Mutant Slaad (5e Template)

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Mutant Slaad[edit]

The Slaadi, born of Law's attempt to control Chaos, are a messy, randomized race of beings. For those DMs who seek to increase the number of ways that Slaadi chaotically vary, this template will allow you to make each Slaadi a unique fight, fitting of the residents of Limbo. When a Slaad is born, and again when it metamorphoses into more advanced Slaad forms, roll 1d6 times on the Slaad Mutations table, losing previous mutations unless specified. Any mutations rolled multiple times will benefit the Slaad multiple times unless a reroll is specified.


Any Slaad (Slaad Tadpole included)

Slaad Mutations
1d100 Flavor Mechanical Effect
1. Human Heart This is a rare Slaad which retains its humanoid soul, whether retaining it through its metamorphosis into a Red Slaad, or absorbing it as it kills its humanoid host to burst out as a Slaad Tadpole. However, the process of becoming a Slaad can instill some very odd habits. The Slaad retains its humanoid self/host's memories and personality, and the humanoid's soul becomes bound to the Slaad, killing the Slaad if removed. The Slaad helps retain its soul by choosing to roll once on the Chaotic Indulgence table each day, which acts like a long-term madness with a duration of 24 hours. The Slaad retains this mutation even if it metamorphoses into more advanced forms, but loses it if it refuses to roll on the Indefinite Madness table three days in a row. Reroll if rolled twice.
2. Original No matter how hard one looks or scans this Slaad, it demonstrates no difference from a bog-standard Slaad of its color. This is the usual form of Slaadi born directly from the Spawning Stone Ignore all other rolls on this table and do not roll any more mutations until the Slaad metamorphoses.
3. Slaad Poison I (+1) This Slaad is somewhat akin to a Grung, its every tissue and bodily fluid rich with a toxic substance. However, this Slaad's Poison is dense with Limbo's chaos, and causes many magical effects. Any creature that directly touches the Slaad or an object the Slaad has touched in the last minute must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, the creature rolls once on the Wild Magic Surge table as if it were a 1st level sorcerer at the end of each of its turns. If the Slaad also has the Slaad Poison II and/or III mutations, a creature only needs one saving throw to avoid being poisoned, but suffers all of the Slaad's Slaad Poison effects simultaneously if it fails. Reroll if rolled twice.
4. Meaty Hide (+1) This Slaad has both a tough, leathery skin and a layer of thick, fatty tissue across its body, giving it greater defensive power and resilience. The Slaad gains a +1 bonus to its ac, and its Constitution ability score increases by 2 to a maximum of 30. Reroll if rolled twice.
5. Corpulent (-1) This Slaad's fatty tissue has built up to a mobility-hindering degree. The Slaad's movement speed is halved and its Dexterity ability score is reduced by 2 to a minimum of 8. This mutation is nullified if rolled with the Skeletal mutation. Reroll if rolled twice.
6. Sticky Pads This Slaad has spoon-shaped pads on its fingers and toes which act like suction cups. The Slaad gains a climbing speed equal to its walking speed, it can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check, and items it holds cannot be taken from it against its will. Reroll if rolled twice.
7. Dichromatic (see mechanical effect) This Slaad is one color on the right side and another color on the left, split down the middle. This gives it all the powers of both Slaadi and an even more chaotic disposition. Roll a d6 (or a d8 if Life Slaadi exist in the setting), half of this Slaad becomes the color of the rolled Slaad and it's CR increases by the same number. This Slaad's ability scores become those of the rolled Slaad's unless they are already higher. In addition, any of the rolled Slaad's actions or traits are added to this Slaad as well. Reroll if rolled twice.

1) Slaad Tadpole (Brown)
2) Red Slaad
3) Blue Slaad
4) Green Slaad
5) Grey Slaad
6) Death Slaad
7) Pink Slaad
8) Life Slaad

8. Glass Body (-1) This Slaad's body is made up of a transparent yet brittle stained glass that shifts dimensions as the Slaad moves. The Slaad gains vulnerability to bludgeoning damage and immunity to acid and poison damage. If the Slaad is reduced to 0 hit points by bludgeoning damage, it shatters and sprays glass shards in a 10 foot radius, dealing 12 (1d12 + 6) piercing damage to all creatures in this radius. Reroll if rolled twice.
9. Diminished (-1) This Slaad demonstrates an abnormally small size even accounting for the Slaad race's usual disproportionate proportions. The Slaad is one size smaller than normal (large to medium, medium to small, small to tiny). In addition, each of the Slaad's hit dice and damage dice count as one size smaller (d12 to d10, d10 to d8, d8 to d6, d6 to d4, and d4 to d1). Reroll only if the Slaad is already Tiny.
10. Phyl-egg-tery This Slaad possesses and odd and powerful ability, to create eggs that will catch its soul as it dies and bring it back to life, but only one egg at a time. Slaadi with this mutation will be unnaturally consistent about keeping the egg safe, even if they don't know what it does. By spending 1 hour concentrating, as if on a spell, the Slaad can lay a single tiny egg (AC 5, 3 hit points) and cannot lay another one until the egg is destroyed or used. When the Slaad dies, it is immediately reborn from the egg as a Slaad Tadpole, which in turn metamorphoses into the Slaad's orginal color after 3d4 hours. Rebirthing in this manner retains the Slaad's memories, personality, mutations, and alignment, but the Slaad's mutations may change when it metamorphoses into a full-grown Slaad again. Reroll if rolled twice.
11. Strongslaad (+1) This Slaad's bulging, manly muscles grant it heightened power and offense, even to the point of increasing its defense. The Slaad's Strength ability score increases by 2 to a maximum of 30. In addition, it gains the following reaction:

Endure. If struck with a melee weapon attack or forced to make a Strength saving throw, the Slaad tenses its muscles and deflects some of the impact, granting itself resistance to all damage except psychic and poison, as well as advantage on Strength saving throws, including the one that triggered this reaction, until the start of its next turn. While affected by this reaction, the Slaad has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws.

