Mistborn (Cantalthis Suppliment)
A drow walks the streets at night, carefully mapping out his next heist. As he turns a corner, he sees the town guard. As they spot him, he throws a coin at the ground and pushes himself off of it into the night sky.
An orc has metal spikes slammed into his body. They pierce his eyes, spine, and even his heart. As he reels from the pain, he feels his senses come back to life in a different way. At the same time, he feels a weakness in his mind.
What is a Mistborn?[edit]
A Mistborn is an Allomancer that can burn all types of metals. Allomancy lets a person ingest one or more metals and “burn” them to fuel various powers. A Mistborn is not a metal bender but they are able to pull and push metals. They are more like people who eat metal to get the stored powers in them. This grants them the power to improve their senses, become stronger, move metal, influence people’s emotions, and much more.
Creation of Mistborn[edit]
There is two different ways for a person to become Mistborn. The quickest but the hardest way is to find Lerasium. Lerasium is a powerful metal that only found in the Well of Ascension. It is as expensive as a legendary artifact magical item due to its great power and difficulty to locate and reach to the Well of Ascension. When a normal person consumes it, they "magically" become a Mistborn.
The alternative method is to be a lucky descendance of one of the many Mistborn noble houses. Only 1 in 10,000 nobles can be a Mistborn. To make matters worst, the Mistborn powers are "locked" at birth. Only great trauma can "unlock" your powers. As such, many young nobles go through the Snap ritual. The Snap ritual varies from one noble house to another. It is usually a process of force feeding the noble kid with metal. Then give them great, tramatizing beating to a point that it leaves a permeant physical and mental scar.
Obligators of the Steel Ministry[edit]
The Steel Ministry is an organization aims to maintain order and power of Mistling and Mistborn. Their main objective is to find and kill any Mistling or Mistborn that is not part of the noble houses. They are the reason why Mistling and Mistborn are descendants of noble houses. There secounary objective is to murder any descendants of noble houses that are currently not in a noble house, like bastards. Obligatotors of the Steel Ministry are made of normal folk, Mistling, and Mistborn. They rarely hire people with magic, like wizards, due to their pride of dealing with their own kind without the help of magic.
Creating a Mistborn[edit]
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Mistborn, ma chun, https://www.artstation.com/artwork/R0Ydv |
How did you become a Mistborn? What bad thing has happened in the past? What is part of your fate? What noble house does your family and you come from? Who is your Mistborn teacher? What do you think about magic?
- Quick Build
You can make a Mistborn quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the noble background. Third, choose 2 obsidian daggers, Short bow with 20 flint tipped arrows, Explorer's pack, Alchemist's Supplies, cloak, 2 Mistborn bottles, and 3 Allomancy Vials containing 3 charges of any physical or mental metals.
Class Features
As a Mistborn you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Mistborn level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Mistborn level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: light, medium, and shield
Weapons: simple
Tools: Alchemist's Supplies
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Intelligence
Skills: Choose 2 from: Acrobatics, Athletics, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, and Survival
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) 2 Obsidian hand Axes or (b) 2 Obsidian daggers
- (a) Short bow with 20 flint tipped arrows or (b) 1 Obsidian dagger and a shield
- (a) Explorer's pack or (b) Scholar's pack
- Alchemist's Supplies, cloak, 2 Mistborn bottles, and 3 Allomancy Vials containing 3 charges of any physical or mental metals.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Stunts Known |
1st | +2 | Burn, Allomancy, Mistborn, Mistborn Cloak | - |
2nd | +2 | Flare, Stunt | 1 |
3rd | +2 | Passion | 1 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 1 |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack, Allomancy Improvement | 1 |
6th | +3 | Fighting Style | 2 |
7th | +3 | Evasion | 2 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 3 |
9th | +4 | Allomancy Improvement | 3 |
10th | +4 | Slow Burn | 4 |
11th | +4 | Passion Improvement | 4 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 5 |
13th | +5 | Allomancy Improvement | 5 |
14th | +5 | Passion Improvement | 6 |
15th | +5 | Slippery Mind | 6 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 7 |
17th | +6 | Allomancy Improvement | 7 |
18th | +6 | Passion Improvement | 8 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 8 |
20th | +6 | God Metal | 9 |
At 1st level, you can fuel magic-like powers with metals. As an action, you can burn on of the metal charges that you have ingested. The passive and active effects of the burning depends on the Metal. As an action, you may pause or resume on a burning.
You can only be burning (and to extension Flaring) up to Mistborn levels divided by five, rounded up, at the same time.
At 1st level, you learned that you can burn metals to gain great powers.
- Charge
The amount of metal, usually between 1 and 10 grams, for a single dose to last the full duration.
- Impure Metals
The metals that you burn must have the correct alloy ratio and purity. Metals not in allomancy vials or Mistborn bottle are considered impure. As long you are burning impure metals, your strength, dexterity, and constitution modifier is reduced by half, rounded down.
Additionally, you do not add Intelligence modifier to allomancy attack rolls or saving DC. You cannot Flare impure metals.
- Metal Poisoning
Leaving unburned metals in your body can cause health problems. When a charge is unused after a long rest rest or for 24 hours, you loose all charges. For each charge, round up, your maximum HP is decreased by d10.
When maximum HP goes below 1 this way, you instead reduce it to 1. You current HP is 0 and you start dying.
- Creating Allomancy Vials and Mistborn bottle
During short or long rest, you can make any number of allomancy vials and Mistborn bottles as long you have an Alchemist's Supplies and the required materials.
Allomancy vials are pieces of metal floating in liquid. They contain between 1 to 5 charges of a single metal.
Mistborn bottle contains one charge of Tin, Pewter, Iron, Steel, Copper, Bronze, Zinc, and Brass.
It is an action to take allomancy vial or Mistborn bottle.
At 1st level, you are one of the few that can burn and hearness the power of metals. You can prepare Tin (improve senses), Pewter (improvive physical), Iron (pull metal), Steel (push metal), Copper (hide alomancy), Bronze (seek alomanancy), Zinc (stronger emotion), and Brass (weaker emotion) allomancy vials.
At 5th level, you can prepare Electrum (see future) and Gold (see past). At 9th level, you can prepare Aluminium (remove Allomancy) and Duralumin (Improve Allomancy). At 14th level, you can prepare Chromium (remove others of Allomancy) and Nicosil (improve other of Allomancy). At 18th level, you can prepare Bendalloy (slow time) and Cadmium (quicken time).
- Other Metals
There are other metals that can be burn. You can burn metals that you cannot prepare. If you want to safely use these metals, you have to get an allomancy vial of that metal in a shop or from an allamancy of higher skill to create an allomancy vial for you.
Mistborn Cloak[edit]
At 1st level, you avoid the dangerous metal armor and instead focusing on dodging and misdirection with your cloak. While wearing a cloak and no armor, your AC is 10 + Dexterity modifier + Intelligence modifier. You can equip a shield and still gain benefits from this.
At 2nd level, you learn key part of being a Mistborn: flaring a metal. Flaring increases effectiveness at the cost of duration. As a bonus action, you can burn on of the metal charges that you have ingested (not burning). The passive and active effects of both the burning and flaring depends on the Metal. As a bonus action, you may pause or resume on flaring.
