Nydroth's Grisly Joining (4e Ritual)

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Nydroth's Grisly Joining[edit]

This ritual combines two creatures into one horrifying fusion.

Level: 18 Component Cost: 3,500+ gp
Category: Binding Market Price: 17,000 gp
Time: 1 week Key Skill: Heal
Duration: Permanent

This foul ritual mixes two (and only two) creatures together, fusing them into a single creature with a degree of success determined by your skill check. Both subjects must be present for the entire casting of the ritual, and each must be either willing or helpless. In all cases, the dm will design the resultant creature based on your skill check.

The ritual's component cost starts at 3,500 gp and increases based on the tier and level of each subject. A heroic tier subject adds 100 gp per level to the cost. A paragon tier subject adds 1,000 gp per level to the cost, and an epic tier subject adds 10,000 gp per level to the cost.

Heal Check Result
9 or lower The resulting creature is nonviable and dies.
10-19 The resulting creature is weak and has a mind torn in two or a frail body. It is thus in constant torment. The creature is the same level as its lower level component creature and has one of the following traits: Torn Mind, which means that it can take only a single action each round and has vulnerable 10/tier psychic, or Frail Body, which means that is takes a -2 penalty on saving throws and has vulnerable 10/tier necrotic.
20-29 The resulting creature is strong in body and mind. It is of a level equal to the average level of its component creatures.
30-39 The resulting creature is very strong in body and mind. It is of a level equal to the higher level of its component creatures.
40 or higher The resulting creature is very strong in body and mind. It is an elite creature of a level equal to the higher level of its component creatures.

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