12. Icy (+1) This Slaad emanates an icy chill, and constantly freezes small amounts of air around its claws to sharpen them with blades of ice. The Slaad gains immunity to cold damage, loses its resistance to fire damage, and its claw attack deals an additional 2d6 cold damage on a hit. In addition, if the Slaad can inject Slaad eggs through its claws, a target that fails it's Constitution saving throw against being injected is also frozen solid as though petrified. The target can be thawed and the egg destroyed by a greater restoration spell or by spending 12 hours in a warm area. If the target remains frozen for 3 months, it shatters and a Slaad Tadpole emerges from it. Reroll if rolled twice or if the Slaad rolls the Fiery mutation.
13. Unlucky (-2) This Slaad simply has awful luck, tripping or getting distracted often. It hopes its lucky break will come soon, but that doesn't seem likely. Voted most likely to die horribly by its fellow Slaadi. Whenever the Slaad makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, it flips a coin. If the coin lands on tails, it makes the roll at disadvantage. If rolled multiple times, the Slaad flips a coin for each Unlucky mutation, and if any are tails, it makes the roll at disadvantage. If the Slaad rolls for mutations at any point in the future, it rolls an additional mutation for each Unlucky mutation it rolled prior.
14. Expressive Tail This Slaad has a short, tadpole-like tail that wags when it is happy, droops when it is sad, and stands upright when it is frightened. None. Reroll if rolled twice.
15. Lashing Tongue (+1) This Slaad has a very long and strong tongue it can use as a disturbing and powerful weapon. The tongue is so long the Slaad cannot hold it inside its mouth fully and several inches of it dangle from the corner of the Slaad's mouth at all times. The Slaad gains the following action, which it can use in place of a bite during its multiattack:

Tongue Whip. Melee weapon attack. + (Strength or Dexterity modifier) + proficiency + 2 to hit, range 20 feet, one target. Hit: 1d4 + 2 + (Strength or Dexterity modifier) slashing + 1d6 psychic damage. This attack deals an additional 7 (2d6) necrotic damage if the Slaad is also a Death Slaad. This attack is made with disadvantage against aberrations. A critical hit made with this attack stuns the target until the start of the Slaad's next turn.
If the Slaad receives a critical hit from a weapon that deals slashing damage on the same round it uses this action, the tongue is severed and it loses the ability to use this action until it regenerates at least 30 hit points. The tongue becomes a Dyrrn's Tentacle Whip if severed. Reroll if rolled twice.

16. Superior Morphing This Slaad is better suited to changing its shape and size at will, and does so far more frequently to suit its ever-changing moods. The Slaad gains the ability to polymorph if it does not already, and can use it (only on itself) to assume the form of any beast or humanoid of a CR equal to or less than its own. The Slaad's hit points remain the same in any form. Reroll if rolled twice.
17. Kill Switch (-1) This Slaad has a small organ in its brain that injects powerful neurotoxins into its system when it is stressed, instantly killing itself to prevent being defeated or captured by another. If the Slaad receives a critical hit or is restrained, or if it chooses to do so, the Slaad receives an amount of poison damage equal to its hit point maximum and is poisoned if it survives this damage. If the Slaad is swallowed by a creature when this happens, the creature that swallowed the Slaad receives the same amount of poison damage, which ignores resistance and immunity. A creature that telepathically contacts this Slaad will hallucinate a large red button in front of them, and if the creature "presses" this button, the Slaad receives this damage.
18. Lightened Form (+1) This Slaad is much leaner than the average Slaad, giving it a sleek body that is easy to slip out of the way of harm. The Slaad's Dexterity ability score increases by 2 to a maximum of 30. In addition, whenever the Slaad is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a dex saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.
19. Misleading Hue This Slaad looks exactly like a Slaad of another color. Any creature observing the Slaad must make a DC 16 Intelligence (Nature or Arcana) ability check or be fooled into thinking the Slaad is a different color of Slaad. A fooled creature can reattempt the ability check at the start of each turn (no action required) and does not need to attempt the ability check again against that Slaad if it succeeds.
20. Long Neck This Slaad has a very long and springy neck, able to twist it 180 degrees in either direction and even curl it in a loop. The reach of the Slaad's Bite attack is increased by 5 feet, and the attack ignores the benefits of both half-cover and three-quarters-cover. If rolled multiple times, each Long Neck mutation increases the range of the Slaad's bite attack by an additional 5 feet.
21. Extra Arm (+1) This Slaad has two arms on one side, splitting from each other either at the shoulder or elbow. The Slaad can make three claw attacks during its multiattack instead of two. The Slaad can use its extra hand to hold a shield or extra weapon even while holding a two-handed weapon like a Greatsword. If rolled multiple times, the Slaad gains one additional arm and claw attack for each Extra Arm mutation.
22. Slaad Poison II (+1) This Slaad is somewhat akin to a Grung, its every tissue and bodily fluid rich with a toxic substance. However, the effects of this Slaad Poison is as unpredictable as the Slaad itself. Any creature that directly touches the Slaad or an object the Slaad has touched in the last minute must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, the creature rolls once on the Slaad Mutation table as if it were a Slaad at the end of each of its turns. Each of the mutations can be removed with a remove curse spell, but each mutation requires its own casting. If the Slaad also has the Slaad Poison I and/or III mutations, a creature only needs one saving throw to avoid being poisoned, but suffers all of the Slaad's Slaad Poison effects simultaneously if it fails. Reroll if rolled twice.
23. Fiery (+1) This Slaad emanates a fiery heat, and constantly emits flames from its claws to scorch its enemies' flesh. The Slaad gains immunity to fire damage, loses its resistance to cold damage, and its claw attack deals an additional 2d6 fire damage on a hit. In addition, if the Slaad can infect humanoids with Chaos Phage through its claws, a target that fails it's Constitution saving throw against being infected also gains a vicious fever that reduces the target's hit point maximum by an additional d6 every 24 hours (for a total of 4d6), unless the target is resistant to fire. Reroll if rolled twice or if the Slaad rolls the Icy mutation.
24. Fin Wings This Slaad has large, stickleback-like fins running from its shoulders to its hips resembling a Gold Dragon's wings. These sadly are vestigial at best, and don't affect how the Slaad actually moves. None. Reroll if rolled twice.
25. Lockjaw (+1) This Slaad's mouth is wider, with a large chin, sharper cheekbones, and powerful jaw muscles giving it a far more powerful bite and an almost handsome quality. The Slaad's bite attack deals twice the damage rolled for it and automatically grapples a target (DC 8 + proficiency + Strength modifier) of the same size or smaller than the Slaad on a hit. The Slaad's bite attack also counts as adamantine. This mutation is nullified if rolled with the Weak Jaw mutation. Reroll if rolled twice.
26. Jets (+1) This Slaad has powerful jets emerging from its limbs and back, allowing it to move with great speed and precision by expelling air from them. The Slaad's normal movement speed is doubled and it can cast thunderwave, using Strength as its spellcasting ability, a number of times per day equal to its proficiency bonus. The Slaad's normal movement speed is tripled and the number of times it can cast thunderwave is two times its proficiency bonus per day if rolled twice. Reroll if rolled three times.
27. Declawed (-1) This Slaad has no claws, thus it resorts to many weaker attacks in hopes of making up the difference. The Slaad's claw attack is replaced with the following action, which can be used again as a bonus action if the Slaad lands at least one attack during its multiattack that turn:

Fist. Melee weapon attack. + proficiency + (Strength or Dexterity modifier) to hit, reach equal to what the Slaad's claw attack would be, one target. Hit: 1d6 + (Strength or Dexterity modifier) bludgeoning damage. This attack deals an additional 3 (1d6) necrotic damage if the Slaad is also a Death Slaad.
Reroll if rolled twice.

