Mircor (Edovall Supplement)

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Map of Mircor, color-coded by region.
Green: The Seven Dells, including Covendell, the Ostovels, and Desmundie
Yellow: Mesterre
Purple: The Trysakys Peninsula
Red: Dronur
Torquoise: Seccos
Blue: Islands


At the southeastern end of Edovall lies the continent of Mircor, a temperate land of forests and plains, mountains and valleys, peace and warfare. Originally settled by descendants of Fey who were drawn to fonts of magic at the north of the continent, Mircor was left practically untouched for years until Adhemar the Zealot discovered it in his crusade to locate the legendary Eastern Continent and forge an empire there for his god, Nolrand. The climate of Mircor's various regions is mostly dictated by the impressive Austaise and Vórberget mountain ranges: precipitation northwest of the mountains is plentiful, creating the fertile plains of Mesterre and the rivers that feed into the Seven Dells, while fewer rains brought rise to the dry steppes of Dronur. At the eastern end of the continent lies the valley-riddled Trysakys Peninsula, known for its large, mysteriously circular bay.

Dronur and Seccos[edit]


Full Title Republic of Averice
Ruler Rector Marco di Broniccio
Capital Avarizzia
Primary Religion Abyllianism

The Republic of Averice (EY-ve-ris, Seccossian: Averizzio) is a mercantile city-state on the southern shore of Mircor. Local legend claims that Ghor'Chan traders, travelling west from their archipelago, used the port of Averice as their sole trading port with the original undine denizens of Seccos, and local merchant lords sometimes fund expeditions to locate treasures left by those exotic traders.


Full Title Duchy of Crant
Ruler Duca Evandro II di Salezzio
Capital Cragnetto
Primary Religion Abyllianism

A small mountainous duchy on the Seccossian outskirts of the Vórberget, Crant (KRANT, Seccossian: Cragnetto) prides itself on rich mines of rock salt and potash.


Full Title Confederated Crown of Dronersur
Ruler Klasurmin Chalmon ye Dronkecwa
Capital Kesur
Primary Religion Rochubur

The Confederated Crown of Dronersur (dron-ER-sur) is a large nation in southern Mircor, ruling over the Dronur steppes and some of the lands of Seccos. The Crown of Dronersur was founded in 901 NA as a union of the Duchy of Marandur, the Duchy of Nur, and the High Chiefdom of Channat, with the signing of the Treaty of Kesur, as a means of repelling the Empire of Larcania in their attempt to conquer Nur. The coalition was a success, and the united forces of Dronersur held the armies of Larcania at bay in the swamps of Gaterre until Lyon de L'arcannes seized power from his uncle and made peace with the Crown. Though the Treaty of Kesur was intended to expire with the end of the war against Larcania, the people of Dronersur decided that regional unity was better for their safety and instead voted to make the treaty permanent.
The leader of the Crown of Dronersur, denoted by the epithet "ye Dronkecwa" (Holder of the Southern Throne), may reach this role by ascending the ranks of the Composite Meritocracy. The system of Composite Meritocracy was negotiated as part of the Treaty of Kesur as a compromise between the nobility of the two Duchies and the merit-based military rule in the High Chiefdom of Channat. According to Composite Meritocracy, nobility retains its ownership of land, and may thus levy taxes and levies from its realm. However, actual rule of the land is divided evenly between two people: the noble's legal heir, and a governor elected by the people, known as a Faux-Noble (Faux-Baron, Faux-Count and so on). Upon a noble's death, the people elect whether the title passes on to the noble's legal heir, or transferred to the Faux-Noble, who then becomes a true noble, allowing skilled and honorable peasants to raise in the ranks while not infringing on the nobility's hereditary rights.



