Mighty Bow (5e Equipment)

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Mighty Bow

Martial Ranged Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Mighty Bow 180 gp 2d6 piercing 8 lb, Ammunition (range 60/80), finesse, heavy, loading special, two-handed

A mighty Bow is made to be much thicker and sturdier than a standard longbow, able to shoot larger arrows at a much higher velocity, albeit at a shorter range.

Special. If you have a Strength score lower than 15, you have disadvantage on attack rolls made with this bow.

Loading Special. In addition, you can try to reload the weapon as a bonus action. Make a Strength (Athletics) check against a DC of 15, reloading the bow on a success.

Expensive. A character can never gain this weapon as starting equipment from their class.

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