Additionally, flaring add half of your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any allomancy attack roll or saving DC done with that metal.
You can flare up to you proficiency bonus per short and long rest.
At 2nd level, you learn to make impactful changes to your burning. You start with one stunt. Choose one from below:
- Blindsight
Require Tin
When you choose the option of touch while burning Tin, your blindsense's range is doubled.
- Focused Sense
Require Tin
Choose one of your senses. You have advantage to any rolls using that sense when burning Tin.
You can pick this stunt multiple times for each sense.
- Piercing Sight
Require Tin
When you choose sight option while burning Tin, you can see double of the distance in cloud-like objects.
- Sense Imprint
Require Tin
While burning tin, you create perfect memories of the senses that you are experiencing.
- Extreme Speed
Require Pewter
While burning pewter, you can take Dash action as bonus action. At 9th level, if you are running for 1 minute, you can increase your speed to match a horse.
- Inhuman Endurance
Require Pewter and 14th level
You become Pewter Drag only when you spend 50 hours without stopping or burn a total of 70 hours during the week.
- Prodigious Strength
Require Pewter and 9th level
While burning Pewter, you can drag and carry as if you are one additional size bigger. You have advantage on strength rolls. You deal an extra damage equal to half of your proficiency bonus (rounded down) with strength based melee weapons.
- Unconscious Burning
Require Pewter and 9th level
While burning Pewter, you can slow burn it while sleeping, even if you do not know how to slow burn. You do not get metal poisoning from pewter or lose pewter this way.
- Increased Velocity (Iron)
Require Iron and 9th level
While burning Iron, you can pull on objects up to doubled of their speed. Objects are considered as +1 enchanted weapon when pulled this way.
- Iron Redirection
Require Iron and 6th level
While burning Iron, you can use your reaction to decrease an attack's roll by half of your proficiency bonus, round down. You only can target metal based attacks that are within your pulling reach.
When flaring, you can use this reaction to give it an disadvantage instead.
- Iron Slide
Require Iron
When you pull yourself towards a creature and end the pull within 5 ft of them, you gain the benefits of Charger feat. Being pulled this way fulfill the Dash action trigger for this feat.
- Doubled Pull
Require Iron and 6th level
When you pull on one object when using Iron, you can pull on two objects. The second pulled object cannot deal any damage to creatures.
- Increased Velocity (Steel)
Require Steel and 9th level
While burning Steel, you can push on objects up to doubled of their speed. Objects are considered as +1 enchanted weapon when pushed this way.
- Steel Deflection
Require Steel and 6th level
While burning Steel, you can use your reaction to decrease an attack's roll by half of your proficiency bonus, round down. You only can target metal based attacks that are in your pushing reach.
When flaring, you can use this reaction to give it an disadvantage instead.
- Steel Running
Require Steel and 9th level
You can use your bonus action to push yourself. When you do this, you are pushed back 30 ft and gain benefits of the disengage action during the push.
Additionally, while you are off the ground and pushing on a metal, you can use your action to toss a piece of metal and gain 30 ft hover speed for that turn. The maximum height is equal to your pushing distance.
- Doubled Push
Require Steel and 6th level
When you push on one object when using Steel, you can push on two objects. The second pushed object cannot deal any damage to creatures.
- Extend Mental Protect
Require Copper and 6th level
Creatures in your copper cloud gain advantage to resist allomancy effecting their emotions.
- Iron Will
Require Copper and 6th level
While burning copper, you can add your intelligence modifier to your wisdom saving throws
- Larger Copper Cloud
Require Copper
Your copper cloud size is doubled.
- Broad Seeking
Require Bronze and 6th level
When you search for more detail about a single allomancer when burning bronze, you learn the same information about all allomancers that you detected
- Detailed Seeking
Require Bronze and 6th level
When you search for more detail about a single allomancer when burning bronze, you learn all the possible information about them.
- Subconscious Seeking
Require Bronze and 9th level
You can burn bronze like any other metals.
- Affect Crowd (zinc)
Require Zinc
While burning zinc, you may increased zinc's radius to your proficiency bonus * 10 but the effected targets roll with advantage to the saving throws to resist any emotionally effects of zinc.
- Focused Emotion (Zinc)
Require Zinc
When you pick this stunt, choose an emotion. Your allomancy DC is increased by your charisima modifier when trying to increase that emotion
You can pick this stunt multiple times, each time pick a different emotion.
- Tug Emotion
Require Zinc and level 9
Whenever you make a charisma ability roll against a creature, you may add your intelligence modifier to the roll. You cannot use this feature if the creature is already under effects of Zinc. After a hour has passed, the creature realized that their emotion was effected by you.
- Improved Control (Zinc)
Require Zinc and level 6
When you burn Zinc, you can increase additional emotions equal to half of your proficiency bonus, round down. The modifiers of the resistance to increasing their emotions is equal to the modifiers of the weakest emotion.
- Enduring Emotion (zinc)
Require Zinc
Emotions increased by zinc last 1 minute after stopping burning zinc,
When you take this stunt again, it last for 1 hour. Each additional time you pick this stunt, extend the duration for an additional hour.
- Affect Crowd (Brass)
Require Brass
While burning Brass, you may increased Brass's radius to your proficiency bonus * 10 but the effected targets roll with advantage to the saving throw against Brass.
- Focused Emotion (Brass)
Require Brass
When you pick this stunt, choose an emotion. You add your charisma modifier to your allomancy DC when trying to increase that emotion
You can pick this stunt multiple times, each time pick a different emotion.
- Push Emotion
Require Brass and level 9
Whenever you make a charisma ability roll against a creature, you may add your intelligence modifier to the roll. You cannot use this feature if the creature is already under the effects of Brass. After a hour has passed, the creature realized that their emotion was effected by you.
- Improved Control (Brass)
Require Brass and level 6
When you burn Brass, you can increase additional emotions equal to half of your proficiency bonus, round down. The modifiers of the resistance to increasing their emotions is equal to the modifiers of the strongest emotion.
- Enduring Emotion (Brass)
Require Brass
Emotions increased by brass last 1 minute after stopping burning brass.
When you take this stunt again, it last for 1 hour. Each additional time you pick this stunt, extend the duration for an additional hour.
- Long Range
Choose a metal, your reach for that metal is doubled. Does not apply to area of effects.
You can choose this multiple times but only once per metal.
- Others
- Mistborn Highway
Require Iron, Steel, and 14th level
While you are off the ground and pushing on a metal, you can use your action to toss a piece of metal and gain 60 ft hover speed for that turn. The maximum height is equal to your pushing or pulling distance (the lesser of the two). While traveling this way, your traveling speed is equal to a race horse running at full gallop.
- Quick Toss
As a bonus action, you can throw a tiny object like a coin or bag up to 60 ft away into an unoccupied square.
At 3rd level, you chose a Passions. Choose between Experimental Allomancer, Noble, Steel Inquisitor, Outcast, Crew Member, Assassin, and Shaman, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd and again at 11th, 14th, and 18th levels.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Fighting Style[edit]
At 6th level, after a long time struggling in the slums or training with the experts, you pick up a fighting skill best suited for yourself. Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.