28. Wide Eyes This Slaad's eyes are stretched to resemble long ovals on each side of its head, allowing it to see in many directions at once without turning. The Slaad gains proficiency in Perception and makes Wisdom (Perception) ability checks that rely on sight with advantage. If the Slaad also has the Extra Eyes Mutation, it instead gains expertise in Perception. Reroll if rolled twice.
29. Hairy This Slaad has grown fluffy hair of a random color, growing from its body wherever hair would grow on a human. None. Reroll if rolled twice.
30. Chaos Breath (+1) This Slaad possesses a powerful breath weapon akin to a dragon's, but tainted with Limbo's chaos to inflict a random sort of damage in a random shape. The Slaad gains the following action:

Chaos Breath (Recharge 1 or 6). Flip a coin and roll a D12. As an action, the Slaad belches Chaotic energy in a 60 foot cone (heads) or a 100 foot long, 10 foot wide line (tails). Each creature in this area takes 6d6 damage of the rolled type. A creature can make a dex or con saving throw (DC 8 proficiency + (Strength modifier) to take half the amount of damage on a success.
1. Fire
2. Cold
3. Thunder
4. Lightning
5. Force
6. Psychic
7. Radiant
8. Necrotic
9. Poison
10. Acid
11. Roll 1d3: (1) Bludgeoning, (2) Piercing, (3) Slashing
12. Breath Weapon becomes two Breath weapons, roll for each ignoring this result on subsequent rolls.
If rolled with the Powerful Voice or Many Voices mutation, all mutations roll the same die to recharge. Reroll if rolled twice.

31. Negative Corruption This Slaad is tainted by the Negative Energy Plane, twisting it's usual personality, which randomly performs good and evil in equal measure, into only violent and selfish forms. The Slaad's alignment shifts to Chaotic Evil. In addition, if the Slaad is not a Death Slaad, it may metamorphose immediately into a Death Slaad after an hour of concentration, as though concentrating on a spell, at which point it rerolls its mutations. Reroll if rolled twice or if the Slaad is a Death Slaad.
32. Long Arms This Slaad's arms are extra long and have two elbows each. These elbows are also capable of bending in all directions with ease, making for a disturbing sight. The reach of the Slaad's Claw attack is increased by 5 feet, and the attack ignores the benefits of both half-cover and three-quarters-cover. If rolled twice, each Long Arms mutation increases the range of the Slaad's claw attack by an additional 5 feet.
33. Arcane Affinity (+1)(+2 if Green Slaad) This Slaad possesses the ability to cast spells that most Slaad normally do not know, drawing from the weave in a disorganized but functional manner to make these spells work. The Slaad learns one spell it does not already know from the Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard spell list and can cast this spell, using Charisma as its spellcasting ability, a number of times per day equal to its proficiency bonus. This spell cannot be of a level greater than half of the Slaad's challenge rating (rounded down). A Green Slaad with this mutation may choose a spell of up to 8th level. If rolled multiple times, each subsequent Arcane Affinity mutation gives a different spell.
34. Pandemonium Perfume (+1) This Slaad constantly emits a pink, pheromone-dense gas that lowers the inhibitions and common sense of creatures around it. At the end of each of the Slaad's turns, regardless of what form it is in, all creatures within 10 feet of the Slaad must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end of the Slaad's next turn. A creature poisoned in this way will be charmed by the Slaad and act as though affected by the confusion spell until the condition ends. Reroll if rolled twice.
35. Axoslaadl (+1) This Slaad has mutated into a salamander-like form with feathery gills and a long, eel-like tail rather than a Slaad's typical Frog-like one, granting it aquatic adaptations and further boosting its regenerative abilities. The Slaad gains a swim speed equal to its move speed and can breathe both on land and underwater. The Slaad also regenerates twice as many hit points each turn from its regeneration trait. If rolled with the Wound Spray mutation, the Slaad instead heals 20 (8d4) hit points to creatures in the range of its Spray action and the healing potion gained from collecting its secretions is a superior healing potion. Reroll if rolled twice.
36. Antennae (+1) This Slaad has a pair of fleshy antennae growing above its eyes like eyebrows or from under its nose or chin like facial hair. These antennae are sensitive to air currents, and can detect unseen movements. The Slaad gains blindsight with a radius of 10 feet or doubles the range of its existing blindsight. Reroll if rolled twice.
37. Stripey This Slaad's skin is covered with stripes that shift pattern as the Slaad moves. The patterns spell out random words in random languages if studied, and any message derived from them sounds is utter nonsense. None. Reroll if rolled twice.
38. Toxic Pustules This Slaad has a ring of large, acid-filled sacs growing on its body, whether around it's abdomen or neck, or even two smaller rings around its wrists. These sacs can be pulled off and used as weapons to no ill effect to the Slaad. As a bonus action, the Slaad can create a toxin-filled sac that functions identically to a flask of acid. The Slaad also gains proficiency with improvised weapons. Reroll if rolled twice.
39. Limbo Diplomat This Slaad has a tongue the color of silver and will be oddly consistent in trying to get humanoids to become Slaadi voluntarily, or at least give up law and order, through eloquent debates. The Slaad gains proficiency in Persuasion and can speak, read, and write any language it hears at least once. Reroll if rolled twice.
40. Plane-attunement This Slaad is capable of attuning itself to the planes it enters, preventing magical banishment from it and shifting its biology ever so slightly accordingly. The Slaad is immune to the banishment spell. In addition, the Slaad automatically changes its creature type to that of the most common sentient species in a plane it finds itself on, such as into a humanoid in the material plane, a fiend (devil) in the nine hells, or an elemental in the elemental planes, but can choose to count as an aberration if a beneficial effect that is applied to it requires it to be an aberration. Reroll if rolled twice.
41. Berserker (+1) This Slaad has a small organ in its brain that injects powerful stimulants into its system when it is stressed, driving it into a frenzied rampage of pure destruction to escape its foes or restraints. If the Slaad receives a critical hit or is restrained, or if it chooses to do so, the Slaad enters a frenzy, increasing its Strength and Constitution ability scores increase by 6 each to a maximum of 30 and allowing the Slaad to ignore the effects of exhaustion for 1 minute. When this minute is over, the Slaad gains one level of exhaustion and its Strength and Constitution ability scores drop to 8 until it removes all levels of exhaustion. A creature that telepathically contacts this Slaad will hallucinate a large red button in front of them, and if the creature "presses" this button, the Slaad enters a frenzy. Reroll if rolled twice.
42. Wound Spray (+1) This Slaad has glands in the corners of its mouth that secrete a healing compound, which can be either sprayed on others or swallowed by the Slaad itself as it sees fit. A healing compound can be collected from the Slaad if it is willing or incapacitated to make a Greater Healing Potion. The Slaad gains the following actions:

