Medusa's Glare (5e Trap)

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Medusa's glare[edit]

This is a complex trap meant for players levels 7 and up. It is a dangerous threat, appearing as a long hallway with a medusa's head carved Into the opposite wall. While it is a carving, it contains the powers of the true creature.

Trigger. A hidden pressure plate that looks like the floor.

Effect. If someone steps on the pressure plate, the carved medusa's head's eyes will glow and shoot a laser through the hall. Everyone in the hallway will need to make a DC 14 Dexterity save. if you fail the save, you will need to make a DC 16 Constitution save. On a failure, you turn to stone and are petrified. on a save, you become restrained instead, and need to make another Constitution save on your next turn. becoming petrified on a failure, and ending the effect on a save.

Countermeasures. If you get a success on the Dexterity save, you aren't petrified or have to make the con saves. Placing a metal spike underneath the plate, the trap is disabled.

(one vote)

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