Master of Constellations (5e Feat)

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Master of Constellations

Prerequisites: 8th level Druid, Circle of Stars
While your Starry Form is active, you gain additional benefits based on your level, and which constellation is active.

At 8th level, you fire one additinal arrow while the Archer is active, you can heal one additional target whenever you cast a healing spell while the Chalice is active, and you gain a breath attack that deals a number of d6 or Radiant damage equal to half of your Druid level, which recharges on a 5-6, or after 3 rounds.

At 13th level, you gain abilities that allow you to sacrifice resources to empower your constellations. When you use the Archer's ability, you can sacrifice a spell slot. Each bolt deals an additional amount of d6 of Radiant damage equal to the sacrificed spell's level. When you cast a healing spell while the Chalice is active, you can sacrifice a spell slot to do one of two things; cause your chalice healing to apply to an additional number of targets equal to the spell slot expended, or increase the Chalice healing by a number of d8 equal to the spell slot extended. When you use the breath weapon granted to you by the Dragon, you can sacrifice a spell slot to increase the damage of your breath weapon by a number of d6 equal to the spell slot sacrificed, and increase the DC of the breath weapon by half of the spell level sacrificed, rounded down.

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