Minor Wizard (5e Feat)

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Minor Wizard

Prerequisites: Intelligence 13 or higher
You decide to study magic from old folios and textbooks or from the words of ancient wizards. However, you don't have much time, so you only have time to learn the basics.

1. Bonus Spells: You get access to 1 additional Level 1 wizard spell and 1 wizard spell. These spells do not count towards your limit of known or prepared spells and can be cast using your existing spell cells. The basic spell characteristic for these spells and those recorded in the arcane book is Intelligence.

2. Magic Focus: You gain the ability to use a wizard's magic focus(wand, staff, or similar item). This allows you to ignore spell components at no cost, providing you with convenience and flexibility when casting spells.

3. Creating an arched book: You can create an arcane book (similar to a wizard's spell book). Writing spells in an arcane book requires the same time and cost as for wizards, but its volume is 2 times less (instead of 100 pages, there are only 50).

- You can write and copy spells from scrolls to the arcane book (regardless of your class) that you encounter or that you study. This requires the time and cost of components similar to recording spells by a wizard.
- You can use your arcane book to prepare spells as if you were a wizard. The number of spells you can prepare is equal to your caster level + Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
- If you lose the arcane book, you can recreate it from memory. It takes 1 hour for each spell level recorded in the book and requires components worth 50 gold coins per spell level.

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