Spray. As an action, the Slaad sprays a mist of healing compound from its mouth in a 20 foot cone. Each creature in this cone that is not a construct or undead regains 10 (4d4) hit points.
Swallow. As an action, the Slaad swallows some healing compound to regain twice as many hit points from its regeneration trait on its next turn.
Reroll if rolled twice.

43. Schoolslaad (+1 if the Slaad can cast a spell using charisma as its spellcasting ability) This Slaad has a sleek, well-proportioned, almost feminine, humanoid appearance, and growing from its body are various frills folded and colored to resemble a sailor uniform. The Slaad's Charisma ability score becomes 18 if it is lower, and it becomes medium size if it is larger or small size if it is smaller, but does not change its statistics otherwise. Reroll if rolled twice.
44. Deathlier Slaad (+2) This Slaad is so steeped in negative energy that mere approach is nearly impossible for average beings, corroding objects and killing plants that the Slaad simply walks past. Fortunately this mutation is rare and restricted to those Slaad corrupted by the Negative Energy Plane. At the end of each of the Slaad's turns, regardless of what form it is in, all creatures within 10 feet of the Slaad must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 10 (4d4) necrotic damage. Reroll if the Slaad is not a Gray or Death Slaad or if rolled twice.
45. Divine Affinity (+1)(+2 if Green Slaad) This Slaad possesses the ability to cast spells that most Slaad normally do not know, drawing from the Gods' realms in a disorganized but functional manner to make these spells work. The Slaad learns one spell it does not already know from the Druid, Cleric, or Paladin spell list and can cast this spell, using Charisma as its spellcasting ability, a number of times per day equal to its proficiency bonus. This spell cannot be of a level greater than half of the Slaad's challenge rating (rounded down). A Green Slaad with this mutation may choose a spell of up to 8th level. If rolled multiple times, each Divine Affinity mutation gives a different spell.
46. More Teeth This Slaad has countless needle-like teeth completely coating the insides of its upper and lower jaws. The Slaad rolls three times its damage die instead of twice on a critical hit when it lands a bite attack.
47. Extra Eyes This Slaad has a third eye, or even an extra pair of smaller eyes, which give it greater visual acuity and let it discern objects better. The Slaad gains 15 feet of truesight and proficiency in Perception. If the Slaad also has the Wide Eyes Mutation, it instead gains expertise in Perception. Reroll if rolled twice.
48. Propellors (+1 if the Slaad also has the Jets mutation) This Slaad has a pair of small bladed appendages growing from its shoulders. By rotating these appendages at high speed, the Slaad generates thrust and can move itself slowly through the air in any direction. The Slaad gains a flying speed equal to half its walk speed. If the Slaad also has the Jets mutation, it instead gains a fly speed equal to its doubled walk speed from the Jets mutation. Reroll if rolled twice.
49. Ultrascale (+2) This Slaad's skin is coated from nose to tail in metallic, plate-like scales that subtly match the Slaad's color and prevent weak attacks from even touching it. The Slaad gains a damage threshold of 10, giving it immunity to all damage except poison or psychic unless it takes an amount of damage from a single attack or effect equal to or greater than its damage threshold, in which case it takes damage as normal. If rolled twice, the Slaad's damage threshold increases by 5 for each additional Ultrascale mutation.
50. Balanced This Slaad has an internal organ that continually forces it into an upright position, likely a remnant of Primus's attempt to instill order. The Slaad becomes immune to the prone condition, even if rendered unconscious or otherwise incapacitated.
51. Alien Anatomy This Slaad's anatomy is completely warped by limbo, its organs completely unidentifiable and connected in inscrutable ways that make it difficult to harm by conventional means. The Slaad does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, and critical hits deal normal damage to it.
52. Claw Gun (+1) This Slaad can fire its claws from its hands by detonating small explosive organs at their base, then regrow them to fire again and again. The Slaad gains the following action, which it can use in place of a claw during its multiattack:

Claw Gun. Melee or ranged weapon attack. + proficiency + (Strength or Dexterity modifier) to hit, range 100/280, one target. Hit: Normal damage of the Slaad's claw attack. Any other effects of the Slaad's normal claw attack apply. The Slaad can use its claw gun attack a number of times equal to the number of hands it has, and cannot make a claw attack with a hand it has used to make a claw gun attack until it regenerates at least 10 hit points.
Reroll if rolled twice.

53. Narcoleptic (-2) This Slaad has very little energy, and will often try to sleep even in the midst of battle, much to the chagrin of its fellow Slaad. At the start of each of the Slaad's turns, it must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or spend its turn laying down and falling unconscious. If the Slaad also has the Balanced mutation, it will instead sleepwalk, acting as though it were blinded, deafened, and affected by the confusion spell.
54. Paranoid (+1) This Slaad hears voices that constantly tell it something terrible will happen very soon, and as such it is both always ready to evade harm, yet very easily sent into a flustered panic. This Slaad has proficiency in all saving throws except against effects that would cause the Slaad to be frightened. The Slaad makes saving throws to avoid being frightened at disadvantage.
55. Surinam Slaad (+1) This Slaad possesses the disgusting ability to gestate and birth Slaad Tadpoles from pits on its back, and drives its spawn to slay its foes for it. Fortunately Slaad tadpoles born in this way are stunted and won't grow into other Slaad. The Slaad gains the following action:

Spawn Tadpoles (Recharge 6). As an action, the Slaad creates 2d4 Slaad Tadpoles and releases them into unoccupied spaces adjacent to itself. These Tadpoles will attack the nearest creature besides their parent unless that creature succeeds on a Charisma (Intimidation ability check contested by the parent Slaad's Charisma (Intimidation ability check. Slaad tadpoles created in this way have no mutations and automatically die after 24 hours.
Reroll if rolled twice.

