Magic Blacksmith (5e Feat)

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Magic Blacksmith

You master the art of smithing and metalworking through magical means. You gain the following benefits:

  • Your spellcasting stat is incresed by 1.
  • You gain proficiency in smith's tools, if you are proficient already, then you may double your proficiency for any cheks you make with the smith's tools.
  • When you are making a smith's tools check, you may add your Arcana modifier.
  • You can craft items using smith's tools at a increased rate of (10 + your Intelligence modifier) gp per day.
  • Your knowledge of arcane weapons allows you to see their weaknesses. As a bonus action, you can make a smith's tools check to learn about the construction of a magic weapon. You can then make an attack to attempt to destroy the item.

(2 votes)

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