Ozhalig (3.5e Template)

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Ozhalig are naturally psionic creatures, who are incredibly beautiful. There are two ozhalig kinds: animal ozhalig and humanoid ozhalig. Humanoid ozhalig are the more powerful (and much more dangerous) among them, and are also much rarer than animal ozhalig. They have a near-absolute control over the mind and can manipulate it with frightening ease. Animal and humanoid ozhalig alike find ozhalig flesh particularly tasty, though this doesn't necessarily affect their diet. Ozhalig genetics are very dominant; consequently, an ozhalig's offspring are always ozhalig themselves, even if the other parent isn't ozhalig.

Creating an Animal Ozhalig[edit]

Animal Ozhalig is an inherited template that can be applied on any Animal type creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). An animal ozhalig uses all the base creature's statistics, abilities and special abilities, except as noted here.

Physical Description: Similarly to the appearance of the base creature, but with unnatural coloring.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to Magical Beast. They also acquire the subtypes Augmented and Ozhalig. Don't recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.

Hit Dice: Increase all current and future HD by 1 level (d4 into d6, d10 into d12, etc.) up to d20.

Speed: Increase all the speeds of the base creature by 50% (rounded up). If the base creature possesses flight speed, increase the maneuverability by 1 level.

Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor bonus improves by +2.

Full Attack: Similarly to the base creature, but combined with Mesmerism (see below).

Special Attacks: An animal ozhalig retains the special attacks of the base creature, and also gains Mesmerism, described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + the ozhalig’s HD + the ozhalig’s Cha modifier.

Mesmerism (Ex): A combination of the beauty and mental power of the animal ozhalig. As a standard action, the ozhalig can target any creature that sees them. The target(s) then must succeed on a Will save, or become both Dazed and Fascinated. All ozhalig are innately immune to this effect and needn't roll the save, but can still do so and purposely fail on the save if they want to.

Special Qualities: An animal ozhalig retains all the base creature's special qualities, and gains those described below:

Mental Radar (Ex): Animal ozhalig automatically sense the location and mental state of any creature that has an Intelligence score within a radius of 30 to 1500 feet (based on their size).

Mental Influence (Ex): Through their mental abilities, animal ozhalig can replicate the effects of the spells Charm Animal, Charm Person, Confusion, Daze, Hold Animal and Hold Person. The effects function just like the spells, but only last as long as the ozhalig concentrates on them. Effective caster level is equal to the ozhalig's Wisdom modifier + the ozhalig's Charisma modifier, and the save DC is Wisdom-based.

Healing Factor: Ozhalig heal quickly. They restore 1 hp per 3 hours of activity, or 1 hp per hour of rest, 1 point of ability damage per hour, and 1 point of drained ability per day. Furthermore, they gain an additional +6 bonus on Fortitude saves against poisons and diseases.

Longevity: Ozhalig mature at a similar rate to the base creature, however afterwards their aging slows, providing them with twice as long lifespan compared to the base creature.

Abilities: +2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, +6 Charisma. Animal ozhalig are breathtakingly beautiful, and their mind is sharp. They are also healthy and agile.

Challenge Rating: The base creature's CR +6.

Alignment: Always Chaotic Neutral or Neutral.

Advancement: By HD.

Level Adjustment: Unplayable.

Creating a Humanoid Ozhalig[edit]

Humanoid Ozhalig is an inherited template that can be applied on any Humanoid and Mosntrous Humanoid type creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A humanoid ozhalig uses all the base creature's statistics, abilities and special abilities, except as noted here.

Physical Description: Similarly to the appearance of the base creature, but extremely attractive, with unnatural hair color and very brilliant eye color.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to Monstrous Humanoid. They gain the subtypes Augmented and Ozhalig. Don't recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.

Hit Dice: Increase all current and future HD by 1 level (d4 into d6, d10 into d12, etc.) up to d20.

Speed: Increase all the speeds of the base creature by 50% (rounded up). If the base creature possesses flight speed, increase the maneuverability by 1 level.

Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor bonus improves by +2.

Full Attack: Similarly to the base creature, but combined with Mesmerism (see below).

