Mantle of the Inquisitor (3.5e Equipment)
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Mantle of the Inquisitor: This is the formal robe of an inquisitor. It strengthens the resolve of the wearer and surrounds him with a fearful aura. This provides him with a +3 insight bonus to Intimidation checks and a +1 insight bonus to Will saves.
If the robe belongs to an inquisitor who is an official representative of a force of law, it is likely to be embroidered with symbols of rank, indicating the inquisitor’s status and power. In societies where inquisitors play an important role, it could be a crime to wear a mantle of the inquisitor unless you are a representative of the law.
Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, cause fear; Weight: 1 lb.; Market Price: 1,550 gp
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