- Archery
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.
- Defense
While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
- Dueling
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
- Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
- Protection
When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.
- Tin Fighting
While burning Tin, you cannot be surprised and you gain 5 ft of blindsense.
- Two-Weapon Fighting
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
At 7th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as an ancient red dragon’s fiery breath or an ice storm spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Slow Burn[edit]
At 10th level, you master the act of conserving your metal. Whenever you begin a burn, you can instead do a slow burn. Slow burn last twice as long but cannot be stopped or paused.
Slippery Mind[edit]
At 15th level, you mind is used to resisting outside forces after all these years using copper. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws.
God Metals[edit]
At 20th level, you master the metals that give Mistborn god-like powers. You can prepare Atium, Malatium, and Lerasium.
You are a bit of a jack-of-all-trades among the Allomancers. It is time to put that hobby to a good use.
Experimental Allomancer[edit]
You are brave enough test out the newer metals. You find out new metals that you can burn
- Unlock Adamantine and Adamanium
At 3rd level, you can safely prepare Adamantine and Adamanium vials
- On the Go Potion Creation
At 3rd level, you find a way to create more Mistborn bottles and Allomancer vials while traveling. You can make them after 10 minutes instead of durring short rest.
- Iron Stomach
At 11th level, your body adapts to handle all the harmful metals that you have been experimenting. You get poison condition instead when you burn impure metals. If you are immune to poison condition, nothing bad happens when you burn impure metals.
When you get metal poisoning, your maximum HP is decreased by d6 per charge lost.
Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against ingested poisons.
- Unlock Mithril and Gizerium
At 11th level, you can safely prepare Mithril and Gizerium vials
- Unlock Telstang and Stamium
At 14th level, you can safely prepare Telstang (true silver) and Stamium (true steel) vials
- Faster Potion Creation
At 14th level, you find a way to create more Mistborn bottles and Allomancer vials even at a faster speed. You can make them after 1 minute instead of durring short rest.
- Unlock Diarun and Diamium
At 18th level, you can safely prepare Diarun (ice steel) and Diamim vials
- Instant Potion
At 18th level, you are able to create potions almost instantly. You can create Mistborn bottle and Allomancy vial as an action instead of during short rest.
These are your most common Mistborn in the land. These Mistborn are born from a noble family. They are raised are a noble person and as a Mistborn. They learn about politics and understanding on how to rule.
- Noble Uprising
At 3rd level, you receive a noble's higher education. You gain proficiency in one musical instrument of your choice. Additionally, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Deception, Performance, Persuasion, or History.
- Natural Born Leader
At 3rd level, you find it easy to give out instructions to others. You can use the Help action as a bonus action. Additionally, when you use the Help action to aid an ally in attacking a creature, the target of that attack can be within 30 feet of you, rather than within 5 feet of you, if the target can see or hear you.
- Politician
At 3rd level, you were taught on how to win in political discussion. As a result, whenever you make a Charisma check, you gain a bonus to the check equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).
- Noble Standing
At 11th level, you are expected to conduct yourselves with grace as a representative of your noble house. You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill. If you are already proficient in it, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, or Performance.
Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses Persuasion. You receive this benefit regardless of the skill proficiency you gain from this feature.
- Rally the Troops
At 14th level, as a noble person of great power, you can gather around a small band of troops. When you spend a long rest in a friendly town, you can hire 8 guards and 1 warrior. The guards follow the command of their leader, the warrior, and as such, they return back to the town if their leader is slain. The warrior will follow your commands within reason. At the end of each day, you must pay 200 GD to the warrior regardless the number of guards remaining and their usefulness.
- Connections in High Places
At 18th level, your noble house has lend you their vast connections. As long as you can contact your house and receive goods securely from them, you can buy Atium directly from your house at a slight discounted price.
Additionally, if your house is successful or lucky enough, they may have supply of Malatium for sell. Regardless, you can buy information about location or suppliers of Malatium from your house.
Steel Inquisitor[edit]
Requirement: being in a noble house
"Keepers of the Lord Ruler’s faith and laws, the agents of the Steel Ministry hunt down heretics, rebels, criminals, Allomancers, and Feruchemists, employing the vast wealth of resources at their disposal."
- Mistborn RPG
Steel Inquisitors stop at nothing to fulfill their pseudo-religious belief: enforcing the laws of the kingdom of Cett and hunting down anyone threatening the kingdom including Mistborn that are not part of the noble houses. Steel Inquisitors give up their noble rights to gain the powers to kill enemies of the kingdom.
- Rank Facial Tattoos
To prove to others of their great power and their "faith", Steel Inquisitor have facial tattoos to represent the ranking in their order. All Steel Inquisitors are bald.
Notice rank (3rd level) have a single ring around each of their "eyes". Obligator rank (11th level) have a symbol on their forehead. Prelan Lord rank (18th level) gain several halos of spindly tattoos circle near their "eyes".
- Hemalurgy Imbedded Spikes
Steel Inquisitors have 10 hemalurgy spikes in their vital organs. Hemalurgy spike are metal spike that contains a soul of a Mistling to grant or improve Allomancy and Feruchemy. These are the hemalurgy spikes:
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Steel Inquistor, Laura, https://coppermind.net/wiki/Coppermind:Artists/Laura_MacMahon |
- 4 Steel spikes
- 4 Bronze spikes
- 1 Gold spike
- Grants Gold Feruchemy (located behind the neck)
- 1 Atium spike
- Improve Atium Allomancy
Removing hemalurgy spike used to be lethal to Steel Inquisitors. If the spell regenerate is not used within 1 hour of removal, the Steel Inquisitors automatically dies. The Steel Inquisitor looses the Steel Inquisitor feature corresponding to that that hemalurgy spike. Removing Gold hemalurgy spike instantly kills the Steel Inquistor and they loose all Steel Inquisitor features.
- Steel and Iron Spikes (Steel Eyes)
At 3rd level, your eyes are replaced by two Steel spikes that improves your Steel and Iron Allomancy. Instead of using light to use, you use detection of metal in objects to view the world. You are to see all objects that contain even the smallest amount of metal like creatures with blood, plants, stone, and wood. You effectively have "Darkvision" up to your Steel's or Iron's pull/push range (highest of the two). You are blind beyond that range. Creatures and onjects that are invisible is still invisible to you due to the magic or magic-like ability still hide them from your sight.
Additionally, you no longer can pick Sight option while burning Tin due to lack of physical eyes.
- Bronze Spike
At 3rd level, you are professional at piercing through copper fields with your Bronze spike. While burning bronze, you can attempt to pierce through any copper field. You make a religion check vs the Copper burner's allomancer save DC. On a pass, you pierce through their copper field. You automatically fail if they are flaring Copper.
- Gold Spike
At 3rd level, the Gold spike has given you Gold Feruchemy. As an action, you can store your hit dice into your Gold spike. When you do so, you take the hit dice's roll + your constitution modifier necromantic damage. The damage cannot be reduced, redirected, or prevented in any way. You cannot regain that hit dice as long it is stored in your Gold spike.
