North Zineland (Valgora Supplement)

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The mighty blow, the stoutest foe, but all should know, as I behold, no one rose that day who wasn't under the pay of Meloku's gang
Douie Solitude, Famed Bard
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Campaign Setting

Ah, Stormforge: the great city of the dwarves. Built into the very mountains of the North Zineland. The stout natives of this land gladly delve into it's quarry daily.
—Sir TwoTone Trollbane, Tips for Travelers

North Zineland
Ridok Redbeard
Predominant Race
Predominant Language
Predominant Religion


North Zineland is a coastal state that enjoys moderate temperatures. The state's lead economic holdings are its shipyards that build the finest crafts of the waterways, and are a huge export to Talara.

Major Settlements & Regions

Along with South Zineland in Malsvir, the two states share the world's largest known rock quarry. The dwarven settlement of Stormforge is located in the south of the state and serves as capital.

National Leaders

Although under the rule of Ridok Redbeard, a dwarven paladin of the Order of Vargach, since its capital is so far removed from the Ghikvan Allied Parliament, Redbeard uses his second-in-command and son Aiden Redbeard to represent the state during Parliament sessions so he may stay and take care of his state duties.

National Sport

The Stormforge Smelters have had the number one ranked defensive line in the Ghiknifal for numerous years, though they've only managed to take home the championship three times.

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