Magelight Stone (3.5e Equipment)

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Magelight Stone: When the command word is uttered, this stone sheds light as per the cantrip Light until commanded to stop. If the effect is dispelled, it is suppressed as normal for a magic item and must then be manually re-activated by uttering the command word again. The stone must be in contact with the one uttering the command word to turn on or off; simply tapping the stone will suffice.

While the stone is normally held in one's hand, it can just as easily be affixed to a staff or set into jewelry, just to name a few possibilities. If the stone is placed into a bullseye lantern while active, the reflective sides of the lantern double the range of the light (both bright and dim), but narrows the effect to a cone shape as normal for a bullseye lantern.

Weak Evocation; CL 3; Craft Wondrous Item, Light; Cost 175 gp, 14 XP

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