As a bonus action, you can use a hit dice stored in your Gold spike. You regain the stored hit dice plus your constitution modifier. Once used this way, that hit dice is removed from your Gold spike and you can regain that hit dice as normal.
- Soul Corruption (Optional)
At 3rd level, the Mistling souls in your Hemalurgy spikes slowly corrupt your soul and mind. After long rest, roll d20. On a 1, one of your Hemalurgy spike's souls (chosen randomly or chosen by GM), become released. Each hemalurgy spike can be released once.
You can hear the voices of all released souls. If they desire to help you, you can use your reaction to add your proficiency modifier to Allomancer attack roll or Alomancer DC when using Alomancy corresponding to the Mistling's soul.
Your wisdom score is reduced equal to your released souls times two. If wisdom score becomes 0 this way, you lose control over your body. The God Ruin or all released souls fight for control of your body. Effectively, you will need a new character to continue playing this game
- Soul Madness (Optional)
Only used with Madness Rule Replaces Soul Corruption (Optional)
At 3rd level, the Mistling souls in your Hemalurgy spikes slowly corrupt your soul and mind. After long rest, roll d20. On a 1, one of your Hemalurgy spike's souls (chosen randomly or chosen by GM), become released. Each hemalurgy spike can be released once.
You can hear the voices of all released souls. If they desire to help you, you can use your reaction to add your proficiency modifier to Allomancer attack roll or Alomancer DC when using Alomancy corresponding to the Mistling's soul.
You gain 1 madness for each released soul.
- Pinspike Weak Point (Optional)
Only used with Called Shot Rule
At 3rd level, you have a weak point at your Gold spike (behind the neck). Enemies have the hardest time hitting it but on a successful hit, it deals highest damage.
- Pewter Spike
At 11th level, your body has an easier time being modified by Pewter. When you burn pewter, your strength score is increased by 1 and gain proficiency in strength saving throws. When you flare pewter, your dexterity and constitution score is increased by 1 and proficiency in dexterity and constitution saving throws.
- Tin Spike
At 11th level, you have become used to having a Tin spike. When you burn Tin, you can pick an extra sense of your choice.
Additionally, you gain Steel Eyes as a new option of senses to choose from while burning Tin.
- Steel Eyes
- You can "see" triple as far
- You have true sight with the range of your proficiency bonus * 5 ft.
- Flaw: after taking lightning damage, make a Wisdom saving throw vs DC of 10. On a fail, you are stunned until end of your next turn
- Zinc Spike
At 11th level, your Zinc spike has greatly improve your ability to install fear. Whenever you successfully increased fear emotion when using Zinc, effected creatures gain frighten condition as long their fear emotion is amplified.
- Brass Spike
At 14th level, you become good at controlling people's emotions to reveal the truth through your Brass spike. You can cast suggestion instead of the other options of flaring. When you do so and that creature fails the saving throw, they also cannot lie as long suggestion spell is in effect.
- Copper Spike
At 14th level, your Copper spike is able to improve your Copper cloud. Creatures in your copper cloud gains resistance to physic damage and immunity to charm condition.
- Atium Spike
At 18th level, your body is used to your Atium Spike. Atium burn duration is increased to 10 minutes and flare duration is increased to 1 minute.
Most Mistborn that are not part of a noble house are outcast. They make be disowned by the noble house, exiled from the kingdom, wanted by the Steel Inquisitors or simply not having pure noble blood. Outcast are unrestricted by the chains of the noble house. They spend a lot of time and energy hiding from the Steel Inquisitors. Outcast are the masters of being hidden and sneaking around.
- Wanted by Steel Inquisitors
Steel Inquisitors seek out and kill any Mistborn that are not part of the noble houses. While their size is small, they are backed by the vast resources of all noble houses. Unless you purposely bother the Steel Inquisitors, the Steel Inquisitors will not hunt you down unless you got caught during their searching or chasing after bigger game. They do not have the numbers to go out of their way to hunt down small fries.
- Hiden from the Law
At 3rd level, you learn tricks to hide yourself from watchful eyes. You gain proficiency with the disguise kit, the forgery kit, and one gaming set of your choice. You also learn two languages of your choice.
- Life on the Run
At 3rd level, only the quick and the smart can escape the Steel Inquisitors. You can take an additional action on each of your turns in combat. This action can be used only to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
- Infiltration Expertise
At 11th level, you can unfailingly create false identities for yourself. You must spend seven days and 25 gp to establish the history, profession, and affiliations for an identity. You can’t establish an identity that belongs to someone else. For example, you might acquire appropriate clothing, letters of introduction, and official-looking certification to establish yourself as a member of a trading house from a remote city so you can insinuate yourself into the company of other wealthy merchants.
Thereafter, if you adopt the new identity as a disguise, other creatures believe you to be that person until given an obvious reason not to.
- Thick Copper Cloud
At 11th level, you can burn larger amounts of copper for extra protection. Whenever you burn Copper, you can chose to burn two doses of copper at once. If you do so, your copper cloud counts as flaring for the purpose of being pierced by Bronze.
- Imposter
At 14th level, you gain the ability to unerringly mimic another person’s speech, writing, and behavior. You must spend at least three hours studying these three components of the person’s behavior, listening to speech, examining handwriting, and observing mannerisms.
Your ruse is indiscernible to the casual observer. If a wary creature suspects something is amiss, you have advantage on any Charisma (Deception) check you make to avoid detection.
- Pewter Skin
At 18th level, you are adept at surviving deadly blows. While burning Pewter, you can use your reaction to take half damage for the rest of that turn.
Crew Member[edit]
Some Outcast Mistborn have found a crew to help them survive in a world hunted by Steel Inquisitors and without the support of the noble houses. While most crews would preform crime as a form of "rebellion" against the government, the more brave crews go out do adventuring.
- Wanted by Steel Inquisitors
Steel Inquisitors seek out and kill any Mistborn that are not part of the noble houses. While their size is small, they are backed by the vast resources of all noble houses. Unless you purposely bother the Steel Inquisitors, the Steel Inquisitors will not hunt you down unless you got caught during their searching or chasing after bigger game. They do not have the numbers to go out of their way to hunt down small fries.
- Crew Bonus Skills
At 3rd level, after a great deal amount of time with a crew, you pick up proficiency in disguise kit and thieves' tools.
- Distracted Attack
At 3rd level, you are good at taking your enemies by surprise. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack or saving throw if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it and that enemy isn’t incapacitated. The attack must use a finesse weapon, a ranged weapon, or caused by a Mistborn Ability.
You can apply distracted attack damage if you are hidden from the enemy.
At higher levels, your distracted attack damage increases. It is 2d6 at 9th level and 3d6 at 15th level
- Distracted Hit
At 11th level, your attacks, not only take advantage of distracted enemy, but also create a distraction for others to use. As a bonus action, you think of a way to distract your foe. Until the end of your turn, the next creature that you hit will become distracted until start of your next turn. The next attacker, that is not you, make an attack roll against the distracted creature, they gain advantage to that roll.
- Crew Tricks
At 14th level, you learn a bit of everything from your crew. You gain the following:
- You gain proficiency in one musical instrument (bard), artisan tool (artificer), and skill (rogue) of your choice.
