Mount Master (5e Feat)

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Mount Master

You and your mount have such great sync that fighting you becomes extremely hard for your foes. While you are mounted and aren't incapacitated, you gain the following benefits:

  • As a reaction when you are targeted by an attack from an unmounted creature smaller than your mount, you can give it disadvantage on the attack roll.
  • You can't be dismounted unwillingly, and you only use 5 feet of your movement to mount or dismount.
  • You can choose to not have yourself nor your mount provoke opportunity attacks when moving out of an enemies reach, but you must spend at least 5 feet of your movement speed for each enemy you wish to evade. This speed is used to place you just beyond their reach before they have time to react.
  • As a bonus action you can have your mount take the Attack action, provided it is capable of attacking.

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