clones at half their base cost, and you gain said jutsu if you did not have it already. Additionally, you and any clones you create have a flying speed equal to half your movement speed.

Improved Paper Projectiles[edit]

At 15th level, when you use the Shuriken Shadow Clone jutsu, you may turn any of the clone projectiles into Explosive Seals without material components, and you gain said jutsu if you did not have it already.

Sacred Paper Emissary Jutsu[edit]

At 20th level, you gain the following jutsu:

Sacred Paper Emissary

Requirements: Sacred Paper Emissary Jutsu

Cost: 1-45 chakra

Range: 30 feet

You create a 10 ft. cube object entirely of paper. For every chakra point spent above 1, this object's size increases by 10 feet. As a bonus action, you can move any amount of this created object up to 30 feet in any direction. Any creature within the object's path must succeed a Dexterity saving throw once per turn, taking 10d10 magical bludgeoning damage on a failure. This object appears any way you will it to, and is not revealed to be paper unless successfully attacked. Each 5 foot cube has an AC of 19 and 15 hit points. You may create an Explosive Seal on any part of this object without any material components at any range.

Path of the Shikigami Unique Jutsu[edit]

Dance of the Shikigami: Punishment

Cost: 17 chakra

Range: 30 feet

As an action, you create a razor-sharp spear that, while not difficult to avoid, is capable of tearing the target apart. Make a ranged attack with disadvantage against one creature within range. On a hit, they take 8d8 magical piercing damage. This attack has advantage against creatures that you know the location of and are heavily obscured.

Dance of the Shikigami: Storm

Cost: 3 chakra

Range: 30/60 feet

As a bonus action or one of your attacks when you take the attack action, you compress a large amount of chakra paper into a rose and launch it at one creature within range. On a hit, they take 1d4 piercing damage and everything in a 10 foot radius of them becomes heavily obscured until the beginning of your next turn.

Paper Drizzle

Requirements: Paper Wings

Chakra: 4 chakra

When you take the attack action, you fire a barrage of small paper airplanes from your wings. You gain the following until the end of your next turn:

  • When you make an attack, you may only make attacks using your unarmed strikes.
  • Your unarmed strikes count as ranged attacks with a range equal to your movement speed and deal half as much damage.
  • When you take the attack action, you may make an additional number of attacks equal to your proficiency bonus.

Paper Chakram

Cost: 1+ chakra

Range: Touch

As an action or bonus action for 2 additional chakra, you form weapons out of chakra paper. The weapons are obviously made of paper and disintegrate after 1 minute. You must spend a number of chakra points equal to half the weapon's maximum damage die roll. You are proficient with weapons you make and you may choose to add your jutsu casting modifier instead to the damage of these weapons' attack rolls.

Gospel of the Angel

Requirements: Paper Chakram

Cost: 3 chakra

Range: Touch

When you create a weapon using Paper Chakram, you speed up the creation with additional chakra, allowing you to make an attack with the weapon as part of the action or bonus action used to create it, and the weapon gains the Thrown (30/60 feet) property if it did not already have a longer Thrown range.

Origami Butterflies

Cost: 2+ chakra

As an action, you create butterflies made of paper from your body. You can see through its eyes and communicate through them. For every 2 additional chakra up to a maximum of your proficiency bonus. These butterflies have a flying speed of 45ft, with an ac of 10 and 1 hitpoint.

Origami Skewer

Cost: 9+ chakra

As an action make a ranged spell attack on a success, you morpth your hand into paper sending a flurry of origami butterflies dealing 5d6+ intelligence modifier slashing damage and knocking them back 10ft. this jutsu deal an additional 1d6 per 2 chakra spent

Paper Angel

Cost: 2 chakra

As an action, you create a Tiny angel made of paper from your body. You can experience anything around this angel as if you were in its place. Until you dispel this jutsu as an action or it is destroyed, you can not regain the chakra spent on this jutsu.

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