- When you burn Pewter, allies within 5 ft of you have advantage on Strength saving throws as you help them pass. (barbarian)
- While you burn Zinc and get a natural 20, choose a creature within 30 ft from you and gain Impressive Inspiration. They add d4 to the next roll on a d20. (bard)
- While you burn Bendalloy, as a bonus action, you can pick a creature inside your bendalloy bubble. They may use their reaction to make one weapon attack. (fighter and monk)
- While you burn Steel, you can use your reaction to cause a metal based attack to deal an extra d4 damage. (paladin)
- You learn one cantrip from any spell list of your choice. (spell casters)
- Distracted by Small Victories
At 18th level, you take advantage of your foes lowering their defense after achieving minor success. If the enemy has dealt damage to your ally within 5 ft of it in their last turn, you add an extra 1d6 to Distracted Attack.
A rare group of Outcast Mistborn would follow down the path of revenge. They desire to inflict pain and death on those who cause them have trauma. Assassin hone their skills to kill their target quickly and quietly. They often target people who misuse their powers.
- Wanted by Steel Inquisitors
Steel Inquisitors seek out and kill any Mistborn that are not part of the noble houses. While their size is small, they are backed by the vast resources of all noble houses. Unless you purposely bother the Steel Inquisitors (you most likely have), the Steel Inquisitors will not hunt you down unless you got caught during their searching or chasing after bigger game. They do not have the numbers to go out of their way to hunt down small fries.
- Tools of the Trade
At 3rd level, you master the needed tools to bring down a target. You gain proficiency with the disguise kit and poisoner's kit.
- Assassinate
At 3rd level, you are at your deadliest when you get the drop on your enemies. You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn’t taken a turn in the combat yet. In addition, any hit you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.
- Blend with your Surroundings
At 11th level, you can make you skin blend with the background and dull the senses of your watchers. While burning Pewter and Brass and as a bonus action, you cannot be visually detected (invisible) by any creatures with your Brass' range, along with any equipment you are wearing or carrying, until the start of your next turn.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
- Supreme Sneak
At 14th level, you have advantage on a Dexterity (Stealth) check if you move no more than half your speed on the same turn.
Additionally, you can use Hide action as a bonus action.
- Death Strike
At 18th level, you become a master of instant death. When you attack and hit a creature that is surprised, it must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, double the damage of your attack against the creature.
"All non-God metals are further defined by sets of qualities that create opposition and balance. The first quality is whether a metal is Internal or External. Internal Metals affect or enhance the user and External Metals affect other people or the broader world. This doesn’t impact a metal’s category. For example, Tin is an Internal Physical Metal, while Steel is an External Physical Metal. The second quality is whether a metal Pushes or Pulls. Pushing Metals create a force that suppresses or acts against something, while Pulling Metals draw something out or connect the user to something. Brass is a Pushing Metal because it suppresses emotions, while Zinc is a Pulling Metal because it augments a person’s emotions and presses them to the surface."
-Mistborn RPG
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Vecna, https://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/53909-the-complete-chart-of-hemalurgy/ |
- Rarity
The fourth word below a metal describe on the rarity and difficulty to gain the metal. It does not effect the cost of the metal. Many rare metals are quite cheap as there is very little use for it outside of allomancy.
Physical Metal[edit]
These enhance physical capabilities or directly interact with the physical world — by changing it directly or perceiving it.
Physical, internal, pulling, common, burn duration: 1 hour, flare duration: 10 minutes
- Burn
When you burn Tin, choose one of the 6 senses below. You add your Intelligence modifier to any rolls that depends on that sense. At 9th and 17th levels you can pick one more;
- Sight
- You can see twice as far. At 9th level, it becomes triple as far
- Objects within Mistborn level * 20 ft appears to be in bright light unless you are in total darkness
- You can see up to your proficiency bonus * 5 ft into cloud-like objects like dust and mist.
- Flaw: after taking lightning damage, make a Wisdom saving throw vs DC of 10. On a fail, you are stunned until end of your next turn
- Sound
- You can pick up sounds up to Mistborn level * 20 ft
- You automatically recognize sounds and voices. They always sound clear to you.
- You know the exact location of any sounds you hear
- Flaw: after taking thunder damage, make a wisdom saving throw vs DC of 10. On a fail, you are stunned until end of your next turn
- Touch
- You can feel every single atom in a material. You can make an investigation check to find out the material components
- As long you are on the ground, you have blindsense of 5 ft to creatures also on the ground and your size or bigger.
- When you pick up an object, you are aware its exact weight and if it hollow
- Flaw: after taking physic damage, make a wisdom saving throw vs DC of 10. On a fail, you are stunned until end of your next turn
- Taste
- You can taste almost every ingredient. You can make an investigation check to find out the ingredients in the food.
- You automatically can taste any non-magical poison or diseases
- You can taste the air. Tasting the air will inform you the humidity, air pressure, air quality, rain quality, and weather in the next hour
- Flaw: after tasting anything hot, spicy, sour, bitter, or poison, make a constitution saving throw vs DC 10. On a fail, you are stunned until end of your next turn
- Smell
- You can pick up smell up to Mistborn level * 20 ft
- You have advantage on survival and tracking related skills
- You automatically recognize any food been non-magically poisoned (with the exception of odorless poisons) just by smelling it.
- Flaw: after taking damage from stinking cloud spell, make a wisdom saving throw vs DC of 10. On a fail, you are stunned until end of your next turn
- Intuition
- You have advantage on initiative, dexterity checks, and Insight
- You cannot be surprised
- Flaw: you cannot be willing go to sleep, trance, or benefit from short or long rest
- Flare
When you flare Tin, you cannot be put to sleep, charmed, or stunned (including being stunned by Tin's flaws). Additionally, your constitution score cannot be decreased.
Physical, internal, pushing, common, burn duration: 10 minutes, flare duration: 1 minute
- Burn
When you burn pewter, you gain the following effects:
- Add your Intelligence modifier to strength ability rolls.
- Speed increased by half of your proficiency bonus (rounded down) * 5 ft.
- Gain temporary hit points equal to Mistborn level. This only recharges each time you burn a new charge, not resuming a charge.
- Advantage on saving throws against poison and diseases
- You can carry and drag as if you are one size bigger
- Pewter Drag
If you burn pewter more than 8 hours between long rests or 8 hours non-stop, you get pewter drag until long rest.
While in pewter drag, your strength and dexterity modifier is halved (rounded down). You cannot burn pewter.
- Flare
- Ignore exhaustion levels up your proficiency bonus. If you have six levels of exhaustion, you do not die. You will still die, if you stop burning pewter while having six levels of exhaustion.
- At 9th level, you add your Intelligence modifier when you regain hit points during a short rest
Physical, external, pulling, common, burn duration: 10 minutes, flare duration: 1 minute
- Burn
When you burn, you can see blue lines connecting between you and all metals within 20 * Mistborn levels. As part of an attack action, you can pull on one of these blue lines to create an attraction between you and the metal. Weight is the creature's weight plus any gear plus weight of prevention of being pulled, like holding to a rope attacked to a tree. Several possible things will happen when you do this:
- If you are roughly the same weight, both of you and the metal is pulled to each other
- If you are heavier than the object, the object is pulled to you, up to the speed of 100 mph (you control the speed).