Full Title Great Duchy of Austelle
Ruler Grand-Duche Jerôn I de Candarrez
Capital Corolen
Primary Religion Icarrism

The most prominent nation to break off of the Larcanian yoke in the Great Freedom, the Great Duchy of Austelle (os-TEL, Mesterran: Austelle) has actually been a mostly autonomous territory within the Larcanian empire for years. A picturesque land of rolling fields and towering mountains, the Austellaise shun war and industrialism and instead pride themselves in their haute-couture, progressive society, and magical advances.


Full Title Divine Princedom of Istalia
Ruler Prince Lothar II of Istalia
Capital Ondarra
Primary Religion Gutun

Considered a part of Austelle by most, the Divine Princedom of Istalia (is-TAL-i-a) is a small country situated on the Istal plain north of the Stellis river, between Verdent and Austelle proper. Though de jure vassals of the Grand-Duche of Austelle, Istalians forge a common identity around their legendary king Doré the Wordgiver, who was supposedly taught the Common language by the Old God of Language, Gutun, who is still considered the patron god of the Divine Princedom.


Full Title Empire of Larcania
Ruler Emperor Lyon I de L'arcannes
Capital Surrow
Primary Religion Solism

The Empire of Larcania (lar-KAEN-ya, Mesterran: Empire de L'arcannes) is one of the oldest nations on Mircor, a proud empire whose borders once stretched from the mountains of the Vórberget to the edge of the Dells and the Neck of the Trysakys Peninsula. However, decades of aggressive expansion and neglect by the nobility has given rise to much unrest among Larcanian subjects, culminating with the mass rebellion and secession of nations known as the "Great Freedom" and the seizure of the throne from Emperor Enri IV by his nephew, Lyon I. Though Lyon had much of the peasants' and lower-class military's support, the new Emperor is already facing opposition in the form of the discontent established nobility, enraged by their loss of land and influence, who view the "Peasants' Emperor" with great distrust.
Most of Larcania's peasantry work in farms of grain and vegetables or raising various types of livestock. Being the successor state of Adhemar the Crusader's realm of Adém, the people of Larcania are deeply religious and the clergy wields a large share of power both in daily life and in the country's rule. The clergy is also known to recruit pious (or opportunistic) adventurers on "Minute Crusades", missions that include retrieval of sacred artifacts, protection of communities, and clearing of dangerous locations for the foundation of monasteries and churches.


Full Title Umbral Duchy of Loon
Ruler Evan Umbrosius I Loon, 3rd Duke of Loon
Capital Hitchcock
Primary Religion Solism

The Umbral Duchy of Loon (LOON) is a small coastal country situated between the fertile lands of Mesterre and the enchanted valleys of the Seven Dells. Despite their geographic and cultural proximity, the Emperor of Larcania has never made a move for the lands of Loon, mostly owing to the latter's reputation: anyone who's ever been to Loon could confidently tell you the Duchy is haunted.
A silver, lightless moon rising over a foaming, icy river; superstitious townsfolk huddling over the carcasses of cattle, discussing a bestial culprit in hushed tones; a raving baron ordering the construction of alien monuments, speaking the name of a being long forgotten; such is the Umbral Duchy of Loon: mystery, horror, and intrigue run rampant between its borders. Some attribute the dark environs to a curse laid long ago by a malign warlock; others believe it to be the home for a rift to some aberrant plane of existence; and yet a few claim Loon to be the final resting place for one slain god, its unhallowed blood corrupting the land to its core. Some say it is all of them at once. Whichever the cause, none can deny the supernatural effect of the land, and none reside there for too long of their own volition.


Full Title State of Verdent
Ruler The Council of Verdent
Capital Cinmayath
Primary Religion Solism

The State of Verdent (ver-DAN, Elvish: Verethan) is a country situated in the southeastern end of Mesterre, dominated by forests and hills and noted for its large Elven population. Adventurous elves that joined Adhemar the Zealot on his crusade to Mircor found these lands reminiscent of their ancestral homes, and drove the local sylphs away to settle here. When time came to win freedom from the Larcanian Empire, the Council of Verdent declared its independence as a matter of fact, and no leader of the Larcanian army would agree to go an quell the peaceful "uprising".
Under Larcanian rule, Verdent was governed by the Council of Verdent, a 25–member strong council comprised of landed nobles, Elven elders, guildmasters, and Larcanian overseers. With the transition to independence, the Larcanian council members have been replaced ambassadors from various neighbouring nations, and the Council became the state's ruler with no single person claiming leadership of the entirety of Verdent.

