Lilitu's Hat (3.5e Equipment)
Lilitu's Hat: Similar to Keita's hat on SWO Abridged
The apparently normal looking hat is a prized demon gift. This item will grant a +4 sacred bonus to Charisma until the owner is alone. A representative for the demon will appear with a Pact for the owner to sign.
If no agreement is reached, the representative and the hat vanish (cease to exist as far as the observer can tell). Once the full terms are agreed to, the hat will bestow all the benefits described below in addition to the original Sacred bonus:
+6 enhancement bonus to Charisma, +4 morale bonus to Charisma, +4 profane bonus to Charisma, +16 competency bonus to the seven Charisma based skill checks, and a +1 unnamed bonus to Charisma.
As long as the character possesses the hat, the demon’s name (written in an ancient language) appears as a mark somewhere on the character’s body somewhere that’s easily hidden. The recipient of a demon’s mark cannot see it. As long as the character possesses the hat, the demon can monitor the character’s condition and location as if she had placed a status spell on that character. She can communicate telepathically with the character at all times, despite any intervening distance (even across planes), and by concentrating can observe the world around the character as if she were there in his place. The demon will use this ability to influence and trick a character into performing chaotic or evil acts. Accepting a lilitu’s hat is a chaotic act and could have repercussions on the recipient’s alignment.
Strong; (DC 21) Transmutation; CL Unknown; Craft Wondrous Item, Righteous Aura, Snowsong, Nixie’s Grace; Cost 91,425 gp; Weight: 1 lb.; Market Price: 182,850 gp and possibly your soul
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