- If you pull on an object this is lighter than you while wielded by a creature. That creature makes a strength saving throw vs your allomancer saving DC. On a fail, that object is pulled away from them. On a pass, that creature's weight is added to that item which can cause you or/and that creature to be pulled.
- If you are lighter than the object, you are pulled to it, up to the speed of 100 mph (you control the speed).
Regardless of the objects, they are pulled equal to your proficiency bonus * 5 ft.
If the pulled object or creature stops before it complete the pulled distance, the object or creature preventing the pull make a dexterity saving throw vs your allomancer save DC. On a fail, they take d6 + your Intelligence modifier piercing (damage type can be changed if GM is willing). In the rare case that the creature is being pulled and is stopped by an object, that pulled creature instead makes the dexterity saving throw. You have advantage to all dexterity saving throws made with Iron
If you or an object ends its pull off the ground and has reached a stand still between your pull and gravity, you or it remains in that spot as long your pull is active.
You cannot pull on objects inside or embedded inside of a creature.
Alternative, as an action, you can pull on all of the blue lines to attract all metal objects to you. Resolve each pull of the metal from closest to farthest (player chooses which metal on a tie breaker). If there is two or more heavy objects pulled this way, you take d4 force damage for each heavy object from the strain of being pulled in multiple directions.
- Flare
When you flare, your weight for the purpose of pulling is increased by 50%. Additionally, when you pull on multiple heavy things at once; you may make a strength or intelligence saving throw vs DC given by GM depending on how hard to pull on it, for each heavy object except the heaviest object. On each pass, that object is pulled 5 ft regardless its weight.
Additionally, the damage dice of Iron is d8.
Physical, external, pushing, common, burn duration: 10 minutes, flare duration: 1 minute
- Burn
When you burn, you can see blue lines connecting between you and all metals within 20 * Mistborn levels. As part of an attack action, you can push on one of these blue lines to create a repulsion between you and the metal. Weight is the creature's weight plus any gear plus weight of prevention of being pushed, like being pushed against a wall. Several possible things will happen when you do this:
- If you are roughly the same weight, both of you and the metal is pushed away from each other
- If you are heavier than the object, the object is pushed away from you, up to the speed of 100 mph (you control the speed).
- If you push on an object this is lighter than you while wielded by a creature. That creature makes a strength saving throw vs your allomancer saving DC. On a fail, that object is pushed away from them. On a pass, that creature's weight is added to that item which can cause you or/and that creature to be pushed.
- If you are lighter than the object, you are pushed away from it, up to the speed of 100 mph (you control the speed).
Regardless of the objects, they are pushed equal to your proficiency bonus * 5 ft.
If the pushed object or creature stops before it complete the pushed distance, the object or creature preventing the push make a dexterity saving throw vs your allomancer save DC. On a fail, they take d6 + your Intelligence modifier piercing (damage type can be changed if GM is willing). In the rare case that the creature is being pushed and is stopped by an object, that pushed creature instead makes the dexterity saving throw. You have advantage to all dexterity saving throws made with Steel
If you or an object ends its push off the ground and has reached a stand still between your push and gravity, you or it remains in that spot as long your push is active.
You cannot push on objects inside or embedded inside of a creature.
Alternative, as an action, you can push on all of the blue lines to attract all metal objects to you. Resolve each push of the metal from closest to farthest (player chooses which metal on a tie breaker). If there is two or more heavy objects pulled this way, you take d4 force damage for each heavy object from the strain of being pushed in multiple directions.
- Flare
When you flare, your weight for pushing is increased by 50%. Additionally, when you push on multiple heavy things at once; you may make a strength or intelligence saving throw vs DC given by GM depending on how hard to push on it, for each heavy object except the heaviest object. On each pass, that object is pushed 5 ft.
Additionally, when a creature is hit with a small or bigger object, the damage dice is d8.
Mental Metal[edit]
These enhance or alter emotions and perceptions, sometimes of the user and other times of others.
Mental, internal, pulling, common, burn duration: 1 hour, flare duration: 10 minutes
- Burn
When you burn copper, you create an invisible copper cloud that covers you and anybody within your proficiency bonus * 5 ft of you. While in a copper cloud, creatures cannot be detected by allomancers burning bronze.
Additionally, you have advantage on all throws to resist allomancers effecting your emotions.
- Flare
When you flare, double the range of your copper cloud.
Mental, external, pulling, common, burn duration: 1 hour, flare duration: 10 minutes
- Burn
When you burn bronze, you are aware of the allomancy activity with 60 + Mistborn level * 10 ft. You know their location and what metal they are burning, regardless of the barriers between you and them. You cannot detect allomancers in a copper cloud or not burning any metals.
As an action, you can attempt to learn more about the metal being burned. The targeted allomancer makes a wisdom saving throw vs your allomancer DC. On a fail, you learn one of the below of your choice:
- If they are slow burning, burning, or flaring
- Any stunts used in the burning of that metal
- What people, metal, or other targets of this burning of metal
- The amount of metal left to burn away
- Concentration
Unlike other mentals, bronze require a lot of concentration. As long you are burning bronze, you are unable to take any actions, bonus actions, or reactions other than pausing or ending burning on bronze.
- Flare
When you flare, you can pierce through a copper field produced by burning copper. If the allomancer is flaring copper, you make an Intelligence check vs their allomancer save DC. On a pass, you pierce through their copper field.
Mental, external, pulling, common, burn duration: 1o minutes, flare duration: instant
- Burn
When you burn Zinc, you can make an emotion stronger. You cannot create a new emotion, just make it stronger. Choose a creature with your proficiency bonus * 10 ft from you. That creature or all creatures within 10 ft of that creature (creature included) make a charisma saving throw vs your allomancer DC. On a fail, you can make that emotion stronger as long you are burning Zinc. On a success, they are not effected and are aware that you or someone tried to increase their emotions.
There is several modifiers that can make target or targets easier or harder to influence. If the creature is aware that someone is using zince, they gain +2 to their roll. Stronger the target emotion is, easiest to influence: Very strong: -5, strong: -2, slight: 0, weak: +2, virtual non-exitance: +5.
"Likewise, Zinc Allomancy is not mind control — a Rioted emotion is still the target’s own, it’s just more powerful, and no matter how strongly the target feels something he or she is still guided by core principles, preferences, and predilections. As an example, enflaming one person’s anger might prompt them to start a bar brawl, while doing the same in someone else might result in them trading insults, stalking off in disgust, or even finding comfort at the bottom of a bottle"
-Mistborn RPG
- Flare
When you flare, choose one creature in your range and confuse them as their emotion goes numb. You cast dissonant whispers on that creature. At 9th, you may cast level calm emotions on only that creature instead.
Mental, external, pushing, common, burn duration: 10 minutes, flare duration: instant
- Burn
You can make an emotion weaker. You cannot remove an emotion, just make it weaker. Choose a creature with your proficiency bonus * 10 ft from you. That creature or all creatures within 10 ft of that creature (creature included) make a charisma saving throw vs your allomancer DC. On a fail, you can make that emotion weaker as long you burn brass. On a success, they are not effected and are aware that you or someone tried to decrease their emotions.