The Vórberget[edit]

Full Title Kingdom of the Vórberget
Ruler Queen Kragbrynn Fríforar
Capital Ironhall
Primary Religion Ancestor worship

The Kingdom of the Vórberget (VOR-ber-gyet, Mirkorsprak: Vórbergriket) is one of Larcania's largest successor states, ruling over much of the Vórberget and its surrounding plains and valleys. The Vórberget is considered the ancestral home of dwarves on Mircor, who, according to legend, reached the continent centuries ago through a massive network of underground tunnels that has since been lost to time. The dwarves of the Vórberget begrudgingly accepted the rule of Adhemar's armies to prevent unnecessary bloodshed, but proved exceptionally resilient to religious conversion attempts and were eventually left alone to worship their ancestors, so long as they paid tribute and allowed Nolrandite officials to remain in control. Similarly, the people of the Vórberget were initially reluctant to take up arms in the name of their freedom as rebellion in Larcania seemed imminent, but were stirred into action by a charismatic iron miner named Kragbrynn, who was later installed as their queen and given the title Fríforar, Freedom-bringer.

The Seven Dells[edit]


Full Title Kingdom of Covendell
Ruler Queen Elspeth "the Red" Cormont
Capital Loden's Deep
Primary Religion Faeric Druidism

The Kingdom of Covendell (KAV-en-dell) is a kingdom located on the far north-western end of Mircor, on the Covendell Peninsula, though its sovereignty extends to the Isles of Kent off its tip and, via personal union, over neighbouring Dunfaer. According to legend, the first human colonizers to Mircor from a land lost to time made landfall here, where they encountered tribes of Elves inhabiting what they described as the Seven Dells - descendants of fey that were mesmerized by the place's unique magical power.


Full Title Petty Kingdom of Dunfaer
Ruler Queen Elspeth "the Red" Cormont
Capital Craneton
Primary Religion Faeric Druidism

The Petty Kingdom of Dunfaer (DAN-fir) is a small state on the mid-western coast of the Covendell peninsula, home to the Dell of Craneton. Originally a Tribal Federation ruled by a High Chief like its sibling states Fanfaer and Norfaer, it reformed into a monarchy to accommodate the marriage of High Chief Górmac and Queen Elspeth of Covendell. The Queen instated convoluted succession laws that, upon the former's untimely death, allowed her to rise to the throne of the Petty Kingdom, becoming the direct ruler of both realms.


Full Title United Tribes of Fanfaer
Ruler High Chief Rífna mac Fannaigh the Elder
Capital Emerfont
Primary Religion Faeric Druidism

The United Tribes of Fanfaer (FAN-fir) occupy the southernmost reaches of the Seven Dells, with their borders of sovereignty traditionally stretching between the Sunhome Sea to the west, Emerrun River to the south and east, and Spellcap Mountains to the north. The Tribes are governed by the Curt, a council of druids who elect the most prominent spiritual and military leader to lead their nation every twenty years, on the anniversary of Emerfont's founding by Fannaigh the Faer; should a High Chief die while in office, the Curt jointly rules in its stead until the next election.


Full Title Kingdom of Gendia
Ruler King Villam the Navigator
Capital Gendeshaven
Primary Religion Abyllianism

The Kingdom of Gendia (JEN-di-a, Ostovels: u-Gent) is a moderately-sized kingdom ruling over the eastern half of the Ostovel and the Ironwill Cape. It is home to the easternmost Dell of the Seven Dells, Silvein. The kingdom was founded by Genos of Sarking, a disgraced Litaean merchant prince who sought to leave his estate behind, following rumours of rich and untapped veins of iron and copper to the northwest of Litae. While at first Genos didn't find these, he did discover and take over the Dell of Silvein, the first instance of a Dell being conquered from the hands of the original Covenish settlers. Genos would later lead an expedition to the large isle off the tip of Ironwill Cape, where he would found the legendary Sarking Metalworks, and eventually the Merchant Princeships of West and East Sarking.