56. Glowy This Slaad has a luminescent layer of skin under its normal hide that radiates a bright light whenever the Slaad feels it is getting too dark. The Slaad releases 30 feet of bright light and 30 feet of dim light when it enters an area of magical or nonmagical darkness, dispelling magical darkness if it does. This light counts as daylight. Reroll if rolled twice.
57. Chaotic Mind (+1) This Slaad's brain is scrambled even by Slaad standards, causing its mind to be inscrutable and any telepathic contact with it to be a genuine hazard to other creatures. The Slaad is immune to psychic damage and any magical effects that would read its thoughts or discern its location. In addition, if a creature attempts to telepathically contact the Slaad, the creature must make a DC 16 Intelligence saving throw, taking 4d6 psychic damage and being incapacitated until the end of the Slaad's next turn on a failed save, or taking half as much damage and not being incapacitated on a successful save.
58. Dragonmark (+1) This Slaad has a pattern shaped like a vicious dragon sprawled across its back, which it shows off like a mob boss at every oppurtunity. The Slaad can change its creature type to dragon and gain resistance to one kind of damage at the end of each short or long rest. If rolled multiple times, the Slaad picks one additional damage type to gain resistance to for each additional Dragonmark mutation it has.
59. Kiki This Slaad's body seems to be composed of purely sharp angles and straight lines, giving it a jagged and unnatural appearance. Fortunately, its body's dozens of spikes are dull and harmless when examined closer. None. This mutation is nullified if rolled with the Bouba mutation. Reroll if rolled twice.
60. Skeletal (-1) This Slaad's skin and muscles appear desiccated and stretched tight around its bones, regardless of how much it eats, and unfortunately, this makes the Slaad as weak as it appears. The Slaad's Strength and Constitution ability scores are reduced by 2 each to a minimum of 8. This mutation is nullified if rolled with the Corpulent mutation. Reroll if rolled twice.
61. Immensified (+1) This Slaad demonstrates an abnormally great size even accounting for the Slaad race's usual disproportionate proportions. The Slaad is one size larger than normal (medium to large, large to huge, or huge to gargantuan). In addition, each of the Slaad's hit dice and damage dice count as one size larger (d4 to d6, d6 to d8, d8 to d10, d10 to d12, and 1d12 to 2d8). Reroll only if the Slaad is already Gargantuan.
62. Bullslaad (+1) This Slaad has grown a pair of large horns on its head which it can use to deal grievous harm to its enemies. The Slaad gains the following action, which can also be used as a bonus action if the Slaad lands at least one attack during its multiattack that turn:

Gore. Melee weapon attack. + proficiency + (Strength or Dexterity modifier) to hit, reach equal to the Slaad's bite attack, one target. Hit: 2d6 + (Strength or Dexterity modifier) piercing damage. This attack deals an additional 7 (2d6) necrotic damage if the Slaad is also a Death Slaad.
If rolled twice, the Slaad's gore attack deals 4d6 + (Strength or Dexterity modifier) piercing damage on a hit. Reroll if rolled three times.

63. Perverter This Slaad retains some of Limbo's latent chaos and can use it to warp other creatures at will, though only in small, harmless ways. Any creature the Slaad hits with a melee or ranged weapon attack must make an additional DC 16 Constitution or Charisma saving throw or be afflicted with a random harmless physical alteration. Such alterations may include; changing hair, skin, or eye colors and patterns; changing biological sex; growing or shrinking in height or weight by 1d12 inches/pounds; growing fur, scales, feathers, or vestigial appendages; or any other similar effect. Reroll if rolled twice.
64. Tentacled (+1) This Slaad has a set of extra limbs in the form of two long, tough, sinuous tentacles, which reach out to automatically caress or steal anything the Slaad may see. The Slaad gains a pair of extra limbs in the form of tentacles that can reach 5 feet further than the Slaad's arms. Using these tentacles, the Slaad can use an object, wield a weapon that it has proficiency in, or attempt to grapple an enemy (Escape DC 8 + the slaad's proficiency + Strength modifier). The Slaad can use an action to try to slam or throw an enemy it has grappled by making a contested Strength (Athletics) ability check, dealing 4d6 + the Slaad's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage. Reroll if rolled twice.
65. Big Brain This Slaad has a round, oversized crainum, within which is an equally oversized brain. This grants the Slaad heightened intelligence. The Slaad's int score increases by 4 to a maximum of 30, and adds its proficiency bonus to all Intelligence ability checks. Reroll if rolled twice.
66. Positive Corruption This Slaad is tainted by the Positive Energy Plane, twisting it's usual personality, which randomly performs good and evil in equal measure, into only heroic and altruistic forms. The Slaad's alignment shifts to Chaotic Good. In addition, if the Slaad is not a Life Slaad, it may metamorphose immediately into a Life Slaad after an hour of concentration, as though concentrating on a spell, at which point it rerolls its mutations. Reroll if rolled twice or if the Slaad is a Life Slaad.
67. Cauldronbelly (+1) This Slaad has a large stomach which constantly concocts various odd mixtures with similar effects to potions, the Slaad can either use these potions on itself or spew them out of its mouth in hopes of inflicting their myriad effects on its enemies. Choose any four potions, one of each rarity from common to very rare, and assign each to the face of a d4. At the start of each of its turns, roll the d4 to decide the potion effect that the Slaad has in its stomach. As an action on that turn, the Slaad can absorb the potion, gaining that effect for 1 minute or until it next absorbs a potion in this way. Alternatively, the Slaad can vomit the potion as a ranged weapon attack (+ proficiency + Strength or Dexterity to hit) at a creature, causing that creature to gain that effect for 1 minute or until it next absorbs a potion in this way. If rolled twice, choose two potions of each rarity and assign each to the face of a d8, and if rolled three times, choose three potions of each rarity and assign each one to the face of a d12. Reroll if rolled four times.
68. Bouba This Slaad's body seems to be composed of purely gentle curves and round edges, giving it a soft and cartoonish appearance. Unfortunately, its body's squishy appearance is at odds with how it is as strong and rigid as any other Slaad. None. This mutation is nullified if rolled with the Kiki mutation. Reroll if rolled twice.
69. Slaad Prince This Slaad's true form is identical to an attractive humanoid male's, and it uses constant efforts to remain in a Slaad-like form as it is insecure about its true form's appearance. Flustering it with a kiss or other sudden gesture of affection will return it to its humanoid form. The Slaad gains the following trait, which replaces the Slaad's original Shapechanger trait if it has one:

Shapechanger. The Slaad can use its action to polymorph into its Slaad form (which is the color it would be without this mutation), or back into its true form (an attractive humanoid male). Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Reroll if rolled twice.