There is several modifiers that can make target or targets easier or harder to influence. If the creature is aware that someone is using brass, they gain +2 to their roll. Stronger the target emotion is, harder to influence: Very strong: +5, strong: +2, slight: 0, weak: -2, virtual non-exitance: -5.
"Remember that Brass does not grant you control of a Soothed character — it merely pushes them in one direction or another as befits their personal motivations and impulses."
-Mistborn RPG
- Flare
When flare, choose one creature in your range and confuse them as their emotion goes wild. You cast Cause Fear, dissonant whispers, or hideous laughter on that creature. At 14th, you may cast Tasha's Mind Whip instead.
Enhancement Metal[edit]
These enhance, alter, or counter the use of allomancy.
Enchantment, internal, pulling, more expensive than gold, burn duration: instant, flare duration: never
- Burn
When you burn aluminum, you lose all charges of your allomancer abilities. You must burn it, not just ingest it to lose all of your charges.
- Flare
Cannot be flared
Enchantment, internal, pushing, uncommon magical item, burn duration: start of next turn, flare duration: Instant
- Burn
When you burn duralumin, all of your currently burning metals go on overdrive. Until the start of your turn, you gain the following
- You add your Intelligence modifier to all allomancer attack rolls and allomancer DC.
- Any damage you deal with your allowance skills deals an extra 1d4 damage
At the start of your next turn, the metals you are burning run out.
Whenever you choose to burn metal, you may choose to burn Duralumin with it. When you do, only that metal is boasted and dries out.
- Uncontrollable Power
When you burn Duralumin, it is nearly impossible to control. You unable to perform any finer details or be stealthy while burning Duralumin. Additionally, any activity powered by Duralumin tends to be overkill, because it is.
- Flaring
Whenever you choose to flare a metal, you may also flare Duraluminum. Different metals you flare with Duraluminum has different effects
- Tin: You can improve all six senses until the end of your turn
- Pewter: You can carry double the weight and deal an extra d4 damage with strength-based weapons
- Iron and Steel: Your weight is doubled for pushing or pulling. Additionally, you can target metals inside a living creature
- Copper: Remove all magical and alomancy effects on creatures inside the copper cloud.
- Bronze: You also detect any spells being cast and locations of magical items
- Zinc and Brass: That spell affects another creature within 10 ft of the first one
- Uncontrollable Power
When you flare Duralumin, it is impossible to perform any details. Additionally, activation usually is loud or bright flash as unbelievable power cannot be controlled.
Enchantment, external, pulling, rare magical item, burn duration: instant, flare duration: none
- Burn
As part of the action of burning Chromium, make a melee allomancer attack roll. On a hit, that creature loses all metal charges. On a failed, you do not burn and waste your Chromium
- Flare
Cannot be flared
Enchantment, external, pushing, rare magical item, burn duration: until start of your turn, flare duration: none
- Burn
The creature that you are currently touching, if unwilling they must be grappled, gain the affect of Chromium. Next they use a metal, it gains the same effects of a flared Duralumin. After they "nitro", they lost ALL metal charges. They must use a metal on their turn.
- Flare
Cannot be flared
Temporal Metal[edit]
These change perception of time, and how time affects people and the world.
Temporal, internal, pulling, gold, burn duration: 10 minutes, flare duration: 1 minute
- Burn
When you burn gold, you can experience a parallel existence where you made different choices. Pick a decision that you have done in the past and choose a different outcome. Make a history check vs 10 + every major event (including birthday) in life between now and that decision. On a pass, you begin experiencing the events right after making the alternative choice. For each second you spend in the alternative time line, a second has pass in the real world.
When you stop burning gold, you gain 1 point of exhaustion due to the great toll on your mind and body.
- Maddening Visions (Optional)
Only if madness rules are used
Experiencing someone's else life, even if it is a parallel universe of you, is not good for the mind. Any madness you gain in the alternative self is applied to you. Additionally, after burning gold (but before gaining exhaustion), make a wisdom saving throw vs the same DC for burning gold. On a fail, you gain madness.
- Flare
Temporal, internal, pushing, electrum, burn duration: 10 minutes, flare duration: 1 minute
Note: Alloy of gold and silver
- Burning
When you burn Electrum, you see a shadowy, transparent version of yourself but in 6 second (1 turn) into the future.
At the start of each turn, inform your GM on your planned set of actions you will preform on this turn. Once you infom the GM, you will see your "echo" preform these task that will happen on your turn. This process one happens once per turn even if you change your plan after seeing your "shadow's" action.
Additionally, as a reaction, you can add +1 AC or +2 to a saving throw to the triggering effect due to the foreshadowing of your "echo".
Burning electrum makes you immune to others using god metal, Atium.
- Flare
While you can see your "shadow", you gain your proficiency bonus -1 to your AC and saving throws
Temporal, external, pulling, rare magical item, burn duration: 10 minutes, flare duration: 1 minute
- Burning
When you burn Cadmium, you create a bubble in time. You and everyone with in your proficiency bonus * 5 ft are in the slow down time bubble. This bubble stationary once created. If you leave the bubble, the bubble pop.
Any creatures in your bubble, will experienced time at half of normal. To an outside viewer, it appears everything inside is moving in slow motion.
In combat, creatures will treat that odd number turns simply does not exist. For all purposes and cases, 2nd turn is their 1st turn, 4th turn is their 2nd turn, 6th turn is their 3rd turn... Any creature entering the bubble on an odd turn will immediately end their turn.
Any objects, magic, and effects passing through the bubble will have disadvantage to hit the target or the target will have advantage on the saving throw. Additionally, any of these used on an odd turn, they will not reach to their target (if the target is inside) until the attacker's next turn.
- Flare
Temporal, external, pushing, rare magical item, burn duration: 10 minutes, flare duration: 1 minute
Note: alloy of Cadmium
- Burning
When you burn Bendalloy, you create a bubble in time. You and everyone with in your proficiency bonus * 5 ft are in the speed up time bubble. This bubble stationary once created. If you leave the bubble, the bubble pop.
Any creatures in your bubble, will experienced time at doubled speed. To an outside viewer, it appears everything inside is moving in super fast.
In combat, creatures out side of the bubble will treat that odd number turns simply does not exist. For all purposes and cases, 2nd turn is their 1st turn, 4th turn is their 2nd turn, 6th turn is their 3rd turn... Any creature exiting the bubble on an odd turn will immediately end their turn.
Any objects, magic, and effects passing through the bubble will have disadvantage to hit the target or the target will have advantage on the saving throw. Additionally, any of these used on an odd turn, they will not reach to their target until the attacker's next turn.
- Flare
God Metals[edit]
These are incredibly rare and amazingly powerful, literally formed from the physical substance of the gods Ruin and Preservation
God, external, pulling, legendary magical item, burn duration: 1 minute, flare duration: 6 seconds (1 turn)
Note: nobles use this a currency for the
- Burn
When you burn Atium, you see shadows of everyone's (not your own) future, about 6 seconds (1 turn) in the future. At the start of each round, choose one creature that is not burning Electrium or Atium. That creature must tell you what they are going to do on their turn. If it is still possible and reasonable, they will do those action perfectly on their next turn.
