Magic Tattoo (3.5e Equipment)
Magic Tattoo: Mystical Tattoo
10 kinds, all have the same cost. Receiving the same tattoo more than once does not increase the effects.
1. Agnocite Tattoo Agnocite Tattoos can be used tohide the wearer from divine magic, both infernal and holy. The tattoos are only effective if at least 25% of the wearer’s body is covered. The wearer becomes partially resistant to divine magic, but cannot control this effect. They are as resistant to enemy magic as that of allies, and may disrupt such magics when nearby, 25% chance.
The tattoos do not require any special form or pattern, and the artist’s skill level is largely irrelevant.
2. Conductive Tattoos These appear as a fine network of lines, usually metallic or white, which although do not cover the entire body, are found everywhere. They may be interleaved with other tattoos, forming borders or edges and extend to the soles of the wearer’s feet.
The tattoos provide the wearer with resistance to positive energy, such as lightning. This effect will interfere with the wearer using such magic, making it more likely to be used by those who regularly fight with magic users.
3. Mirochromite Tattoos Made from ground Mirichromite, tattoos made from this substance are quite useful to the wearer. It retains its color-changing ability in presence of magic and provides valuable, subtle knowledge to the wearer. Frequently it is used on the hands, making detection easier to spot. (Functions as Detect Magic, glowing brighter when the "wearer" draws closer)
4. Orthacarium Tattoos These tattoos are used by the Brotherhood of the Shadow. This organization of night-dwellers pledge to remain in the darkness, much like the Vampires that they idolize. The tattoos are a demonstration of their devotion to night and shadow. The larger and more prominent the tattoo - and therefore more dangerous, the greater the respect given to the member. The form is unimportant, but usually has grim subject matter. Vampires are now hesitant to feed on you, but werewolves will generally attack on sight, +2 to stealth checks.
5. Pantarbe Tattoos
To be useful, the tattoo should cover 40% of the wearers skin, and be exposed to full sunlight. When so exposed, the wearer will have their mass reduced by the same amount.
While unable to provide enough lift for flight, the wearer will be capable of powerful jumps and leaps, and various other feats of acrobatics. Given mechanical assistance, gliding and even flight may be possible, and falling is far less of a threat for the wearer. This reduction in mass also serves to reduce the wearer’s effectiveness in melee as they no longer have as much mass to add momentum to strikes. +2 to hit with melee weapons, subtract up to 40% from your weight, +2 acrobatics and jump checks.
6. Slayer Tattoos A small snake tattoo that when touched by or to someone else, will transfer to them. It will move from the point of contact towards the victim’s throat.
The Tattoo can be physically removed, but there is little time to react before it inflicts a poisonous bite on the neck. Amputation and flaying are both options. The tattoo moves at about 1 inch per 10 seconds, adjusted to match your game system.
These are quite dangerous to the wearer, for if they are not transferred to someone before the next sunrise, the snake will begin its attack on the wearer.
The tattoos are typically created as snakes or other venomous creatures, but this is purely a choice of the artist. They are created from a powerfully toxic ink created from arsenic and various plant extracts. It's bit is always inflicted at the neck, and is fatal in 24 hours unless they are healed by Minor/Major Miracle, or Minor/Major Wish, or Remove Disease.
7. Tattoo Lupinius Perhaps a rather involved process for shapechanging, invented by the Druids of Melanthuul, you tattoo upon yourself the fur or feather patterns of the desired animal-form. These tattoos take a very long time to complete properly, but once complete grant near effortless transition between human and animal forms. Transforming is a standard action. Only forms within 1 size category of you may be chosen.
8. Utterblack Tattoos
Tattoos made from this substance have both aesthetic and magical attributes. The deep, unyielding black penetrates fully through the skin, never fading with age and keeping a crisp edge. The supernatural aspect of the ink fortifies magics so inscribed. Care must be taken not to bring too much utterdarkness into one place, for it brings madness with it. Choose a spell when this tattoo is inscribed, that spell's effectiveness is now doubled, and you gain a +8 to hit with that spell.
9. Visage Diabolic
People are well versed in the dangers of speaking the names of devils and demons, so how could one ignore the dangers of their images? This danger would extend also to tattoos which clearly depict or bring to mind the specific entities.
Powerful Diabolists use these, either on themselves or their minions, to help spread diabolic influences.
The Tattoos are crafted from inks produced using various crushed Gems of the Underworld. The process takes significant time, especially since the tattoo should be large for clear visibility (at least 30%).
The bearer gains a 3d4 natural claw attack, resistance to fire, and resistance to negative energy.
10. Visage Morteus
When tattoo dyes are combined with the use of Darkwater, the wearer will become ‘undead’ from the perspective of the undead. As a result, such large tattoos are used by necromancers and others associated with the undead. Fear related magic used by the wearer is also enhanced.
The wearer is almost certain to rise as undead when slain.
The bearer will reserect when killed, losing its constitution score, negative 2 strength. And gains +4 to all intimidate or to cast fear-related spells.
Weak. Enchanting.; CL 3rd; The ability to cast 2nd level spells, knowledge of tattooing or drawing.; Cost 100gp, Magical Inks costing 20sp, and 8 hours to create and enchant the tattoo.; Weight: 0 lb.; Market Price: 150gp
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