Limit Breaking (5e Variant Rule)

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Limit Breaking[edit]

this rule permits some spells to have their limits broken by additional spell slots.

This rule consists in:

  • having spells do diferent effects based on your class, race, feats, or anything that defines your character, even personality.
  • more tasteful and better efects per spell, permiting action economy in exchange for more spell slots or other resources.
  • not limiting a spell's creative ideas that come along the way.

how it works:

limit breaking a spell consists in trading a amount of spell slots for diferent efects for each spell that change based on yor class, spell slots level, race, materials and more, while keeping the original spell effect.

the spell consumes extra spell slots, and gains additional efects.

each spell break have diferent names, and one spell can have more than one way to limit break itself. if the caster does not meet the criteria, It may not use the limit breaking feature. if the caster meet two diferent criteria or more for a limit break on the same spell, the caster can choose to use any of them, or multiple at the samee time, using the amount of spell slots required for each effect.

A character may learn this feature with enough study, a divine revelation, in the heat of a tough battle, or even in a dream. either the DM or the Player may create their own version of limit break. If a Player is creating a limit break, it must be in direct contact with the DM when doing so, for the balancing and fun of the game.

after you use this feature, you must pass a Constitution saving throw ( 10 + the sum of each extra spell slot level used on a spell) to resist agaist the spell's drainig effect. in a fail, you cannot use another limit break before a short or long rest. If you are using more than one limit break for the same spell, you add the extra spell slots level sum in the saving trow.


  • fireball; Limit Break: Burn the diference- if the caster of this spell is a gnome or halfling, the caster may use one adittional 2nd level spell slot, and one adittional 3rd level spell slot when you use this spell. The spell area of effect create a colossal barrage of flames that explode in an mushroom form, any creature in the fireball area automatically fails the dexterity saving trow if they would take half damage in a fail and no damage in a sucess, and take an adittional 9d6 fire damage. if the creature is small or smaller, this effect does not afect it, any creature that is higer than small takes 3d6 extra fire damage per heigh category bigger than small.


  • fireball; Limit Break: Heat in Hights- if you are casting this spell and your current size is large or higher, the caster may use two adittional 4nd level spell slot and one adittional 1st level spell slot. when you cast the spell this way, for 1 minute, a 60 ft radious of the spell is under extreme heat for 10 minutes. each hostile creature on a 60 ft radious of the spell are on the heating area. they must make a constitution saving throw on the beginning of their turns, in a fail they suffer one point of exaustion up to 3 for every turn they pass inside the 60 ft area, small or smaller creatures make this save with disadvantage. they recover all the exaustion points done by this spell in a short or long rest. any creature that has a point of exaustion takes 1d6 extra fire damage on the beginning of their turn, small or smaller creatures take 2d6 fire damage instead. creatures that are resistant or immune to fire damage or heat effects automatically pass the saving throw.

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