Long Rests are Downtime (5e Variant Rule)

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To gain the benefits of a long rest you must spend at least 16 hours in an area of hospitable civilization, such as a town or city, and do nothing as stressful as combat. As part of this long rest you:

  • Must expend 1 gp on living expenses, unless you have otherwise earned free room and board.
  • Regain all hit points.
  • Regain all Hit Dice, rather than only half.
  • Gain adequate food, water, sleep, hygiene, and shelter.
  • Resupply "bundles" of individual petty consumable items that cost less than 1 sp each—such as chalk, parchment, arrows, or water—at no additional expense.
  • Can buy any common items for their listed cost, and sell any common items for half their listed cost. You can't sell anything with a cost of less than 1 sp per item. Trade goods are instead sold for their full cost.

If since your last long rest you have gained experience points, gained inspiration, or found a new magic item you are inspired enough to undertake one downtime activity of your choice as part of this long rest. Otherwise you gain only the normal benefits listed above.

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