70. Weak Jaw This Slaad has a thinner mouth with blunter fangs, making its bites weaker and giving it a significant overbite with buck teeth. The Slaad's bite attack deals half the rolled damage. This mutation is nullified if rolled with the Lockjaw mutation. Reroll if rolled twice.
71. Powerful Voice (+1) This Slaad has a very powerful set of vocal cords and always speaks at an incredibly loud volume, able to be heard at great distances when it speaks normally, and by humming, the Slaad is capable of altering the properties of its voice. The Slaad gains the following actions, which roll to recharge using the same die:

Earsplit Croak (Recharge 4-5). The slaad and each other creature within 30 ft. of it must succeed on a DC (8 + the slaad's proficiency + Strength modifier) Constitution saving throw or take 10 (3d6) thunder damage and be deafened, taking half as much damage and not being deafened on a successful save.
If rolled with the Chaos Breath or Many Voices mutation, all mutations roll the same die to recharge. Reroll if rolled twice.

72. Slaad Poison III (+1) This Slaad is somewhat akin to a Grung, its every tissue and bodily fluid rich with a toxic substance. However, this Slaad's toxins are drenched in the most unstable energies of Limbo, and its effects reflect such a thing. Any creature that directly touches the Slaad or an object the Slaad has touched in the last minute must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, the creature draws a card from a Deck of Many More Things at the end of each of its turns. If the Slaad also has the Slaad Poison I and/or II mutations, a creature only needs one saving throw to avoid being poisoned, but suffers all of the Slaad's Slaad Poison effects simultaneously if it fails. Reroll if rolled twice.
73. Structure Breaker While many Slaad despise the act of making and maintaining physical structures, viewing them as a sort of law made tangible, this Slaad in particular hates them so much it damages them with supernatural ease. The Slaad's traits and actions deal double damage to objects and structures. Reroll if rolled twice.
74. Long Legs This Slaad has very long and supple legs, which can easily step across gaps and hazards as long as most Slaadi are tall. The Slaad's walk speed is doubled and it ignores nonmagical difficult terrain. Reroll if rolled twice.
75. Webber (+1) This Slaad possesses glands on its wrists and ankles that secrete a sticky yet strong silk wherever it crawls, allowing it to set up traps and express its chaotic thought processes by weaving the webs into random patterns. The Slaad can cast web (DC 8 + the slaad's proficiency + Strength modifier) a number of times per day equal to its proficiency bonus, and gains the following traits:

Web Sense. The slaad knows the location of any creature touching a web it is in contact with.
Web Walker. The slaad ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing.
Reroll if rolled twice.

76. Sickly (-1) This Slaad, by some mishap of chance, has an organ that constantly pumps its systems full of harmful germs. It can make use of this to infect enemies, but only by being cut. The Slaad suffers one disease from the contagion spell, being reinfected with it once a minute if it is cured by any means. A creature within 5 feet of the Slaad when it takes slashing or piercing damage must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + the slaad's proficiency + Constitution modifier) or be infected by the same disease(s) as the Slaad. If rolled multiple times, the Slaad gains the effects of as many diseases (each decided by rolling) as it has Sickly mutations.
77. Lucky (+2) This Slaad, as though the recipient of all the luck that Unlucky Slaadi have lost, cannot stop succeeding at whatever it does, enabling it to spread chaos to its heart's content. Whenever the Slaad makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, it flips a coin. If the coin lands on heads, it makes the roll at advantage. If rolled multiple times, the Slaad flips a coin for each Lucky mutation, and if any are heads, it makes the roll at advantage. If the Slaad rolls for mutations at any point in the future, it rolls an additional mutation for each Lucky mutation it rolled prior.
78. Roboslaad This Slaad hums and clanks with a body made of metal and eyes made of crystal, lines of lights shining from between it's armor plates to denote its color. Despite its mechanical appearance, it is no slower nor tougher than an ordinary Slaad. The Slaad changes its creature type to construct, but can choose to count as an aberration if a beneficial effect that is applied to it requires it to be an aberration. In addition, if the Slaad is targeted by a mending spell, it may spend a hit die, roll it, and regain a number of hit points equal to the roll plus its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 hit point).
79. Slaad Artillerist This Slaad has a pair of large bony cannons growing from its shoulders, each capable of firing lances of bone or even anything the Slaad chooses to jam in them prior to firing. The Slaad gains the following action, which it can use in place of a bite during its multiattack:

Blunderbuss. Ranged weapon attack. + proficiency + (Strength or Dexterity modifier) to hit, range 100/280, one target. Hit: 2d6 + (Strength or Dexterity modifier) piercing damage. This attack deals an additional 7 (2d6) necrotic damage if the Slaad is also a Death Slaad. Alternatively, the Slaad can replace the effect of this attack on a hit with an item or substance produced by another mutation such as firing a Slaad Tadpole created by the Surinam Slaad mutation, an acid-filled sac from the Toxic Pustules mutation, a glob of Slaad Poison from a Slaad Poison mutation, etc.
Reroll if rolled twice.

80. Many Voices (+1) This Slaad has several sets of vocal cords in its throat, which allow it to project its voice from multiple angles at once and imitate the sounds of others with uncanny precision. The Slaad gains the following action:

Madness Croak (Recharge 2-3). The slaad and each other creature within 30 ft. of it must succeed on a DC (8 + the slaad's proficiency + Charisma modifier) Wisdom saving throw or be forced to use its reaction to make a melee attack against a random creature in its reach, or against itself if there are no other creatures within range. A creature that fails this save by 5 or more is frightened until the end of its next turn.
If rolled with the Chaos Breath or Powerful Voice mutation, all mutations roll the same die to recharge. Reroll if rolled twice.

