Kiss of Death (5e Variant Rule)

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Kiss of Death[edit]

Sometimes a a Dragon, Mephit, Dragonborn adventurer, or even some other creature under the effects of the dragon's breath spell can become sufficiently infuriated by a single creature, and so may forgo any tactical advantage of striking more than one enemy with a single attack, and blasts their entire breath weapon, point blank, into said single creature's mouth to deal as much damage as possible. This is the Kiss of Death (not to be confused with a Death Kiss).

To perform a Kiss of Death, a creature must have a breath weapon and be grappling another creature, referred to as the target. Whether as an action or in place of an attack during an attack action, the creature can lock mouths with the target and exhale their breath weapon, which only affects the target. The target automatically fails any saving throw imposed by the breath weapon and suffers the maximum possible damage the breath weapon can inflict, for example, a Red Dragon Wyrmling's breath weapon normally deals 7d6 fire damage or half as much to creatures that succeed a saving throw, but using a Kiss of Death could instead let it deal a guaranteed 42 fire damage to a single target it is grappling.

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