Full Title Tribal Chiefdom of Norfaer
Ruler High Chieftainess Aerin nic Nér
Capital Norsdale
Primary Religion Faeric Druidism

The territory of the Tribal Chiefdom of Norfaer (NOR-fer) stretches upon the mid-southern part of the Covendell peninsula. The smallest of the three Faers, it is nevertheless a local trading power, acting as the crossroads between the Faers to the west, Covendell to the north, the Ostokvels to the east, and Mesterre to the south. Fanfaer also boasts a relatively large share of half-elves and other Fey races, who may have been drawn there due to it being a multicultural meeting point.


Full Title Kingdom of Vindia
Ruler King Leovald I d'Anvers
Capital Sovellon
Primary Religion Abyllianism



Full Title Duchy of North Konom
Ruler Duc Mateș II Orovici
Capital Konozan
Primary Religion St. Kon

The Duchy of North Konom (ko-NOM) is a small duchy at the northeastern tip of the peninsula. Inseparably tied to the Order of Beast Slayers of St. Kon, the two entities essentially became one when the Order's grandmaster, Geriausia Verseliausia Mateș Orovici, inherited the duchy from his uncle Tamaș.


Full Title Kingdom of Litae
Ruler King Kazimor IV Vitrillov
Capital Wilting
Primary Religion Abyllianism

The Kingdom of Litae (li-TEY, Litaeska: Litae) is a highly mercantile kingdom that covers most of the western Trysakys peninsula. The lands of the Trysakys peninsula were mostly left untouched by Adhemar the Zealot's army as they struggled to consolidate their many holdings in Mesterre, and the crusader torch was picked up again several decades later by one of Adhemar's inheritors, a knight only known as Letho, who rallied the pious under her on a new crusade to conquer the Trysakys peninsula from the many monsters that occupied it beforehand. Letho made few efforts to centralize rule, leaving many smaller titles for followers who proved themselves worthy, and the land was only consolidated as Litae many years later as a rich merchant purchased a minor title on the Neck of Trysakys and convinced other nobles and merchants to submit to his rule in return for the promise of a share of his riches.


Full Title Princedom of Varacka
Ruler Prince Zigmas III Zigmaski
Capital Kobleno
Primary Religion Abyllianism


Full Title Princedom of Zdolon
Ruler Princess-Consort Odeta Zigmaski
Capital Dresnow
Primary Religion Abyllianism

The Islands[edit]


Full Title Republic of Kodomo
Ruler Supreme Speaker Ardvad Krostoch
Capital Paxalux
Primary Religion Varied

Little does the war and strife of mainland Mircor affect the Republic of Kodomo (ko-DO-mo), the nation that occupies the Forward Isles southeast of the Mircoran mainland. Founded in an unknown era long before the first humans reached Mircor, the Kodomo are a nation of musicians and historians, observing and recording the deeds and fortunes of those around them. Kodomo embassies rise where remnants of history can be found, so while the Republic's territory doesn't extend beyond the Forward Isles, its influence is felt and respected around the continent and beyond.


Full Title Crown Dependency in the Korland Isle
Ruler Governor Claudio di Adorno
Capital Capo di Nebbio
Primary Religion Abyllianism

East Sarking[edit]

Full Title Merchant Princedom of East Sarking
Ruler Prince Genos III Sarkinov
Capital New Sarking
Primary Religion Abyllianism

West Sarking[edit]

Full Title Merchant Princedom of West Sarking
Ruler Prince Kazys II Sarkinov
Capital Olovara
Primary Religion Abyllianism

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