81. Clear (+1) This Slaad's flesh and bones are as clear as air, so only through a creature's truesight or see invisibility spell can the Slaad's color and other mutations be determined. The Slaad permanently counts as though invisible, but objects it wears or carries remain visible, appearing to float in the air. Reroll if rolled twice.
82. Battleslaad (+1 if Green or Grey Slaad) This Slaad, by random chance, possesses a natural knowledge of how to wield any weapon, compounding any knowledge which is usual for its color to unparalleled degrees of skill. The Slaad gains proficiency in simple and martial weapons, and may make a melee weapon attack with a simple or martial weapon it is holding in place of a claw attack during its multiattack. If the Slaad is a Green or Grey Slaad, it adds its proficiency bonus twice instead of once to attack rolls made with its staff or greatsword respectively and adds its proficiency bonus once to damage rolls it makes with its staff or greatsword respectively.
83. Grimalkin This Slaad, rather than a massive frog, resembles a rather large housecat and behaves appropriately, sadistically hunting anything smaller than itself between knocking things off high places and napping. The Slaad becomes immune to fall damage, gains advantage on Wisdom (Perception) ability checks that rely on smell, and gains proficiency in Stealth.
84. Boneless (+1) This Slaad has no bones besides its teeth and claws, and holds itself up through sheer muscle power, this makes it exceedingly slippery and hard to pin down, but also reduces some of its defense. The Slaad can move through gaps as small as 1 inch wide without squeezing, and cannot be grappled or restrained unless the creature or object applying the condition leaves no gaps larger than 1-inch around the Slaad. Reroll if rolled twice.
85. Bearded This Slaad has an odd-numbered set of short, thick, sinuous tentacles emerging from its lower jaw. While it cannot use these with much finesse, they carry a fair bit of weight and are tipped with spines. The Slaad gains the following action, which it can use in place of a bite during its multiattack:

Beard. Melee weapon attack. + proficiency + (Strength or Dexterity modifier) to hit, reach equal to the Slaad's bite attack, one target. Hit: 3d4 + (Strength or Dexterity modifier) piercing damage. This attack deals an additional 7 (2d6) necrotic damage if the Slaad is also a Death Slaad. If the Slaad can inflict a disease through its claws, such as a Slaad egg or Chaos Phage, this attack can also inflict it, with a target making a Constitution saving throw of the same DC as the Slaad's claws to resist infection.
Reroll if rolled twice.

85. Virile (+1) This Slaad possesses the Slaad equivalent of a high fertility, and may even be able to affect creatures normally unmolested by a Slaad's reproductive cycle. If the Slaad can inflict a disease through its claws, such as a Slaad egg or Chaos Phage, the DC of the Constitution saving throw to resist infection is increased by 2 and the Slaad can infect any creature except for aberrations, constructs, and oozes with the disease. If the Slaad cannot inflict a disease through its claws, flip a coin, and if a creature struck by the Slaad is a humanoid, it must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be infected with a Slaad egg (heads) or Chaos Phage (tails). If rolled twice, the Constitution saving throw DC increases by 1 for each subsequent Virile mutation.
86. Zombie Slaad This Slaad appears to be dead, with rotten flesh, yellowed bones, and open wounds revealing missing organs that would indicate most beings as dead. The Slaad however, lives anyway, because Limbo does not care what humanoids consider possible. The Slaad changes its creature type to undead, but can choose to count as an aberration if a beneficial effect that is applied to it requires it to be an aberration. In addition, the Slaad cannot be distinguished from a normal dead Slaad, even by magical means, as long as it remains still and limp. Reroll if rolled twice.
87. Expensive Tastes This Slaad cannot digest normal foods due to its bowels being warped by Limbo even further than normal. Instead, the Slaad is driven by its new instincts to consume gold and anything else that humans find similarly precious. The Slaad only gains the benefits of a long rest if it consumes at least 300 GP worth of gold or other precious metals and gems during that rest period. The Slaad, given 1 hour, can destroy a non-artifact magical item by eating and digesting it, and does not need to eat anything else to gain the benefits of its next long rest. If rolled twice, the Slaad can destroy artifacts by digesting them over the course of a year, during which time it does not need to eat anything else to gain the benefits of a long rest. Reroll if rolled three times.
88. Quick Adaptation (+1) This Slaad's body is so infused with Limbo's chaos that it will continuously mutate and evolve even mid-combat, for better or for worse. Fortunately, in times of peace, these mutations go away as it no longer needs them, keeping it. Ignore all other rolls on this table and do not roll any more mutations until the Slaad metamorphoses or uses its Mutate bonus action. The Slaad gains the following bonus action:

Mutate. As a bonus action, the Slaad can roll on the Slaad Mutations table and gain the effects of that mutation until the start of its next short or long rest, regardless of if the Slaad gains the benefits of that rest or not.

89. Purebread (-1) This Slaad's body has the smell, warmth, taste, and texture of freshly-baked bread. This unfortunately comes to the benefit of making it delicious, and even worse, invigorates the creature eating it. If the Slaad receives damage from a bite attack or acid damage from a creature that has swallowed it, the attacking creature regains hit points equal to rolling one of its hit die and adding its Constitution modifier without spending a hit die. Reroll if rolled twice.
90. Pentachromatic Pattern This Slaad's skin is patterned with spots or stripes that constantly shift color between red, purple, blue, green, and yellow. None. Reroll if rolled twice.
91. Imaginary Slaad (-1) This Slaad doesn't exist, and neither do any injuries it inflicts. Anyone who tells you this Slaad exists has been fooled by Limbo into believing so. All damage inflicted by this Slaad is converted into psychic damage, and it cannot inflict diseases or poisons if it could prior. A creature with truesight, blindsight, or tremorsense takes no damage from this Slaad, knowing it is not real. Reroll if rolled twice.
92. Eye of Toad (+1) This Slaad has been ever-so-partially corrupted by the Great Mother, and has inherited some of a Beholder's abilities as a result, with each eye being a separate color to reflect which ray it can fire from each. Roll 2d10, rerolling duplicates. The Slaad gains two eye rays from the Beholder stat block determined by those rolls, and once per turn in place of a bite or claw attack, it can fire one of those eye rays from the appropriate eye. Reroll if rolled twice.
93. Rocket Punch (+1) This Slaad has a set of explosive organs in each of its forearms and elbows, allowing it to separate its arm and launch it at extreme speeds towards an enemy, though this renders the arm useless until it finishes regenerating. The Slaad gains the following action, which it can use in place of a claw during its multiattack:

Rocket Punch. Ranged weapon attack. + proficiency + (Strength or Dexterity modifier) to hit, range 100/280, one target. Hit: 4d6 + (Strength or Dexterity modifier) piercing damage. This attack is a critical hit on an attack roll of 18 or higher, and any other effects of the Slaad's normal claw attack apply. The Slaad can use its rocket punch attack a number of times equal to the number of hands it has, and cannot use a hand it has used to make a rocket punch attack until it regenerates at least 20 hit points.
Reroll if rolled twice.