Special Attacks: A humanoid ozhalig retains the special attacks of the base creature, and also acquires those described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + the ozhalig’s HD + the ozhalig’s Cha modifier.

Mesmerism (Ex): A combination of the beauty and mental power of the humanoid ozhalig. As a move action, the ozhalig can target any creature that sees them. The target(s) then must succeed on a Will save, or become both Dazed and Fascinated. All ozhalig are innately immune to this effect and needn't roll the save, but can still do so and purposely fail on the save if they want to.

Special Qualities: A humanoid ozhalig retains all the base creature's special qualities, and also acquires those described below:

Mental Radar (Ex): Humanoid ozhalig automatically sense the location, as well as the mental/emotional state, of any creature that has an Intelligence score within a 3000 feet radius. However, a creature with enough willpower can learn to shield their emotional state from this sense (the humanoid ozhalig can still sense their actual mental presence, but their emotions are concealed from detection).

Telepathy (Ex): Humanoid ozhalig can mentally converse with any creature they can sense through their Mental Radar; they can also invade the mind of any such creature within a 300 feet radius, detecting their thoughts and memories. However, the creature is entitled to a Will save, at DC equal to 10 + the humanoid ozhalig’s HD + the humanoid ozhalig’s Wisdom modifier, to notice and block the intrusion. Technically, a creature can decide not to block the intrusion even if they have noticed it.

Advanced Mental Influence (Ex): Through their mental abilities, humanoid ozhalig can replicate the effects of the spells Calm Emotions, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Daze Monster, Deep Slumber, Doom, Good Hope, Greater Command, Hypnotism, Lullaby, Major Image, Mass Charm Monster, Mass Hold Monster, Mass Invisibility, Mass Suggestion, Modify Memory, Remove Fear and Seeming. The effects function just like the spells but only last as long as the ozhalig concentrates on them. Effective caster level is equal to 10 + the ozhalig's Wisdom modifier + the ozhalig's Charisma modifier, and the save DC is Wisdom-based.

Mental Fortitude: Humanoid ozhalig possess a highly powerful mind that naturally resists mental influence. They gain an additional +6 bonus on all Will saves. They also have psionic resistance (similarly to spell resistance but against mind-affecting effects) equal to 15 + their HD/class levels.

Healing Factor: Ozhalig heal quickly. They restore 1 hp per 3 hours of activity, or 1 hp per hour of rest, 1 point of ability damage per hour, and 1 point of drained ability per day. Furthermore, they gain an additional +6 bonus on Fortitude saves against poisons and diseases.

Longevity: Ozhalig mature at a similar rate to the base creature, however afterwards their aging slows, providing them with twice as long lifespan compared to the base creature.

Abilities: +2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +8 Intelligence, +10 Wisdom, +12 Charisma. Humanoid ozhalig are breathtakingly beautiful, and their mind is extremely sharp. They are also healthy and agile.

Skills: Humanoid ozhalig gain a +4 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy and Gather Information checks.

Feats: Humanoid ozhalig gain the feats Alertness, Iron Will and Lightning Reflexes.

Challenge Rating: The base creature's CR +12.

Alignment: Any

Advancement: By HD or by class, whichever is appropriate.

Level Adjustment: +8

Note: Vermin Ozhalig[edit]

Vermin type creatures can be ozhalig. However, their mindless nature makes them different from normal animal ozhalig. The Vermin Ozhalig template is basically the animal ozhalig template, but doesn't change the creature's type or grant it the special attack Mesmerism, the special qualities Mental Radar and Mental Influence, or the +2 bonus to Intelligence (since vermin have no Intelligence score). Also, the vermin ozhalig template only increases the creature's challenge rating by +2 (or by two levels, if lower than CR 1), since they lack the dangerous mental powers of other ozhalig. Vermin ozhalig are of Neutral alignment.

Note: Ozhalig Mental Powers[edit]

Although ozhalig are often referred to as psionic creatures, their mental powers aren't truly psionic. They are not magical in nature either. They are most closely related to psionic powers, however function in a different manner than actual psionic powers. Therefore, despite their similar nature, they are exempt from effects that influence or nullify magical and psionic effects. However, the mental powers of ozhalig are still mind-affecting effects and are treated as ones for all intents and purposes.

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