You have a second turn. At the start of each round, you choose the initiative order of your second turn.
While burning Atium, you ignore the effects of the enemy's Electrium effects.
Flare: none. It is too valuable and such a short duration that no one dares to flare it
God, external, pushing, legendary magical item, burn duration: 1 minute, flare duration: 6 seconds (1 turn)
Note: Atium Alloy
- Burn
When you burn malatium, you can experience a parallel world of the creatures that you see. Pick a decision that one of the creatures have done in the past and choose a different outcome. Make a history check vs 10 + every major event (including birthday) in life between now and that decision. On a pass, you begin experiencing the events right after making the alternative choice. For each second you spend in the alternative time line, a second has pass in the real world.
When you stop burning malatium, you gain 1 point of exhaustion due to the great toll on your mind and body.
- Maddening Visions (Optional)
Only if madness rules are used
Experiencing someone's else life, is not good for the mind. Any madness they gain in the alternative world is applied to you. Additionally, after burning malatium (but before gaining exhaustion), make a wisdom saving throw vs the same DC for burning malatium. On a fail, you gain madness.
Flare: none. It is too valuable and such a short duration that no one dares to flare it
God, external, pushing, legendary artifact magical item, burn duration: instant, flare duration: never
Note: only found in near the Well of Ascension, a place lost in time immemorial
- Burn
When you burn, it does nothing. It is completely useless to Mistborn.
- Mistborn Creation
When people with no allomancy ingest pure Lerasium it automatically burns inside of them. They can multi-class into Mistborn.
- Single Use
A creature can only burn Lerasium once in their life.
- Flare
Impossible to be flared
God, external, pushing, legendary artifact magical item, burn duration: instant, flare duration: never
Note: only found in the Well of Ascension, a place lost in time immemorial
- Burn
When you burn, it does nothing. It is completely useless to Feruchemists.
- Twinborn Creation
When people with no allomancy, or Mistborn, ingest pure Malersium it automatically burns inside of them. They can then sub-class into a Twin-Born.
- Single Use
A creature can only burn Malersium. once in their life.
- Flare
Impossible to be flared
Magical Metals[edit]
They are magical-like metals used in creation of magic items. These are the metals that only Experimental Allomancer Mistborn can prepare these metals. Any Mistborn may burn it regardless.
Magical, Internal, pulling, uncommon magical item, Burn duration: 10 minutes, Flare Duration: 1 minute
- Burning
While burning Adamantine, you turn any critical hit against you into a normal hit.
- Flare
While flaring, you gain +1 AC
Magical, Internal, pushing, uncommon magical item, Burn duration: 10 minutes, Flare Duration: 1 minute
Note: Alloy of Adamant
- Burning
While burning Adamantium, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
- Flaring
your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18 or 20.
Magical, External, pulling, uncommon magical item, Burn duration: 1 hour, Flare Duration: 10 minutes
- Burning
While burning Mithril, you can see blue lines connecting between you and all metals within 20 * Mistborn levels. As a bonus action, you can pull up on one of these blue lines to make the metal lighter. Several possible things will happen when you do this:
- If you target a metal armor, that armor no longer have a strength requirement and stealth disadvantage as the armor's weight is halved.
- If you target a metal weapon, that weapon gains the light property if wielded in one hand as the weapon's weight is halved
- If you target a metal projectile, when fired, it ignores long range penalty.
- If you target a metal object, its weight is halved
These effects last as you burn Mithril or target a new metal.
You cannot pull on objects inside or embedded inside of a creature.
- Flare
When you flare, the weight becomes 1/3 of normal weight. The following additional effects are as follow:
- If you target a metal armor, medium armor becomes light armor and heavy armor becomes medium armor.
- If you target a metal weapon, that weapon gains the light property but you no longer can add strength modifier to the damage.
- If you target a metal projectile, its max range is increased by 20 ft.
Magical, External, pushing, uncommon magical item, Burn duration: 1 hour, Flare Duration: 10 minutes
- Burning
While burning Gizerium, you can see blue lines connecting between you and all metals within 20 * Mistborn levels. As a bonus action, you can push down on one of these blue lines to make the metal heavier. Several possible things will happen when you do this:
- If you target a metal armor, that armor gains stealth disadvantage and strength requirement of 13 or increase by 2 as the armor's weight is doubled.
- If you target a metal weapon, that weapon gains the heavy property as the weapon's weight is doubled
- If you target a metal projectile, when fired, projectile falls to the ground before it reaches its long range distance (no impact on short range distance).
- If you target a metal object, its weight is doubled
These effects last as you burn Mithril or target a new metal.
You cannot push on objects inside or embedded inside of a creature.
- Flare
When you flare, the weight is tripled of normal weight. The following additional effects are as follow:
- If you target a metal armor, the strength requirement is 15 or increased by 5.
- If you target a metal weapon, that weapon has disadvantage to hit but you double all weapon dice damage.
- If you target a metal projectile, it has disadvantage to hit.
Experimental Metals[edit]
What happens when a crazy person tries every metal that they can reach? They find out (by the hard way) what metals can be used for allomancy. These are the metals that only Experimental Allomancer Mistborn can prepare these metals. Any Mistborn may burn it regardless.
Experimental, internal, pulling, rare magical item, Burn duration: 1 hour, Flare Duration: 10 minutes
Note: alloy of Copper, mithral, platinum, and silver with appearance of pewter
- Burning
While burning Telstang, you cannot be paralyzed, polymorphed, disintegrated, petrified, or otherwise have your shape changed in any matter
- Flare
When you flare, you may use an action to gain or switch of the following damage type resistances: acid, cold, fire, or lightning.
Experimental, internal, pushing, rare magical item, Burn duration: 1 hour, Flare Duration: 10 minutes
- Burning
When you start burning Stamium, you wild shape into a beast. Treat Mistborn levels as druid levels for the wild shape.
Pick a CR of your beast. You wild shape into a random beast of that CR that you are able to wild shape into. Until this charge runs out, you can only wild shape into that beast.
- Ease to Change
You have disadvantage on saving throws against polymorph and petrified.
- Flare
When you flare, the CR rating of the best is increased by half of your proficiency modifier, rounded down.
Experimental, external, pulling, rare magical item, Burn duration: 1 hour, Flare Duration: 10 minute
- Burn
When you burn Diarun, any creature touching you gains true sight.
- Flare
When flared, any creature touching you gains resistance from fire damage and their weapon attacks deal an extra d4 cold damage.
Experimental, external, pushing, rare magical item, Burn duration: 1 hour, Flare Duration: 10 minutes
- Burn
When you burn Diamium, as an action, you can cast major illusion without spell slots.
- Flare
When flared, as an action, you can cast phantasmal force without spell slots.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Mistborn class, you must meet these prerequisites: consume Lerasium or noble decentant and int 13
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Mistborn class, you gain the following proficiencies: light, medium, shield, and simple weapons
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