94. Slow Healing (-1) This Slaad heals very slowly compared to other Slaadi, and thus must be more careful to not let itself get too hurt. The Slaad regains half as many hit points from its regeneration trait. If rolled twice, the Slaad only regains one hit point at the start of each turn, regardless of other mutations. Reroll if rolled three times.
95. Minor Affinity (+1)(+2 if Green Slaad) This Slaad possesses the ability to cast several weak spells that most Slaad normally do not know, drawing from the weave and teh Gods' realms in a disorganized but functional manner to make these spells work. The Slaad learns three cantrips it does not already know from any spell list, using Charisma as its spellcasting ability. These cantrips are treated as though cast by a spellcaster of a level equal to the Slaad's challenge rating unless it is a Green Slaad, in which case they are treated as though cast by a spellcaster of a level equal to twice the Green Slaad's challenge rating. If rolled multiple times, each subsequent Minor Affinity mutation gives two more cantrips.
96. Aura of Freedom (+1) This Slaad despises being trapped by orders or by physical bonds, to the point that its mere presence inspires others to be free in turn. The Slaad emits an aura in a thirty-foot radius of itself. Within this aura, all creatures including the Slaad make ability checks and saving throws against the charmed, frightened, grappled, and restrained conditions with advantage. Reroll if rolled twice.
97. Gormeel (+3) This Slaad is an example of a living paradox, the possibility of pure randomness to generate a sequence of perfect order. No longer a mere Slaad, this creature is referred to as a Gormeel, a purple-colored ally of the Githzerai which commonly assumes their form when not being used as a steed for battle. Ignore all other rolls on this table and do not roll any more mutations. The Slaad's alignment changes to Lawful Neutral, it learns how to read, write, and speak Gith, and it gains the following mutations as part of its Gormeel mutation: Superior Morphing, Chaos Breath, Immensified, Minor Affinity.
98. Weave-eater (+2) This Slaad emanates a constant field of energy that disorganizes everything, even the Weave itself, preventing any magic from working within a short radius of itself. This Slaad constantly emanates a field of antimagic, as in the antimagic field spell, with a 30 foot radius centered on itself.
99. Slaad Lord (+10) This Slaad is either one of the obscenely powerful Slaad Lords, or a Slaad that recently came into a similar power and will soon to be targeted to prevent it from usurping one of the Slaad Lords' place. Ignore all other rolls on this table and do not roll any more mutations. The Slaad gains up to 10 mutations of its choice from the Slaad Mutations table, and can choose to pick a mutation twice to gain its doubled effects if it has any, as part of this mutation and gains the following traits:

Eternal Existence. If the slaad is killed by any spell not cast from an artifact or by any weapon that is not an artifact, the slaad revives itself by manifesting in Limbo after 7 days. If slain by an attack from an artifact or another slaad lord, the slaad revives itself after 1 year passes. If slain by an attack from a slaad lord seven times within one decade, the slaad stays dead for 1d10 times 100 years.
Legendary Resistance. If the slaad fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Reroll if the Slaad is not a Death Slaad or Life Slaad.

100. Double Mutant This Slaad has mutated even further than a normal Slaad, to the point it's starting to barely resemble a Slaad anymore. Roll an additional 1d6 mutations for the Slaad. If rolled multiple times, the Slaad gains an additional 1d6 mutations for each subsequent Double Mutant mutation.

For those humans transformed into Slaad that still retain their soul, preserving one's consciousness against the creeping edges of a Slaad's inherent chaos often requires sating its hunger by following its whims. Every day is a new character quirk to keep one's personality from dissolving into a real Slaad's, but each only lasts a short while, as is the nature of constantly-shifting chaos.

Chaotic Indulgence
1d20 Indulgence
1 You perform an odd and slightly embarrassing dance at the end of every battle to assert your victory, even if you lost.
2 Seeing your favorite color sends you into an aggressive battle rage like a bull seeing red.
3 You address yourself and others only by nicknames that vary from cute to rude to hardly relevant.
4 You collect something specific but still common, such as pink rocks or spotted beetles.
5 You sarcastically mimic the strongest creature around, even if it is your enemy.
6 You refuse to walk, and instead skip or hop wherever you need to go.
7 You want to cook for others using ingredients no sane chef would ever combine.
8 You want to eat dishes made using ingredients no sane chef would ever combine.
9 You hide the most valuable item you see in any given area somewhere else in that area.
10 You speak in a random accent every time you start a new sentence.
11 You end all of your sentences with a nonsensical verbal tic.
12 You scribble or scratch random messages onto any stonework you see with whatever implement you have.
13 You wear something outrageously out of character and refuse to acknowledge you are wearing it.
14 You sing everything you say in a short rhyming form, though the genre of the music is up to you.
15 You vocally leap to wild conclusions about anything you hear, connecting them to organizations that don't even exist.
16 You fixate on wild magic sorcerers and similarly random magical effects, seeking to invoke them as often as possible.
17 You say things you don't really mean with such confidence others assume you're speaking the truth.
18 You never attack an enemy in the same way twice in a row.
19 You sing along to any song you hear, but render the lyrics to be as crude as possible.
20 Roll twice on the Chaotic Indulgence table, ignoring this roll on subsequent rolls.

CR Calculation[edit]

Each Mutation with a positive or negative number in brackets after its name should be summed and added to the Slaad's CR. The Slaad's proficiency bonus and any effects of mutations that rely on its CR (such as the level of a spell granted by the Arcane Affinity mutation) are calculated based on the Slaad's CR after accounting for its mutations' CR bonus. The Slaad gains a number of extra hit die equal to half the CR bonus granted by its mutations rounded up.

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