Orb of Demon Blocking (3.5e Equipment)

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Orb of Demon Blocking: Prevents Demons from passing. A sphere of about 5 inches in diameter made of cold wrought iron engraved with magical runes, sometimes mounted on a small pedestal.

When placed on the floor or any other solid and stable surface, it surrounds itself with a 10' radius aura which cannot be entered or crossed by any Tanar'ri, not even by means of teleportation. They cannot target the Orb for any conscious action, like throwing something at it, or using a pole or rope to move it. The more intelligent Demons may try to convince other creatures to move this device.

Note that missiles, spells or spell-like abilities can cross the barrier, as long as they do not transport any Demon.

Otherwise the Orb has the same effects as a combined Magic Circle against Evil and Chaos for beings inside its aura.

Chaotic or evil beings must pass a DC 16 Will Save to be able to touch the orb, or otherwise move it, though they can move freely through the aura, unless this is prevented by the Magic Circle effect. For a (non demonic) chaotic evil being the DC is 20. If the save is failed it can be repeated after waiting for at least one day.

If the Orb is placed less than 10' away of a demonic creature the aura will not build up, so it cannot be used to crush or forcibly move a Demon. If a Demon is somehow forced into the aura by a non-demonic force, the aura will collapse for the time the Demon is inside it, and reform after it leaves again.

Strong abjuration; CL 10; Magic Circle against Chaos, Magic Circle against Evil, Permanency, Craft Wonderous Item; Cost 25.000 gp, 2.000 XP, 50 days; Weight: 1 lb.; Market Price: 50.000 gp

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