PFSRD:Circlet of Mindsight

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Price 22,000 gp; Aura moderate divination; CL 9th; Weight

This elaborate circlet of gold-and-platinum filigree bears tiny gems in settings that look disturbingly like human eyes. When worn, the circlet lets the wearer sense the presence of other thinking creatures in her immediate area. The wearer gains the benefits of blindsense 30 feet, but only against creatures with an Intelligence score that are susceptible to mind-affecting effects.

Undead, constructs, and mindless creatures like most oozes and vermin cannot be perceived when using the circlet, nor can creatures under the effects of mind blank or a ring of mind shielding.

The circlet does not interfere with the wearer's ability to see normally. If the wearer has blindsense or blindsight, he is able to differentiate creatures detected with those senses from creatures detected with the circlet of mindsight.

Construction Requirements

Cost 11,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, clairaudience/clairvoyance, detect thoughts

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