PFSRD:Cat's Eye Crown

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Price 18,000 gp; Aura moderate divination; CL10th; Weight1 lb.

This slender silver crown is decorated with a single cat's eye gemstone as a centerpiece. When the gem is attached to the crown, its wearer gains darkvision 60 feet, or increases her darkvision by 60 feet if she already possesses that sense. The gemstone is detachable, and can be rolled into rooms, dropped into holes, thrown through windows, or planted on a creature. Once per day, on command, the crown's wearer gains the benefit of the clairaudience/clairvoyance spell, but uses the cat's eye gemstone as that spell's sensor and gains darkvision when viewing through that sensor. If the stone is held or carried by a creature, even within a sack or some other container, the creature wearing the crown uses the senses of the creature carrying the gemstone as the sensor instead, whether or not the creature carrying the gemstone is aware of the stone's true purpose or even its existence. Destroying the gem (hardness 8, hp 5) severs the link, but a new cat's eye gemstone worth at least 100 gp can be fashioned and attuned to the crown. The attunement process takes 24 hours.

Construction Requirements

Cost 9,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, clairaudience/clairvoyance, darkvision, creator must be a catfolk

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