Moradin (3.5e Deity)

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Greater Deity
Home Plane: Dwarfhome (Forgotten Realms)/Celestia
Alignment: Lawful Good
Portfolio: Dwarves, creation, smithing, protection, metalcraft, stonework
Clergy Alignments:
Domains: Creation, Earth, Good, Law, and Protection
Favored Weapon:
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Soul Forger, Dwarffather, the All-Father, the Creator



Moradin charges his followers with the task of removing the kingdoms of orcs and wiping out the followers of Gruumsh. He is upset if they flee from their foes or kill their fellow dwarves.


Moradin's realm is Erackinor, on the plane of Mount Celestia, which he shares with his wife Berronar.

Holy days

Moradin's holy days fall during the crescent moon.

Hammers of Moradin

The Hammers of Moradin are an elite military order dominated by crusaders and fighting clerics with chapters in nearly every dwarven stronghold and members drawn from every dwarven clan[citation needed]. The Hammers serve both as commanders of dwarven armies and as an elite strike force skilled in dealing with anything from large groups of orcs to great wyrms to malevolent fiends from the Lower Planes.

The order is dedicated to the defense of existing dwarven holdings and the carving out of new dwarven territories. Individual chapters have a great deal of local autonomy but, in times of great crisis, a Grand Council (the reigning monarchs and senior Hammers of the affected region) assemble to plot strategy and divine Moradin's will.

Another elite military order of Moradin is the Order of the Anvil of Light. Its leader is Barock Stormbeard of the Stormbeard clan, who has led this group for ages, it seems. The group's latest information is having to deal with a deity trying to return to the Material Plane.

Clergy and Temples[edit]


Moradin's clerics wear earthy colors, with chain mail and silvered helms. His clerics are usually drawn from family lines, like most dwarven occupations.


Moradin is worshipped at forges and hearths. Melted metals are sacrificed to him monthly.

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