Oversized Weapons List (5e Variant Rule)

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Result of applying Oversized (5e Variant Rule) to 5e SRD:Weapons. While it's supposed to be used by Large characters as intermediate stage between normal and Large weapons (Large weapons would just use *2 dice), surprisingly many of them are useful for Small and Medium characters. Would like to turn it into proper sheet like on 5e SRD:Weapons later. Many names are pending.


Baseball Bat
  • Oversized Club costs 2 SP and weights 4 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d6 bludgeoning, light
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d6 bludgeoning
Bowie Knife
  • Oversized Dagger costs 4 GP and weights 2 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d6 piercing, finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60).
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d6 piercing.
Signpost Ripped From Ground
  • Oversized Greatclub costs 4 SP and weights 20 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d10 bludgeoning, Two-handed, Heavy.
    • When wielded by a Medium creature: 1d10 bludgeoning, Two-handed, Heavy. Possibly, no disadvantage on attack rolls, as "Heavy" is from Two-handed, not "natural" one.
    • A small creature cannot wield this.
Oversized Handaxe
  • Oversized Handaxe costs 10 GP and weights 4 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d8 slashing, Light, thrown (range 20/60).
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d8 slashing.
Oversized Javelin
  • Oversized Javelin costs 10 SP/1 GP and weights 4 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d8 piercing, Thrown (range 30/120).
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d8 piercing.
Oversized Light Hammer
  • Oversized Light Hammer costs 4 SP and weights 4 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d6 bludgeoning, Light, thrown (range 20/60).
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d6 bludgeoning.
Oversized Mace
  • Oversized Mace costs 10 GP and weights 8 LB.
    • When wielded by a Small, Medium or Large creature: 1d8 bludgeoning.
Long Pole
  • Oversized Quarterstaff costs 4 SP and weights 8 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d8 bludgeoning, Versatile (1d10).
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d8 bludgeoning, Two-Handed.
Oversized Sickle
  • Oversized Sickle costs 2 GP and weights 4 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d6 slashing, Light.
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d6 slashing.
  • Oversized spear costs 2 gp and weighs 6 lb.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d8 piercing, thrown (20/60), versatile (1d10)
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d8 piercing, two-handed
Crossbow, Medium
  • Oversized Crossbow, Light costs 50 GP and weights 10 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d10, Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, two-handed, heavy.
    • When wielded by a Medium creature: 1d10, Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, two-handed, heavy, disadvantage on attack rolls.
    • A small creature cannot wield this.
Oversized Dart
  • Oversized Dart costs 10 CP/1 SP and weights ½ LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d6 piercing, Finesse, thrown (range 20/60).
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d6 piercing.
Oversized Shortbow
  • Oversized Shortbow costs 50 GP and weights 4 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed, heavy.
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: two-handed, heavy, disadvantage on attack rolls.
    • A small creature cannot wield this.
Oversized Sling
  • Oversized Sling costs 2 SP and weights — LB.
    • When wielded by a Small, Medium or Large creature: 1d6 bludgeoning, Ammunition (range 30/120).
Oversized Battleaxe
  • Oversized Battleaxe costs 20 GP and weights 8 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d10 slashing, Versatile (1d12).
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d10 slashing, Two-Handed.
Oversized Flail
  • Oversized Flail costs 20 GP and weights 4 LB.
    • When wielded by a Small, Medium or Large creature: 1d10
Guan Do
  • An oversized glaive costs 40 gp and weighs 12 lb.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d12 slashing, heavy, reach, two-handed
    • When wielded by a Medium Creature: 1d12 slashing, heavy, reach, two-handed; disadvantage on attack rolls
    • A small creature cannot wield this.
Man Splitter
  • Oversized Greataxe costs 60 GP and weights 14 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 2d8 slashing, Heavy, two-handed.
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 2d8 slashing, Heavy, two-handed, disadvantage on attack rolls.
    • A small creature cannot wield this.
Buster Sword, or Fullblade
  • An oversized greatsword costs 100 gp and weighs 12 lb.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 2d8 slashing, heavy, two-handed
    • When wielded by a Medium creature: 2d8 slashing, heavy, two-handed; disadvantage on attack rolls
    • A small creature cannot wield this.
Oversized Halberd
  • Oversized Halberd costs 40 gp and weighs 12 lb.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d12 slashing, heavy, reach, two-handed
    • When wielded by a Medium Creature: 1d12 slashing, heavy, reach, two-handed; disadvantage on attack rolls
    • A small creature cannot wield this.
  • Oversized Lance costs 20 GP and weights 12 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 2d8 piercing, Reach, Special.
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 2d8 piercing, Reach, Special.
    • A small creature can only wield this when mounted.
    • Special: Requires two hands to wield when you aren't mounted - in which case it counts as Two-Handed and Heavy. It's unknown if such "acquired Heavy" counts as "natural heavy"; if it does, then can't be used by Small character, and has disadvantage is used by Medium character. If "acquired Heavy" doesn't count as "natural Heavy", then medium and small characters can use it two-handed as usual. If used when mounted, it can be used with one arm - and therefore, isn't Two-Handed, isn't Heavy, and can by used by anyone. Regardless of size, you have disadvantage when you use a lance to attack a target within 5 feet of you.
Oversized Longsword
  • Oversized Longsword costs 30 GP and weights 6 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d10 slashing, Versatile (1d12)
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d10 slashing, Two-Handed.
  • Oversized Maul costs 20 GP and weights 20 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 2d8 bludgeoning, Heavy, two-handed.
    • When wielded by a Medium creature: Heavy, two-handed; disadvantage on attack rolls.
    • A small creature cannot wield this.
Oversized Morningstar
  • Oversized costs 30 GP and weights 8 LB.
    • When wielded by a Small, Medium or Large creature: 1d10 piercing.
Oversized Pike
  • Oversized Pike costs 10 GP and weights 36 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d12 piercing, Heavy, reach, two-handed.
    • When wielded by a Medium creature: 1d12 piercing, Heavy, reach, two-handed; disadvantage on attack rolls.
    • A small creature cannot wield this.
Oversized Rapier
  • Oversized Rapier costs 50 GP and weights 4 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d10 piercing, Finesse.
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d10 piercing.
Oversized Scimitar
  • Oversized Scimitar costs 50 GP and weights 6 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d8 slashing, Finesse, light.
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d8 slashing.
Oversized Shortsword
  • Oversized Shortsword costs 20 GP and weights 4 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d8 piercing, Finesse, light.
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d8 piercing.
Oversized Trident
  • An oversized trident costs 10 gp and weighs 8 lb.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d8 piercing, thrown (20/60), versatile (1d10).
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d8 piercing, two-handed.
Oversized War Pick
  • Oversized War Pick costs 10 GP and weights 4 LB.
    • When wielded by a Small, Medium or Large creature: 1d10 piercing.
Oversized Warhammer
  • Oversized costs Warhammer 30 GP and weights 4 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d10 bludgeoning, Versatile (1d12).
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d10 bludgeoning, Two-Handed.
Oversized Whip
  • Oversized Whip costs 4 GP and weights 6 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d6 slashing, Finesse, reach.
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d6 slashing, reach.
Oversized Blowgun
  • Oversized costs Blowgun 10 GP and weights 2 LB.
    • When wielded by a Small, Medium or Large creature: 1d4 piercing, Ammunition (range 25/100), loading.
Oversized Crossbow, Hand
  • Oversized Crossbow, Hand costs 150 GP and weights 6 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d8 piercing, Ammunition (range 30/120), light, loading.
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: 1d8 piercing, Ammunition (range 30/120), loading.
Mini Ballista
  • An oversized heavy crossbow costs 100 gp and weighs 36 lb.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d12 piercing, ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading, two-handed
    • When wielded by a Medium creature: 1d12 piercing, ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading, two-handed; disadvantage on attack rolls
    • A small creature cannot wield this.
Oversized Longbow
  • An oversized longbow costs 100 gp and weighs 4 lb.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: 1d10 piercing, ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed
    • When wielded by a Medium creature: 1d10 piercing, ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed; disadvantage on attack rolls
    • A small creature cannot wield this.
Oversized Net
  • Oversized Net costs 2 GP and weights 6 LB.
    • When wielded by a Large creature: Special, thrown (range 5/15).
    • When wielded by a Small or Medium creature: Special.
    • Net is so special, what it's unknown how it would react with Oversized Weapons rules. That needs separate research.
Oversized Arrows (20)
  • Oversized Arrows (20) costs 2 GP and weights 2 LB.
Oversized Blowgun Needles (50)
  • Oversized Blowgun Needles (50) costs 2 GP and weights 2 LB.
Oversized Crossbow Bolts (20)
  • Oversized Crossbow Bolts (20) costs 2 GP and weights 3 LB.
Oversized Sling Bullets (20)
  • Oversized Sling Bullets (20) costs 8 CP and weights 3 LB.


  • The weapon is only considered - Light, Finesse, Versatile, Thrown - if you are a Large creature, otherwise it is ignored.
  • Two-handed: add the Heavy property if it doesn't already have it. It's not certain if it counts as "natural heavy" for purposes of being unwieldy.
  • Heavy: If you are a Medium creature, you have disadvantage on attack rolls with the weapon. If you are Small, you cannot wield the weapon at all.
  • Quadruple the weight and cost of the weapon, and of any ammunition it uses. Considering what pre-made examples listed doubled cost, we will assume it's not quadrupled (multiplied by 4), but doubled (multiplied by 2).
  • 1 → 1d4 → 1d6 → 1d8 → 1d10 → 1d12 → 2d8
  • 2d4 → 2d6 → 2d8
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